—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4,1978 46 Grange Master wants federal budget tightened BUTLER - John W. Scott, Master of the National Grange, last week called on Pennsylvania Grangers L take the lead in seeking a Constitutional amendment that would put federal government spending on a pay-as-we-go basis. “Let’s work together to defeat inflation and excess government spending and save the greatest country in the world,” Scott told more than 500 Grangers - young and old - at the Youth Banquet that featured Wednesday’s activities at the 106th annual Penn sylvania State Grange convention. Scott warned against the danger of continued deficit spending, pointing out that the national debt now is in excess of three-quarters of a trillion dollars,” and by the time it is paid will cost the American people one and one-half trillion dollars.” Turning his attention to the young Grangers in the audience, he reminded them that “we are living in a young people’s world. By 1960 the nation’s work force will be made up mostly of people 35 years of age and under.” But, he added, we are putting a staggering Quick ’n’ 7071 Dress Mr and Mrs Santa in red velveteen with fake fur trim Decorate tree gift pack ages with 5 dolls Pattern 7071 pattern pieces "direc tions USA CINCH f hat this jump suit with the seamed in waist Cinching belt is the newest on the fashion scene' Check it out in crisp polyester drab gabs Printed Pattern 911 l Jr Miss Sizes 7, 9 ll 13 15 Size 11 (bust 33M takes 3 3/8 yards 45 inch fabric Embroider a charming flower spray on an easy sew jumper that goes out to dinner as a dress You II win lots of com pliments from him and them' Printed Pattern 9013 Misses Sizes 8 10 12 14 15 18 20 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2 yards 45 inch Transfer $1.50 for each pattern Add 404 for each pattern for first class airmail handling Send to QUICK and EASY PATTERNS 170 232 W 18 St New York NY 10011 Fashions to Sew (F/W) 75( 1979 Needlecraft Catalog 75« Designer Collection »34 75t 129 Quick/Easy Transfers $1 50 125 Patchwork Quilts $1 50 127 Afghans V Doilies $1 50 126 Crafty Flowers Jl 50 125 Petals Quilts Jl 50 124 Gifts ’n’ Ornaments $1 50 123 Stitch V Patch Quilts 1125 122 Stuff V Puff Quilts $125 Add 25c eac* loo* for ocstjfe fianfliinf John Scott financial burden on their shoulders. “We must get nd of the pork barrel programs that are costing us hundreds of millions of dollars.” He cited Social Security as one of the programs that has spiralled out of bounds and the recently enacted legislation that will increase the cost to employees and employers alike. “By 1985,” he said, “it is estimated that a person with an annual income of $42,500 will have to pay about $3,500 a year in Social Security taxes alone. “Young people of today will have to foot the bill because the Social Security program has been liberalized far beyond the original intent of the plan. It was created to help those who would need help in then old age, not to become a / BliH 9013 8-20 government mandated pension plan,” Scott told the group. Referring to President Jimmy Carter’s anti mflation message earlier in the week, Scott said “it has some ideas that will work, NOAH WENGER • I but only if they are backed by the cooperation of everybody ” Scott, a former resident of Butler County who served as State Grange Master before becoming the head of the National Grange • **s•. < «v ; v^© me r%» |p' . »«' ■ *•••**». - organization, and members of his staff have attended a number of conferences recently with President Carter at the White House. On several occasions he had an opportunity to discuss the nation’s energy M x* < * < £ problems with the President and his aides. The recently enacte< package of energy bills, hi said, will gradually deregulate natural gas an< (Turn to Page 49) " 'V. rfZ, / - •'