Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 09, 1978, Image 54

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—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 9,1978
♦ Ida’s
i Notebook
Ida Risser
The big week of deer
hunting has just passed, as
usual some hunters have
been successful and many
more have not been. It
depends on what you call a
successful trip. For me, it is
a day when I’ve at least seen
some deer wondering
through the forest.
This year I made twenty
sandwiches the night before
using turkey from
Thanksgiving and some of
our own bologna. You see, at
five in the morning, I find
making several thermos
bottles of coffee and cocoa
sufficient work before
leaving for the Blue
Mountains. My husband had
to rise at three o’clock and
milk our fifty cows much
earber than usual in order to
go hunting.
We then had to drive our
trusty Datsun through the
seasons first snowstorm
There were many cars and
trucks unable to get up hills
| RD4, EPHRATA, PA. 717-354-4271 |
I HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 5:30; Thurs. till 9; Sat. till 3 f
l |
\ ♦
casionally a shot in the
and we saw a few minor distance echoed and re
accidents. But, with our echoed through the moun
small car, we were able to ta ms - Barely audible was a
weave in and out around lone dog barking on some far
stalled vehicles. Our oldest awa y farm. There were no
daughter, who lives on the rus . tlj fg leav , es as sqmirels
West coast, had driven this and chipmunks scurried by -
car across the country were l udden away as
several years ago and now it the snow had turned to sleet
is back East where it started and ram. The small stream
by pushing through the winding through the
snows of Rochester, N.Y. hemlo <* stand made a
We traveled through P eaceful rippling sound.
Soon it was late afternoon
mountain roads, with chains and time lo leave for home
on. for fifteen miles until we Thisyear isawnodeer.
Farm Women Societies
(Continued from Page SO) JJ e “jf ™l [ b *
' held at the home of Mrs.
Evelyn Paige on January 3
York Co .
Society 29
Plans were made to attend
the State Convention by the
York County Farm Women
Society 29 at their recent
The next meeting will be
hosted by Betty Heffner,
Brogue. Lunch will be
served at 12:30 p.m. followed
by a meeting and exchange
of secret pal Christmas gifts.
The ladies will have a
mght out on December 23 at
the Willow Valley
Restaurant at 6; 30 p m.
and gave information on the
State Convention to be held
January 8 and 9 in
Harrisburg The Society will
have a bus going to the
convention. The bus will
leave Field’s at 9 a.m on
January 8, and at 8 a.m on
January 9
Mrs Marion Zechiel
presented a program on
“Bells”. She opened the
program with the poem “I
heard the bells on Christmas
Day” She also had a display
of bells from around the
world and spoke on the
materials, meanings and the
uses of different kinds of
saw no more vans or cars
parked along the road and
only then did my husband
say, ‘ Here’s the place to
stop ” We pulled on extra
clothes and set out with a
sandwich in our pocket and a
few extra shells. As I’ve
been lost in the woods at
nightfall, I am now very
cautious about getting too
farm from a trail but our two
sons, who were with us,
climbed up one side of the
mountain and down the
The four inches of snow
covered everything and the
woods were quiet. Oc-
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