—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 23,1978 108 Bergland moves to strenghten USDA transportation services WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland has consolidated transportation activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) into a new Office of Tran sportation. Bergland said the con solidation from six different agencies into the one new unit will provide better service to farmers and reduce duplication of efforts. “We have the experience and dedication in existing USDA transportation units, but there are a number of urgent agricultural and rural development problems and issues which cannot be properly addressed without this consolidation,” Bergland said. “This department can provide greater assistance in solving major tran sportation issues facing farraefs, such as freight car availability, rail line abandonments and regulatory matters.” The new Office of Tran sportation will serve as a focal point for all USDA transportation matters, including the development of agricultural and rural Dairy achievement program held FLEMINGTON, N.J. - The Hunterdon County 4-H Dairy Achievement Program was held December 2 at the Hun terdon County Extension Center. The program in cluded the awarding of the county dairy medals. The Central Jersey Holstein Achievement awards were presented by William Teets and went to Jan Emmons, first award; Marianne Schwab, second; George Perehinys, third. The Brown Swiss Achievement award was won by Debi Coleman Dave Douglass was the recipient of the Maryland Dairy conference award. The National Judging Contest Reports was awarded to Donna Douglass Dairy Record Books awards for twelve months of record keeping went to Bob Hoff- NnHiUWi 1 9 I ’ *- nlh, holy ( w a^Oi. thank th'iiKj, a nd (]< ijnii h | MARVIN J. HORST g | Dairy Equipment | f 1950 S sth Ave. Lebanon, PA I development transportation policy and the review, coordination and evaluation of USDA transportation programs. The new office also will represent USDA in discussions of transportation matters, including those with other government agencies. The transportation func tions of the six agencies being transferred to the Office of Transportation are: -The Transportation Services Branch in the Agricultural marketing Service; —The ’ Transportation Coordinator in the Foreign Agricultural Service; -Parts of the Tran sportation Economics Group and the Transportation Logistics Group in the Economics, Statistics and Cooperatives Service; -The Office of Policy Coordination and Training in the Farmers Home Ad ministration; -The federal maritime functions of the Office of the General Sales Manager, and -The Transportation and Packaging laboratory m the Science and 'Education Administration. man, Janet Totten, Tom Hoffman, and Gail Lachenmayr. Eleven months of record keeping to Debi Coleman, nine months to Jan Emmons, and five, six, and seven months to Lee Gares, George Perehinys, Kurt Hockenbury and Kim Gares. The County Dairy Judging Awards Top In dividuals, Sr. Donna Douglass and Jr., George Perehinys. The Mt. Airy 4-H Dairy Club Trophy was awarded to Debi Coleman. The Orion Drake Award went to David Douglass. The evening was concluded with a slide presentation by Bob Hoff man and Eric Schwab, entitled “County 4-H Dairy Activities." * have a nice weekend... Donkey basketball game A donkey basketball game will be held on January 5 at the Garden Spot High School. Virginville Grange held Christmas party HAMBURG - The VirginviUe Grange held their Christmas party on December 20. A covered dish supper began at 6:45 p.m. The Juniors put on the program with a guest ap pearance of Santa Claus. Anna Hemly was accepted as a new meiftber to the Grange. The Grange took cookies to the Wemersville State School and Berks Heim. T-shirts were given to the Hamburg State School. Donations were given to a family to repair their home that was burned, and also the Salvation Army. The women will have their next meeting on January 8. A program on needle point will be presented. The Youth sponsored a dance on December 16. The Fairer Sex played. The Youth will purchase a , , DISTRIBUTORS FOR U