m In minimum till corn... “Banvel Herbkide does a better job.” “Since we started using Banvel her bicide six or seven years ago, we hardly ever see morningglory anymore. We get very good control of thistle. Compared to 2,4-D, Banvel does a better job. It gives a broader range of control of of the more resistant broad leaves’.’ Wayne McGinnis, White Hall. MD 600-700 acres in corn Breck Debnam, Chestertown. MD 2400 acres in corn “It doesn’t make corn brittle even though I use a regulat sprayer. We spray Banvel herbicide right on top, when corn is six inches high. This is the right stage to hit morningglory. My ma jor weed problem is cockle bur... and Banvel herbicide does a nice job on it. Con trol? SUper!” Wayne McGinnis, White Hall, MD “We really started using Banvel herbicide heavy on our no-till weed problems four years ago. Canada thistle is our biggest prob lem ... we went to Banvel herbicide because we got twisted corn with 2,4-D. You have more tolerance with the weather. Banvel is a lot safer than the old 2,4-D’.’ Fred Hubbard. Federalsburg, MD 300 acres in corn. John ‘Buddy’ Burner, Luray, VA 150-200 acres in corn For years, successful minimum-till corn producers have been depending on Banvel to stop tough, resistant, late emerging broadleaf weeds. Banvel is very effective against hard to-kill perennial broadleafs as well as such weeds as Canada thistle (seedlings), morning glory, pigweed, lambsquarter, ragweed, and annual clover. Tank-mixed with atrazine, Banvel knocks out horsenettle or combined with 2,4-D, it will even take care of the super-tough velvet leaf, Canada thistle and many more. Late germinating broadleaf weeds need not lower your corn yields. Follow the lead of other successful Banvel users who have found Banvel herbicide is a much needed “success” ingredient for higher minimum-till corn yields. Velsicol reminds you, before using any pesticide read the label. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 24, “The first time we used Banvel herbicide about four years ago, we got excellent results. Old 2,4-D has been a standby for years. But Banvel herbicide with 2,4-D gives much better control . . . with Banvel herbicide and 2,4-D we’re getting weeds we did not get with 2,4-D alone... Banvel her bicide looks like the most economical way to control problem weeds!’ jPcETI I Banvel I a HEWHOQ6 ■