—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, January 27,1979 28 Farm Bureau president says govt, health care realistic percentage of tlie mitment for the orderly industries have been gross national product.” , reduction of the national severely damaged by ex- The amendment should be debt, he added. cessive, long-time initiated by Congress, regulation, Grant said, “The ratified by the states and best thing that could happen itain a MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - American Farm Bureau Federation President Allan Grant has condemned nationalized health care plans, called for con stitutionally. imposed spending limitations and urged deregulation of the transportation industry. In his address before the 60th annual AFBF meeting here, Grant said, “The theory that the people of this country suffer from a tremendous gap in health care which only the government can bridge is a political fraud. “The opportunity for waste and outright fraud within a national system of compulsory health care would surely produce scandals to make those of medicaid and medicare seem mild by comparison,” Grant said. In calling for spending limitations, Grant labeled them “a force to be reckoned Allen Grant with and an idea whose tune has come.” Grant suggested that the best way to accomplish spending limitation goals would be by an amendment to the U.S. Constitution “limiting the spending authority of Congress to a Use These Atlantic Genetic Power Sires sire IGIIS IGII9 IGI2I 3G130 3G145 3G147 15G98 15G106 1J135 1J137 1J162 IJIB3 1J194 8J77 15J48 15J51 1854 1858 1859 1867 3A86 17A12 * first summary; bull will return to service These Profit-Makers - and more - are available from all our Professional Technicians and Direct-Herd Representatives. -fl'tla.ntic V BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES Member NAL Affiliated Breeders 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Nos. for Service: Pennsylvania 800-732-0391. Lancaster 569-0411 Del. & Md. 800-233-0216 Charging tha. the railroad, airline bus and true!' (January/79 USDA Production Summaries) Ivanhoe Star—VG &GM Jack—VG &GM Gay-EX &GM Rocket—GP &PQ Victor—GP Electron —GP & GM Snowman—EX &GM Stylemaster—VG &GM Kenny—EX &GM Perfection—EX &GM Proud—VG &GM hnprover—VG &PQ Standout—GP &PQ Fleetfoot —VG & GM Educator —VG & GM Comet—GP &PQ Starline—VG &PQ Chief—VG &GM Hercules—VG &GM Marvex—EX &GM Willie—VG &PQ Superior—VG &GM Progressor—GP &PQ Hall—VG &PQ Topper—EX &GM Blend—GP* Titan—VG &PQ Elevator—EX &PQ Boss-VG & PQ Apache—VG * Intense—VG * Mariner—GP * Boots—GP * Sultan—VG * Bootleg—VG &PQ Albert—VG &PQ Performer—GP &PQ Penstar—G &PQ Eric—VG &GM Jo Boy—VG &GM Dolphin Midas CandysWistar Hollirex Choice Nobleman Aladin Favorite Bounty Glory Joe Tris Gen Soldier Boy Lotus Lad Superb Emcee Fiddle Paul Distinction Titan Jack-EX Sophia’s Boy PREDICTED DIFFERENCES milk fat value. + 1,042 +4l +sll4 +757 -5 +s3B + 1,159 +27 +slo3 +2,078 +4l +sl7s +385 -12 +s7 +372 +46 +sBl + 1,036 +l7 +sB3 +451 -2 +s24 +237 +lO +s27 +956 +l5 +s76 +879 +22 +sBo +854 +4 +ss6 + 1,159 +ll +sB3 +458 +4 +s32 + 759 +l5 +s64 + 1,097 +3O +slo3 +791 +2B +sB3 + 1,197 +l2 +sB6 +849 -3 +s46 + 1,167 +36 +slls +556 +6 +s4l + 1,705 +3l +sl4l + 1,189 +1 +s72 +7BO +9 +ssB +545 +22 +s6o +741 -3 +s4o + 1,073 +lB +sB7 +550 +l2 +s4B +726 +l6 +s63 +876 +l7 +s74 +6lO +24 +s67 + 956 +l2 +s72 + 1,022 +25 +s93 + 554 +7 +s42 +933 +1 +ss7 + 1,153 +27 +slo3 +899 +l7 +s7s + 1,283 +5O +sl4o + 1,303 +24 +sloB + 1,130 +22 +s9s no. daus, +325 +295 76 138 73 2,326 290 96 141 91 +469 +906 + 1,435 +BB9 +574 + 1,019 +649 +l,OBl + 705 +893 + 1,438 +662 + 997 +917 24 408 40 +5Ol +32 + 554 +2B +904 +25 +9Ol +2B 58 188 71 20 557 20 +665 +lB +416 +l9 is fraud to the entire transportation industry would be to allow competition back in by turning the government out” + $33 +s32 +s64 + $123 + $157 +sBs + $49 +s99 +s69 + $lOO + $56 + $9O + $139 + $6l + $97 +s62 +s7l + $69 + $B6 + $B9 75% 87% 61% 30% + $62 + $49 95% 48%