10—Laacastar Famine, Saturday, April 14,1979 Those puffs of rctdiaiion may have made as well as our shortcomings. If Three Mile Island taught us anything, should simply be that God’s creations are fragile and need to be respected. After much negative publicity regarding the nuclear mishap on Three Mile Island, it was thrilling to hear a White House proclamation last week which emphasized that Pennsylvania’s agricultural products areas safe as ever. That’s the kind of boost we needed to regain the confidence of consumers, some of whom were questioning the wholesomeness of the foods they, buy. This thoughtfulness , from President Carter deserves a sincere thank you and a note of praise. Also speaking on the farmers’ behalf was Governor Thornburgh who spoke reassuringly even after minute traces of iodine were found in milk. Cautious in his approach from the very beginning, the Governor provided information tempered with reason rather than emotion. This isa credit to him, as well as cabinet officers who worked closely with him throughout the ordeal. Secretary of Agriculture Penrose Hallowed and Secretary of Environmental Resources Cliff Jones certainly need to be included in any notes' of praise and thanks. Continuing with the distribution of bouquets, thanks once more to President Carter for indicating that there is reason to suspect that the news media overreacted to the events on Three Mile Island. That’s the consensus of quite a few people and for President Carter to make a statement to that effect is indeed newsworthy. EASTER’S “THEREFORE” Lei son for April 15, 1979 Background Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15. Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. TO PROCEED NORMALLY The recent nuclear situation at Three Mile Island will be a topic for discussion for months to come. It is easy to un derstand that many gar deners and farmers will be concerned about the amount of fallout in the soil; numerous phone calls at our Extension Office have inquired about their Spring plantings. To the best of our knowledge the radioactive fallout has not been to the extent of causing any danger And certainly, thanks to all - above all, God - for seeing us through the situation safely. Hundreds of people dedicated countless hours towards a solution of the problem, and while we can’t name them, none should be without our respect. forget that no one was seriously injured as far as is known. Not a soul was lost, and despite the in conveniences and genuine concerns, tangible property damage outside of Three Mile Island appears to be virtually non-existent. That’s not that the radiation leak was nothing to be concerned about. But let us not forget that we have much to be thankful for. And yes, let’s remember that we had much reason for gratitude long before the unfortunate accident on Three Mile Island. Those puftiTbf radiation may have made us more aware of our Some years ago I saw a church bulletin board with the pastor’s Easter Sunday sermon title: “Christ Is Risen! ” Someone had used a piece of soap to write on the glass this response: “SO WHAT?” Actually, it was a rather appropriate question. Perhaps we have too often proclaimed Christ’s resurrection without spelling out sufficiently the “so what?” that goes with it. Is the resurrection simply a happy ending for the gospel story, or is it an event that has some lasting effect upon our lives? to our crops. The monitoring teams have been very active and have not found amounts more than normal. Therefore, I’d suggest that we proceed with our Spring plantings as in former years. The advertising that con demns Pennsylvania products, because of the nuclear situation, is regrettable and without facts. TO BEWARE OF WILD GARLIC The pasture season is approaching when many herds and flocks will be grazing. This is the time when dairymen must be very careful about off flavored milk. Milking cows should be kept off lush In the final analysis, let us not This Life Only? Paul realized that the foundation of the Good News is the resurrection of our Lord and what that event means for us. There are people today who assume that they can have a Christianity without having to accept the resurrection. But Paul knows that without the resurrection, there is no Good News. So, to the Corinthians, he wrote: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain ... Then those who have failed asleep in Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we pastures at least four Pours certainly produce onion before the milking period. If flavored milk and be the the area contains wild reason for rejection. These garlic, milking cows should areas should be grazed by not be grazed. This will dry cows or young stock. RURAL ROUTE mmore blessings,, as well as our short comings. If so, it’s a mark in our favor. Perhaps we will all be a little wiser for what happened on Three Mile Island during the first weeks of Spring 1979. Scientists, and even you and I will undoubtedly learn something from it. Man has a history of learning from his mistakes and overcoming ignorance. That trend didn't end in the Susquehanna River. The escalator towards more knowledge will c6ntinue to move and regardless of whether one is for or against nuclear power, the wheels of progress will continue to turn. Where it will all end is a source of wonder and sometimes even fright. But it would be wrong, I think, to focus all our fears on a nuclear reactor. Admittedly, I shudder to think what radiation could do to my children. Heaven forbid that anyone be harmed by it, from whatever source. But I’m even more con cerned about the destruction - both mental and physical - that’s represented by people hooked on drugs and alcohol and the greed for money. While mankind may have harnessed the atom, he has not conquered the roots of evil which are known to destroy body, mmd, and soul. And cigarette smoke - that stuff is pure murder to a lof of peoples’ throats and lungs! are of all men most to be pitied” ‘ (15:14,18,19). The Gospel, he says, rises or falls on the resurrection. If life is to have any meaning, there must be something beyond this earthly. existance. Theologian John Cobb has said; “Personal existance can matter ultimately, only if it matters everlastingly.” So, to the question of “So what?” we must answer that, because there is a life beyond, the quality of the life here and now can be radically transformed. The significance of the Easter faith is not just that Jesus aware of our blessings, was victorious over death, but that his victory points the way for our own victory. Thus, the Christian’s celebration does not mean simply, “Christ is risen - good for him! ” but “Christ is risen-goodfor us!” Never hi Vain The whole 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians is a stirring treatise on Christ’s resurrection and ours. The climax comes as he sings: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” “0 death, where is thy victory? 0 death, where is thy sting?” The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be Wild garlic control is dif ficult but sprays earlier in the Spring using 2, 4-D will help keep it under control. VOW HAVEN'T LOST YOUR KNACK FOR CALLIN'HOGS OVER- THE YEAIfS. If Three Mile Island has taught us anything, it should simply be that God’s creations are fragile and they are to be respected. Nothing is totally safe or foolproof. Consider water, for example. You can't possibly live without it. But a few gulps can kill you. A little match is something no one would want to be - without. But a careless user can make you wish it was never invented. And worst of all, man himself has the capability to do wondrous things. But a mind, lacking moral standards and warped by drugs or greed or alcohol is the ultimate insult and threat to society. The tiny atom, like anything else, has its beneficial side, I believe. And radiation, though it may frighten us, is natural. It comes forth from sun and even rocks. It’s also beaming out from television sets and watch dials that glow in the dark. In fact, it’s streaming out of this video display terminal into which I’m programming these words. The intent and hope is that no person receives more radiation than is safe. And so, while the giant cooling towers on Three Mile Island are thought of us a huge mistake by some folks, others see them as the triumphant pillars of the future. The fruth lies somewhere between those two extremes. Like everything else - from fire to fertilizer, to drops of water and peoples’ minds - there is a delicate balance involved that must be understood and respected., to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Ah yes, the “victory”! And then what? Paul follows with the most convincing “therefore” that words can convey: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (15:58). Because Christ was victorious, I know that I can be victorious too. And because I can be vic torious over death, ! can also - be victorious in the midst of life. TO INCORPORATE LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY WASTES Many barns and feedlots (TurntoPagelS) By Tom Armstrong I GUESS NOT.., FOUR o'THESE PIGS AREN'T EVEN OURS. it (15:54b-56)