& STEIGER TRACTORS PERFORM PERFORMANCE IS THE MEASURE OF A 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR. ASK AN OWNER OF A STEIGER WHY HE CHOSE TO BUY A STEIGER AND HE’LL TELL YOU: STEIGERS WORK and WORK and WORK! MORE PRODUCTION - LESS DOWN TIME. ASK A STEIGER OWNER. ... ~a ,%»-<; vi. v.*-vaaa. t-‘^j^i. i .*. , Lvv-V^»A IN THE FIELD * J A x vV * . < ~ v. N Livestock market and auction news Pa. Auction Summary Pa. Auction Summary of 12 Livestock Auction Market Reports. January 19,1979 CATTLE 5841. Compared to 5710 last week and 6081 a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers 75 cents to 2.00 higher; si. heifers strong to 1.00 higher; spots 3.00 higher; si. cows 50 cents to 2.00 lower; si. bullocks Temperature control is the most important item to remember in meat cookery, according to USDA home economists. Heat causes loss of moisture, fat and other substances during cooking. However, you might retain some of the meat juices and fat in the pan drippings. Wrap all meat prepared for freezer storage in vapor proof heavily waxed or specially laminated freezer paper. Pack it in convenient family-sized packages tightly sealed to eliminate as much air as possible and label and date it. mcaster Farming, Saturday, January 20,1979 steady to 1.00 lower; si bulls unevenly, steady, spots 50 cents higher; High Choice & Prime YG 3-4 lbs. si. steers 63.25-66.85; Choice YG 2-4 61.50-66.25; Good 59.00-62.00; Standard 55.00-59.50 few Utility 52.00-55.50 Si. heifers 60.00- Good 57.00-60.50; Standard 49.00-57.00. Utility & Commercial si. cows 48.00- 52.50 few 54.50; Cutters 47.00- 50.50, few 52.00; Canner & L. Cutter 42.0049.00, few shells down to 40.00. Choice si. bullocks 60.00-63.50, Good 58.00- few Standard 52.00- Yield Grade #l, 1000-2400 lbs. 59.50-65.50, Yield Grade #2, 900-1600 lbs. 56.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Few Choice 300-700 lbs. steers 67.00- Good & Choice 300-750 lbs. 59.00-69.00. Good & Choice 300-700 lbs. heifers 53.00- CALVES 2630. Compared to 3137 last week and 3759 a year ago. Vealers unevenly steady. Few Prime vealers 112.00- Choice 98.00- 117.00, few 125.00 Good 85.00- 100.00; Standard & Good 90- 120 lbs. 75.00-85.00; 70-90 lbs. 65.00- few 83.00 Utility 50-110 lbs. 45.00-60.00. FARM CALVES; Active. Hoi. Bulls 90-120 lbs. 80.00- 126.00; Hoi. Heifers 90-140 lbs. 80.00-130.00. HOGS 5806. Compared to 6663 last week and 7175 a year ago. Barrows and gilts steady to 1.50 higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 53.75-56.50, No. 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 52.00-55.00; No. 2-3 190-260 lbs. 51.00-52.50, few No. 1-3 140-190 lbs. 42.00- 50.00. Sows 25 cents to 1.00 higher. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 44.00-48.25, No. 2-3 300-650 lbs. 40.0045.00. Boars 28.00- FEEDER PIGS 867. Compared to 1195 last week and 657 a year ago. Feeder pigs unevenly steady. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. 28.0040.00; 35-50 lbs. 33.00-50.00; 50-95 lbs. 50.00- few utility 30-70 lb. 25.00-50.00. GRADED FEEDER PIGS 2513. Compared to 3080 last week and 1508 a year ago. Feeder pigs mostly steady to 5.00 higher, spots 5.00 lower. All sales cwt. US No. 1-2 25 to 40 lbs. feeder pigs 115.00- 135.00; 4045 lbs. 97.00-126.00; 50-60 lbs. 88.00-115.00; 60-80 lbs. 80.00-101.00; US No. 2-3, 3040 lbs. 100.00-109.00 ; 40-50 lbs. 90.00-107.00; 50-60 lbs. 82.00- 60-80 lb. 66.00- 82.00; Utility 3045 lb. 72.00- 101.00. SHEEP 321. Compared to 257 last week and 274 a year ago. Spring or Wooled si. lambs unevenly steady Choice 70-115 lbs. 67.00-78.00, few 93.00; Good 70-110 lbs. 62.00- Slaughter ewes 15.00- few to 42.00. 13