—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 18,1978 56 This last week before Thanksgiving, the Home on the Range column is featuring breads, from mushroom bread to oatmeal bread, a wide variety for those who like to try making diffemt kinds. A home made loaf of bread is often a special way of saying thank you to someone special during the holiday season. Next week there will be holiday fruitcakes in Home on the Range, and there is still time for those last minute recipes to be sent in. Do it today. To close out the year 1978, the December themes for the recipe column have all been chosen and can be found m the recipe theme calendar. Christmas cookies will be seen December 2, Holiday candies December 9, and all and any Christmas “goodies” December 16. The last week before Christmas there will be “Turkey specialities”. Any recipes utilizing those large feathered bird will be used, including special ways to prepare for the holiday dinner to talented tricks of using the leftovers. The last week in December will be reserved for New Year Day dinners. Many people prepare a special dish for that first day at the start of a new year, and those are the recipes that we are looking for. Send your recipes to Home on the Range, Lancaster Fanning, Box 366, Lititz, Pa. 17543. BEST WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 2 cups milk Vz cup granulated sugar Vz cup, plus 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cup cold water 1 cup warm water (to dissolve yeast in) 3 tablespoons yeast 4 teaspoons salt 2 cups whole wheat flour nearly 8 cups white flour Scald milk, m a bowl add the sugar, shortening and salt. Pour the hot milk over this, stir until dissolved. Add the whole wheat flour, beat rapidly with a spoon. Add the cold water, stir, add the dissolved yeast. Mix well, add enough white flour to make a mce dcough. Place in a greased bowl, let rise until double. Punch down. Let rise again until double. Divide into four loaves. Let rest for a few minutes. Form into loaves, spank hard to take out air bubbles, place in greased pans. Let rise and bake at 350 Degrees F. about 30 minutes. Brush tops with margarine or butter when taken from oven. Let cool. MILK AND HONEY BREAD 4 cups scalded milk 4 teaspoons salt 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons honey 1 package dry yeast V* cup warm water 9 to 10 cups flour Add salt, butter, and honey to scalded milk. Cool. Dissolve yeast in water. Add flour. Knead. Raise twice. Divide into four parts and place m pans. Grease tops. Raise until dough holds dent from testing finger (1 to 1% hours). Bake at 350 Degrees F. for 30 minutes. Grease tops. Home on the Range Breads to brighten the holiday season Mrs. Russel D. Heisey Mount Joy, Pa. Bonnie J. Snyder Schuylkill Co. Dairy Princess Fresh home baked bread is a treat anytime, family or as a gift for a friend, the effort required is anywhere. Whether you make it for your own sure to be appreciated. OLD-FASHIONED OATMEAL BREAD 2 cups milk 2 cups quick rolled oats, uncooked Va cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 1 package active dry yeast % cup warm water (110 to 115 Degrees F.) 5 cups sifted flour 1 egg white 1 tablespoon water rolled oats Scald milk, and stir in 2 cups rolled oats, brown sugar, salt, and shortening. Remove from heat and cool to hkewarm. Sprinkle yeast on warm water, stir to dissolve Add milk mixture and two cups flour to yeast.' Beat with electric mixer on medium speed, scraping the bowl oc casionally, for two minutes, or beat with spoon until batter is smooth. Add enough remaining flour, a little at a time, first with spoon and then with hands, to make a soft dough that leaves the sides of the bowl. Turn onto floured board, knead until dough is smooth and elastic, eight to 10 mmutes Place in lightly greased bowl, turn dough over to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled, one to IV2 hours. Punch down and let rise again until nearly doubled, about 30 mmutes. Turn onto board and divide in half Round up to make two balls. Cover and letjpst 10 mmutes. Shape in to loaves and place m greased 9x5x3 mch loaf pans Let rise until almost doubled, about one hour and 15 mmutes Brush tops of loaves with egg white beaten with water and sprinkle with rolled oats. Bake m 350 Degree F. oven for 30 mmutes. Makes two loaves. WHEAT GERM BREAD 1% cup milk 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 tablespoon salt V* cup shortening 2 packages active dry yeast Vi. cup warm water % cup wheat germ 5 to 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour melted butter or margarine sesame seeds Scald milk, add sugar, salt and shortening Stir and cool to lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast on warm water, stir to dissolve. Combine milk mixture, yeast, wheat germ, and IVz cups flour. Beat with electric mixer at medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally f or two minutes Or beat by Marian E. Becker Elizabethtown, Pa. Mix m enough of the remaining flour with a spoon and then hands to make a dough that leaves the sides of the bowl. Turn onto board and knead until smooth and elastic, about ten mmutes. Place in lightly greased bowl, turn dough over to grease top. Cover and let rise m warm place until doubled, about one hour. Punch down, cover and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Turn dough onto board, divide m half. Round up to make two balls. Cover and let rest 10 to 15 mmutes Shape into two loaves and place m greased 9x5x3 mch loaf pans Cover and let rise until almost doubled, 50 to 60 mmutes Brush tops of loaves with butter and sprmkle with sesame seeds Bake m 350 Degree F. oven for 30 mmutes, or until bread tests done. Makes two loaves. MIRACLE BREAD Parti 2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 2 teaspoons alt % cup lukewarm water 2 packages active dry yeast 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Mix ingredients for part 1 and cool to lukewarm. When™-' part 1 is cooled, combine part 1 and part 2 together. Add 6 to 6% cups of flour. Mix well Turn dough every 10 mmutes for four or five tunes to prevent developing a crust on top of the dough. Divide dough m half and roll out as you would pie dough. Roll up as a jelly roll. Make diagonal slits across the top and place on a greased cookie sheet. Let rise about one hour or u;ntil double in bulk. Brush tops with mixture of one egg and two tablespoons of milk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. Bake at 350 Degrees F. for 30 mmutes, or until it tests done. Mrs. Christy Becker Elizabethtown, Pa. BANANA BREAD 3 ripe bananas 2 eggs 1 cup granulated sugar Vz cup shortening % teaspoon salt 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Mash bananas Add all the ingredients listed in a bowl and mix well Form into a loaf and bake in a small loaf pan for one hour at 350 Degrees F. Mrs. Charles Mertztown, Pa. Part 2 (Turn to Page 58) m