Farming, Saturday, May 12,1970 i: Custom farming rates are up an average of 7 to 10 per cent this year, according to statistical in formation compiled by Penn State University. rates announced UNIVERSITY PARK Machinery custom fanning rates for Pennsylvania have been compiled by Neil Woodward, agricultural statistician at Penn State University. The custom rates shown are the averages from voluntary reports by custom operators throughout the state. Most of the rates are stated per acre, ton, bale or bushel, rather than per hour, to reduce the variation due to machinery size. Individual rates vary due to dif ferences in working conditions, services performed, or even the operator’s eagerness to do custom work. Therefore, the average rates shown should not be con sidered absolute indications of fair charges. Average rates are shown for most items by two regions of the state, labeled “mountain” and “valley.” The dif ference in rates between regions reflect variations in terrain, soils, and alternative opportunities for the labor and equipment used. Figures labeld “The State” represent straight averages of all reports, regardless of geographical location. Most custom rates are higher this year, up an average of 7 to 10 per cent from last year. Some differences bet ween rates, especially for jobs that were lightly represented in the survey, may occur due to sample variation. This is variation caused by a different sample of reporters answering the survey this year. Some rates for jobs other than those asked on questionnaire were volunteered by some reporters. Some examples are: 1. Post driving, $.65 per post; 2. Chisel plowing, $B.OO per GRAIN BIN SALE Aj* / > GRAIN SYSTEMS Rl. LEBANON, PA. 17042 PHONE; 717-866-4906 or 866-4555 acre; 3. snow plowing (Jeep with 6-foot blade), $27.00 per hour; 4. Stacking com fodder, $12.00 per hour. Following are the rates reported. • Roof Ladder Safety R : (Turn to Page 140) INCLUDES: We Are Now An AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ISUZU INDUSTRIAL / AUTOMOTIVE M Model QD27,27 hp Engine: 2 cylinder, 3 main bearings. sss D & K DIESEL POWER ROBERT WEBER P.O. lox 307, Bowmansville, Pa. 17507 WITHOUT YOU, THE FAMILY FARM MIGHT END UP IN SOMEONE ELSE'S FAMILY. A significant portion of your farm may have to be sold in order to raise cash necessary to pay the taxes on your estate. You’ve put a lot into your land. At MONY, we can help your heirs keep it. Send the coupon below for more information. MONY FOR THE FUTURE. The Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York L. TERRY LAZARUS & ASSOC. 14 Lexington Drive Shrewsbury, PA 17361 <717)235-4272 (301)821-7100 I would like information on MONY's programs for farmers and ranchers Name ______ Address City State Zip Phone DIESEL ENGINES FROM 27 TO 145 H.P MAIN FEATURES: Alternator AC Voltage Regulator Starter Exhaust Outlet Air Inlet Flywheel Housing Flywheel SAE Oil Pan Water Outlet Fan (6 Blade) •(2) 471 Detroit Diesels Phone: 215-445-7418 Model QD40,40 hp Engine: 3 cylinder, 4 main bearings. •(1)371 Detroit Diesel