Farm Women Societies Lancaster Co. (Continued from Page 62) Lancaster Co, Society 18 Apple head doll making was demonstrated to Lan caster County Farm Women Society 18 at their November meeting held at the home of Mrs. John Henry Hess of Manheim. President Mrs. Wayne Brubaker presided. Mrs. Donald Buckwalter, Society 18 member, was elected the New County secretary, and the new state president is Mrs. John Hess, also a Society 18 member. Delegates for the State Convention were selected. They are Ruth Rohrer and Martha Stoner. Boxes of cookies and food were filled to be sold at Park City for LARC. The next meeting will be held December 9, at Mellingers Mennonxte Church. Mrs. John Herr will be hostess. HOW LONG TIL SQUEALER TIME? Agway Squealer. And how little pigs do love it 1 So weaning isn’t much of a problem any more. Just give them a taste of Squealer and that’s it That’s why Squealer is the fastest- Society 29 On October 20, Lancaster County Farm Women Society 29 held its monthly meeting at the home of Vice President Dons Shenk. President Marty Bixler took charge of the business meeting. The committees for this year and next were called upon to report. A reminder was made that dues are due for next year. The program was a slide series by a Society member Dot Forry. Dot, visiting the country of Haiti two dif ferent times, gave a presentation on the Coun try’s history and primitive present life style. She showed articles purchased there and dressed as Haitian women would dress. Refreshments were served by the Program Committee. The Society thanked the committee for a fine year of programs. Next month’s meeting will FARM ENTERPRISE SERVICE be December 18,7:30 p.m. at the home of Chris Shenk with a holiday slide presentation. Lancaster Co, Society 31 Mrs. Janet Badger hosted the November meeting of Lancaster County Farm Women Society 31, with Mrs. Debbie Wenger as co hostess. The program for the evening was “Cake Decorating” presented by Mrs. Eleanor Delong assisted by Mrs. Vickie Lefever and Mrs. Cindy Bollinger; all three are members of Society 31. All the ladies had a chance to try out what we learned on our own individual cakes. During the business meeting conducted by President Ruth Clark, it was decided to make a donation to the Quarryville Library. The Society will how a Christmas party on December 18, 7:30 p.ra., at the home of Mrs. David Delong. growing feed in the Agway Swine feed line-up Try Agway Squealer on your next litterand seethe difference It’s available from your local Agway Store or Representative (agway) Lebanon Co. Society 14 Mrs. Edward Wenger hosted the November meeting of Lebanon County Farm Women Society 14. Mrs. Jerry Yeager served as co-hostess. Thirteen members were present. Vice-President Mrs. Roy Alzer conducted the business meeting. Plans for the family Christmas party were discussed. The speaker for the evening was Mrs. Wenger. She spoke on her trip across the United States, sharing many experiences and pictures of various land marks. The next meeting will be a family Christmas party on December 19 at the United Methodist Church, Camp belltown. York Co, Society 16 A slide talk and songs by Dover Area High School exchange student Mascya Matsukawa of Japan highlighted the November 15 meeting of York County Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 2,1978 Holiday card signing hints told MEDIA - Start early to make out your Christmas cards. You’ll be less hurried and you’ll make sure that friends and relatives receive the cards before Christmas. Some points of courtesy on Christmas cards are suggested by Greta C. Vairo, Delaware County Extension home economis. Even if cards are printed or engraved with your name, personally sign cards you are sending to relatives or close friends,. When signing a printed or engraved card, the wife’s names comes first. On cards without a printed or engraved name, the person singing the card lists the spouse’s name first. List children’s names separately after Dad and Mother’s name to properly include them in the signature. Unless a person with a title is your close friend, always address the Farm Women Society 16, hosted by Janet Krone. President Alma Stom baugh presided at the meeting with 20 members and two guests attending. Members will meet at the home of Alma Stombaugh on December 13,7 p.m. to make up holiday fruit baskets for needy community families. A-donation was approved for a family m the community. Six members are planning to attend the State Con vention, January 8-9. The next meeting will be a Christmas party on December 16, 6:15 p.m. at the Avalong Dairy and Restaurant, York. THINK FALL APPLICATION! Alfalfa - Topdress Now • Improve Winter hardiness • Increase next years yield • Eliminate Spring compaction • Control Chickweed at the same time. Yes - with the addition of Chloro IPC to your Fertilizer yoL can do both jobs with one application. Corn - Do you fall chisel, disc or plow? If you do, you should: • Apply Anhydrous Ammonia (Research proves it is efficient) • Apply all P & K needs • Apply Lime ★ We offer Custom Application of Ammonia with the Chisel or Standard Tool Bar. CALL FOR SMALL GRAIN SEED AND FERTILIZER OPEN MON. thru FRI. 7:30 to 4:30 SAT. till Noon _ ORGANIC ftEBESSg PLANT ” t ANHyORQUS AMMONIA J 2313 NORMAN ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE; 717-397-5152 card with the title. During periods of mourning, it is proper to send Christmas cards. After a recent death select your card with care. Avoid “Merry Christmas” and send one with “Season’s Greetings.” Displaying Christmas cards in your home is quiet proper and lends a festive air to the decor. It also flatters the sender and conveys how much you enjoy receiving cards. It is not necessary to send cards to everyone who sends cards to you - only those you really care about. Ethnic foods add variety to meals MEDIA - Ethnic foods can be an enjoyable addition to our holiday fare says Greta C. Vairo, Delaware County Extension home economist. The Penn State Extension Service has planned a demonstration on Holiday Foods from Greece, France, and Germany. The meeting will be held on Thursday, December 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the Toal Building Auditorium, comer of 2nd and Orange Streets, Media. The foods will be demonstrated and then participants will have an opportunity to sample them. The public is invited to at tend. Parking is available in the county garage, third and Olive Streets, Media. 63