In anthracnose country, its SARANAC AR the best alfalfa you can plant! Anlhracnose? Plant Saranac AR and forget about it 1 The Extra Bale Even in hot, humid weather when shirts stick to your back and anthrac nose is sweeping neighboring fields, Saranac AR goes right on producing the extra yields and extra protein farmers expect from an alfalfa named Saranac. It’s bred for your kind of land and your kind of weather. Bred to meet your six to eight ton goals even when ordinary alfalfas are curling 'over and turning yellow-brown. When it comes to bacterial wilt and hard winters, Saranac AR meets them head on. It’s highly wilt resistant; bred foY fast recovery and long-lived stands. Pre-innoculated, of course. Get the Extra Bales with certified Saranac AR. The only one to plant where 'anthracnose threatens ordi nary alfalfas. See your dealer for details. NORTHEAST-BRED 31^31^3 PROTEIN UNLIMITED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 27,1979—10! II