10—tancMter Farming, Saturday, April 21,1979 The Pennsylvania Poultry Federation obviously has its act together, and they deserve a tip of the hat for it. Thursday evening marked the fourth straight year that I was privileged enough to be able to at tend PPF's annual fund-raising dinner. Every year it's impressive and first-class. What’s most phenomenal of all is that each year the event keeps on attracting more and more people. ON El Lesson for April 22, 1979 Background Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-28. Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. TO CONTROL WEEDS IN SMALL GRAIN Wheat and barley growers may want to do something about the weeds in their fields. We often get serious weed infestation in our winter grains. If the field has not been seeded down to clover or alfalfa, or other legumes, several herbicides can be used. The time to spray is usually when the RURAL ROUTE By Tom Armstrong HOW, IF YOU PONT HAVE THE COMPUTER READOUT, THE FATBACK FOR THE UTTER CAN BE POUND BUT FINDING- THE RATIO OF THE MASS Of A HOMOaENEOUS PORTION OF MATTER TO ITS Volume, are there Any questions ? Congratulations , poultrymen The great gift of Judaism to humanity is the conviction that is expressed so clearly in what is called the Shema: “Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4). Both Christianity and Islam appropriated this belief in the oneness of God. Even the doctrine of the Trinity, when rightly understood, is a testimony to that essential oneness. And if Judaism has proclaimed the oneness of God, Christianity has af firmed that conviction and gone on to proclaim another essential oneness: humanity! This is evident in plants are in the 3 to 6 leaf stage and when 3 to 6 inches high. Some common materials include 2,4-D amine or low-volatile ester, MCPA, and Banvel D. Growers should refer to the 1979 Agronomy Guide for details, or contact their local Extension Agent. Small grain weeds can be con trolled with proper tuning and amounts of material TO SHEAR SHEEP Too many sheep in this part of the country carry their fleeces too long into the spring. We again urge sheep producers to get those sheep Q/mutkmc now"?. Maybe that shouldn’t be so sur prising, since the poultry business in Pennsylvania is expanding. But at $75 per ticket, it says something about the dedication poultrymen have for their industry. J think it’s terrific that so much support is given to an agricultural association. That’s exactly what’s needed if farmers - whether they’re poultrymen or not - expect to hold their rights in a world which is nutting more and more of a squeeze on them. the teaching of Jesus. In Luke 10 a lawyer asks, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus replies: “What is written in the law? How do you read?” and the lawyer answers with a quotation from the Deuteronomy passage: “You shall love the Lord your God...and your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus’ responds: “You have answered right; do this and live” (10:25-28), affirming both the oneness of God and the oneness of a man with his neighbor. Varieties of Gifts Paul also affirms this oneness of humanity when sheared before hot weather arrives. The milking ewes will be better Mothers when out of the fleece. Wool prices are more favorable this spring and are worthy of good care and attention. The nearby wool pools are good markets for quality wool. When the sheep are sheared they should be dry and the fleeces tied with the flesh side out using paper twine. Store the wool in a clean dry place until taken to market. The income from wool is one of the two sources of income for the sheep producer; we urge some attention to improved wool care at this time of the season. TO CHECK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM Homeowners with sluggish disposal systems might want to check the septic tank and drain field system. This is Editor; A comment about the wind tractor. Some people take Halloween as a legal excuse to destroy or mess up the property of others. And some use April 1 as a legal excuse to lie. As far as needing such stories, read the Bible to keep faith and be calm. The truth is honourable. Lies Etejse give us an -r - - Sincerely, Aaron Hertzler Charlotte Hall, Md. Editor: Your “wifid-powered editorials of April 7 and 14, tractor” is another about the accident at the L w., COMMENTS FROM READERS Poultrymen,. cattlemen, dairymen, orchadists, or what have you, they’re all subjected to the growing com plaints of suburban neighbors and entanglements of flourishing bureaucracies. It’s commonly agreed that one farmer standing alone can’t effectively hold back the threats to his liyelihod. That’s why we need organizations such as the Penn sylvania Poultry Federation. That's why it’s great that PPF is enjoying the support that it has received over he writes to the church at Corinth. If any church ever needed to be reminded of its oneness, Corinth was the place. The congregation was split into factions and each person seemed to be keenly aware of that which made him or her different from others in the church. They looked upon their diversity of gifts and saw only then separateness. Paul, however, asks them to take another look at those same gifts and realize that behind the diversity there is but one Source: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of often a sign of trouble and needed attention. Engineers suggest that we should check the amount of solids in a septic tank every 2 or 3 years. Directions for doing this can be found in our Extension Circular titled, “Home Sewage Disposal”. If the solids build up in the septic tank, and overflow into the drain field area, then it also gets clogged and the system will not work. With some of our heavy soils in this part of the country, these drain fields do not absorb moisture too well at their best. Protect your disposal system by frequent checking and possible cleaning out every several years. TO PREVENT MASTITIS This udder infection is one of the most serum-problems in too many dairy herds. A recent survey indicates the milestone of your unique and breathtaking milestones of accomplishments. Who will forget your helicopter manure spreader, and now this great step forward! It should definitely put you in the forefront to receive the Nobel Prize, plus the gratitude of all non-Arab countries! Keep it up! Sincerely, George Plitt Addison, N.Y. Editor: I am in agreement with the the years. They deserve to be ad mired for what they have ac complished and are doing daily for , Pennsylvania's egg, broiler and turkey farmers. Something could be learned from the pattern that PPF is setting, it would be wise for the rest of us to take notice of their act. service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in everyone” (12:4-6). The Body of Christ Paul is not asking them to become one • they are one whether or not they realize it - but to recognize then oneness in Christ and live their lives accordingly. It is as ludicrous for Christians to think they do not need each other as it is for the various parts of the human body to think that they can “go it alone.” Thus, because we are one in Christ, we are also one with each other. average loss per cow in 33 states including some 9 million cows was $117.00 per cow per year. Most of this loss occured because of less milk production from the infected cow. In 1976 this loss amounted to over a billion dollars in the United States. At our recent milking schools it was stressed that Farm Calendar Monday, April 23 Hunterdon County Horse and Pony Association meets, 8 p.m. at the Extension Center, Flemington, N.J. Elizabethtown-Donegal C ommunity 4-H Club organizational meeting 7:30 p.m. at the home of RoySauder. Tuesday, April 24 Maryland Agricultural Land power plant and the press and many people blowing this out of proportion and especially about the much greater destruction we have so far seen through the misuse of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. I would add to that the bad programs on television. We may often feel sure we are right about things, but we still should be tolerant of the opinions of others, I appreciate very much the conservative editorials in this paper. Sincerely, D Fisher Qnarryville ► If that is so, then we need only to begin to .act out our oneness with each other; “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together" (12:28). We need each other - far more than we usually realize - and we all have something to contribute to the common good because God gives his spiritual gifts to all his children. So I need you and you need me and the diversity of our gifts, backgrounds and ways cannot erase the oneness with which the One God has made us. more dairymen should pay more attention to prevention of this infection in their' cows. It can be prevented with proper management and attention. Dairymen with the problem are urged to consult with their veterinarians, Extension Agents, or milking equip ment dealers. Preservation Foundation Board of Directors meeting, Conference Room, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Annapolis, 9:30 a.m. Ephrata Young Farmers bowling party, 7:30 p.m. at Ephrata Recreation Lanes, Boro Hall. Lower Dauphin FFA banquet, 7 p.m. in the school cafateria, Hum melstown. Berks County FFA banquet, 7 p.m. at Kutztown Grange Hall. Wednesday, April 25 New Jersey Holstein Calf and Bred Heifer Sale, Warren County Fairgrounds, Harmony, 7 p.m. Spring educational meeting for fruitgrowers. At the Biglerville State Fruit Research Laboratory, 8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 28 Lancaster County FFA poultry judging contest at the Weaver Egg Plant, Lancaster. Begins at 9 aan. Results posted by 11:30. V