•' Wait 6 til the FBI reads this letter to Santa! With Christmas just around the cornerf the boys have once again dictated a letter to Santa Claus. Following are some excerpts from their message to the jolly old fellow, along with some observations on their thoughts and behavior Paul, 6, starts his letter by making sure Santa will be in a good mood when he reads his letter His salutation is - Dear Santa Claus, you are so nice. Karl, 4, obviously agrees with that „«*■* or 'v O) *P pVn A season to sow, a season to reap Working the land held in our keep With these words, the men and women of farming perform their varied activities throughout the changing seasons each year. I iffe Si While their methods have been revolutionized from previous hard and tedious manual tasks to present modern mechanized efficiency, their role as keepers of the land remains largely unchanged. They prepare, care for and harvest the foundation of life itself Now is their season to plan for yet another season of rebirth of the land As one year ends and another begins, let’s remember these / keepers of the land and the life-giving meanng they impart to the seasons S?i! $ *sd SI A SEASONAL TRIBUTE TO OUR FARMERS AND THEIR FAMILIES FROM YOUR SPERRY NEW HOLLAND DEALER C. E. WILEY & SON INC. assessment. The other day he told his mother he wanted Santa Claus for a Daddy He’s ready to trade me in' Continuing to make sure that he’ll give dear old Santa a highly favorable impression, Paul enclosed “a hundred dollars" which he made all by himself “It’s so you can buy lots of hay for your reindeer,” he in structed Explaining the “hundred dollars” he made all by himself, Paul pointed to the picture in the center QUARRYVILLE, PA. IMffiWWMMMKIMIIIinMIIMimMIIfHMdI Karl and said. “That’s not a girl, that’s George Washington.” I'm sure the IRS and FBI are interested in that information Anyway, Paul proceeds to tell Santa that we moved. We now have a fireplace “I want you to go down our chimney, instead of through the doorway,” the little fellow wrote. Then comes the long list of what he wants for Christmas “I might want a toy flashlight just like our Dad’s, and bring a lot of batteries in case we run out of electricity I'm only going to use it when it’s dark out.” Despite the fact that he can make his own currency, the little fellow nonetheless asked Santa for some play money. “1 go to school,” he continued. “They have great, great, great, great, great, great big blocks that are so large - about that big - that 1 play with a lot. They are almost as big as the window “I lost my four teeth, but the two on the bottom are growing but they are still little. The two on top are not growing. "I also want some toy trees that are green but feel like real ones. And a rollercoaster. And my own hundred dollars, real ones, for me “I want to go to Romper Room M . MYER S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC.. P.0.80X 71 MANHEIM, PA 17545 rfS_ & a Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 23,1978 I*ll ejoice with you and extend R«|l O uj sincere appreciation to all o Paul sometime. I like it there And another flashlight for Karl. And more dollies for Heidi. And I want a toy robber shop where you cut their hay with Piaydoh. “And 1 want that thing with water and snow in that you shake up and it has Baby Jesus and Mary and Moses - no, no that was Joseph That snowy thing broke, it was cracked a little. I got it from Santa Claus and Mrs. Schreiber in my nursery school last year. “And I want a real horn that is real loud, that you can blow softly and loud. But 1 don’t want anyone else to blow in it. That’s why I don’t blow Karl’s horn so much, afraid it might have germs in it “Oh yeah, and a toy totem pole, an awful big one. Big as my great big blocks that we have at school that are awful big and large. “And I want to get a hoop so when I go like this it goes around on my hips. A hula hoop. I know how to do it. “And I want Mom to get a thing that cuts up food and then she doesn’t have to do it. Just put some in, and just wind up to it. And a little TV for me that I can take to bed with me and watch in case I’m not tired and stuff. And I can watch all the cartoons in the world. (Turn to Page 116) ELES 111 VV'