York legislator (Continued from Page 1) that 14 out of the top 15 needed minerals are also imported. He warned that Soviet influence is gradually enwrapping many of the key sources of our energy and mineral suppliers. , Maybe eight years from now, the congressman projects, alternate sources will start becoming realities, as solar, wind power, geothermal and other exotic energy sources have been more perfected. He recommends that the bulk of research and development funds be funnelled . into private sector study, rather than strictly through government energy specialists. Inflation, though, is what goes on early, stays late, costs less. You can spray Princep® + AAtrex® up to two weeks before you plant. And you’ll like our price on this herbicide combination for corn. But you’ll get season-long control of grasses and broadleafs. Fall panicum. Crabgrass. And the tough broadleafs that other combinations let through. PRINCEP + AATREX your best combination for corn. Princep® trademark of CIBA-GEIGY for eimazme AAtrex® trademark of CIBA-GEIGY for atrazme PRIMCEP-AATREX AVAILABLE FROM doodling blames as the nation’s number one problem, closely tied to the energy crunch and the declining world influence of the American dollar. Reducing inflation must be on a fifty-fifty basis of cooperation by the govern ment and the private sector, he says. Fewer regulations, less spending and reduced payroll numbers must be part of federal efforts, but the private sector, en compassing labor and management, must also be willing to help solve budget deficit spending. “I don’t like controls,” doodling insists, “But I suspect that’s where we’re headed.” He warned that trying to balance the budget XOUR LOCAL DEALER Charles Rauhauser overnight will disrupt the 19th congressional district because of the area’s heavy industrial dependency on government contracts. Neither, Goodling says, can he support a con stitutional convention to // demand a law-of-the-land amendement for a balanced budget. A “Con-Con”, as the potential conference has been dubbed, will open up a “real can of worms,” and would sap the budget further through its expenses, as well as hamper the government during an emergency situation. A better alternate, he feels, is through citizen demand for budget balan cing. In reply to an audience question on the recent American Agriculture “tractorcade,” congressman grinned and asked the farmers to come to Washington in force, “but please, not on your trac tors.” “Make your presence known in the halls of Congress,” he urged, “But not on the streets. Come with issues - several issues. We 4 _ 3—^j “ c-_ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 24,1979—25 may not be able to agree on one, but surely we can agree on some of them.” Keeping with the legislative theme were reports from national legislative committee chairman Lou Wambaugh, Delta R 2, and District 8 director Carolyn Rutter, Dover Rl. Both attended a Washington legislative tour sponsored by the Penn sylvania farmers Association on March 14 and 15. the Fanners meeting with their representatives in Washington discussed AAftAA AAAAA AAAAA + AA Mol-Mlx' liquid supplements Quality ingredients addup toa quality product Most of you dairymen know that supple menting your cattles’ diet is a mandatory part of any dairy operation. And you prob ably know that liquid supplementation is the most efficient (and therefore, least expen sive) way of doing it But, what you may not have considered is this: if you’re not using a quality product, your efforts may be in vain. Mol-Mix is made with the finest quality ingredients available, including those which are "performance-oriented” to give you the results you’re looking for. Yet these special ingredients, things like phosphoric acid, ammonium polyphosphate, com distiller’s solubles, and condensed fermented corn extractives, are the very ones that many other supplements lack! You might not realize Just what thesa extra ingredients can do. Drop by your Moi-Mix dealer and let him show you what each adds to the quality of Mol-Mix. But one thing won’t need explaining: the dollar-and-cents advantage of Mol-Mlx. Our quality ingredients mean more net profit for you; some dairymen report as much as four and a half dollars return for every dollar invested in Mol-Mix. Mol-Mix liquid supplements: it all adds up to a lot more quality. IQHK l MARTIN HcCRACKBfS FEED Mill, IHC. New Holland ROl Manheim, PA 17545 Ph: 717-354-5848 Phone 717-665-2186 RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY MAIN OFFICE: 27 N. Church St Quarryville Ph: 786-7361 YOUR Mol-Mix- DEALER legislative priorities which included support for a marketing and bargaining bill, a balanced budget, but not by constitutional amendment, opposition to proposed reorganization of USDA, and the repeal of the Delaney Act, which bans the use of products found to cause cancer in research animals. Div. of Carnation Suck, Pa. Ph: 284-4464