—Lancaster December 23,1978 .2 younger folk Dreams of being a reindeer By KENDACE BORRY Marty the lamb stood in the corner of the barnyard dreaming again As a result, his mother had to come looking for him “Marty," she called. “Where are you and what are you doing 7 You come in for supper right now 1 ” Reluctantly, Marty started for the barn He really didn’t want any supper. All he wanted to do was dream. “Baaaa, what were you thinking about, Marty 7 ’’ his mother asked “About Santa Claus and his reindeer,” Marty answered "When I grow up I want to be one of Santa’s reindeer'” “Haaaa 1 ” Marty’s sister Mary snorted "When you grow up you’re going to be a sheep just like the rest of us You can’t be a reindeer ” Oh, yes I can, thought Marty But he kept his thoughts to himself and quietly ate his hay. But Marty had already made up his mind that come Christmas Eve, he was going to run away with Santa and become one of his famous flying reindeer He was sure that Santa would take him, if he would only ask. Hadn’t he been practicing his leaps and bounds since last Summer 7 All he needed was a little help from Santa and he would be able to fly So when Christmas Eve came, and all the other sheep were in the barn resting and thinking of the presents that they would find in the morning, Marty was standing alone out in the barnyard, shivering and waiting At last he heard a distant sound of sleigh bells, and soon Santa came into sight He landed his sleigh on the barn, slid down the roof, and landed beside the jumping-for-joy Marty “It’s Santa, it’s Santa, it’s really Santa," he kept repeating “Ho ho, ho, my little friend,” Santa laughed "What are you doing up so late 7 Don't you know that all good little sheep should be in the stable 7 ” •“Oh, Santa, I just had to talk to you," Marty baaed out “I want to be a reindeer and go with you every Christmas Eve Won’t you please take me with you, pleeeze 7 " Holiday fun AY H E B See if you can find the following words in the scrambler upk The words run up and down and back and forth. \ x \ ■ Christmas star holly green red presents Santa mistletoe snow reindeer elf J cards merry shepherds merry shepherds manger burro inn' lights evergreens balls E K ice candy cookies turkey family jolly bells lambs cows tinsel ornament