Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1978, Image 10

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30,1978
Best wishes are due to the dairy
cooperatives which serve Penn
sylvania and neighboring states.
Some of them have faced some rough
times in recent years, and none were
spared the unusual marketing
pressures which arose two years ago
and peaked last Winter. Managers of
the co-ops, as well as dairymen
themselves, scrambled to meet the
challenges. For some, the challenges
haven't been totally met. But the
quest goes on.
Eastern Milk Producers
Cooperative is attempting to find
greater stability in milk marketing
through the recently signed pact
between its board of directors and
Aldovm Dairy of Tunkhannock,
which, like Eastern, has had its share
of financial burdens in recent years.
Depite the fact that the two milk
marketers have been competitors,
Aldovm and Eastern have agreed to
work together for the common good
of the dairy industry. Another phase
of Eastern’s program involves a new
cheese plant which will be located in
Bradford County. In essence, it is
expected to be the “relief valve” for
surplus milk, one of "the major
concerns of every dairy. We wish
them well with those plans as the
Lesson for October 1, 1978
Background Scripture:
Deuteronomy 5:1-5;
Jeremiah 31:31-34;
Matthews:l7-20; 7:28,29.
Devotional Reading:
John 5:43-47.
Dairymen who are grazing
their milking herd in
woodlots, or in pastures with
oak trees, should be on the
alert for fallen acorns. Our
Veterinary Science folks tell
us that acorns are somewhat
toxic to cattle and will dry up
most cows for the rest of
their lactation. We are
aware of many oak trees in
O.K. YOU Mice ...THATS
.-a' -——i
Best wishes to the dairy co-op
i Israel today one finds a
(tanning controversy of
itic proportions over the
ih religious law. A
ority of ultra
irvative Israelis would
; the state of Israel a
:racy, a nation strictly
governed by its ancient laws
as interpreted by its
legalistic rabbis. The
majority, however, believe
that these religious laws
would make it virtually
impossible for Israel to exist
as a nation.
A Stone Or A Tree?
The problem is not with
religious laws, but with the
ways in which these laws are
» I mm ■ xi ir nr I'k ktT By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agricultural Agent
pastures, and in most years
there will be a pretty big
acorn crop.
If the cows start eating
these acrons, then the milk
flow -will be reduced
drastically. Either the cows
should be removed from the
area, or someone should pick
up the acorns before the
cows are turned out daily.
To Evaluate
Ventilating Systems
Colder weather is ap
proaching when bams will
be filled with livestock and
foul air will be a problem. In
confinement bams, we urge
profit realizations of thousdands of
dairy farmers are involved.
Inter-State Milk Producers
Cooperative and Maryland
Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. are
putting their hopes for a brighter
future in a powder and butter plant
near Carlisle Which was constructed
at a cost of $8.2 million. Both
cooperatives look to their Holly Milk
Cooperative as playing a most im
portant role in coming years. It is
expected to reduce excess marketing
costs and generate additional profits.
We wish them well.
Other cooperatives, such as LeHi
Valley Cooperative Farmers and
Dairylea are also looking for im
provements in their respective
situations. May they be successful
with their plans to create bright
marketing prospects for their
member dairy farmers.
The central problem has been, and
still is, that the marketing of
agricultural products isn’t like buying
and selling automobiles or boots. The
marketing of agricultural products is
much more complex and subject to
such highly -unknown and un
predictable variables as the"
production of individual farms and
animals, the weather, and the whims
regarded and interpreted by
men. These divergences
might be depicted in sym
bolic terms in the difference
between a stone monument
and a living growing tree.
For some, the religious laws
constitute an unchanging,
inflexible once-given reality.
For others, the laws of God
are a living, growing entity
that is as vital and con
temporary as the God who
created them.
The approach of Jesus to
God’s laws was certainly the
latter view. His dynamic
rather than static approach
brought him into conflict
with some segments of the
the use of exhaust fans along
with inlets and air ducts.
Penn State publications are
available that should be of
Insulation is also a part of
good ventilation in order to
prevent condensation.
Dripping walls and ceilings
are hard on both animals
and the structure. Open
fronted buildings may still
need some panels that can be
regulated and some roof
slots to permit the escape of
foul air.
To Prepare for Frost operation should be done
When it comes the first of within a few days following
of individual producers, to name a
few. Also farm products are subject
to spoilage and a high degree of
government inspection. Marketing
milk - or most any agricultural
product - isn’t easy. It’s more than
Applause for the efforts of many
“That to show you what
people can accomplish if they just get
together and aim for common goals,”
a friend of mine commented recently
after having viewed a television
documentary about the much
publicised Project Clearwater. That
was the effort by some 500 volun
teers in Frederick County, Md. to
turn a severely run-down farm into a
national showplace for conservation
practices. It was done in just a day.
While that gigantic display of
human cooperation was unique and
noteworthy, it does not stand by
The barn-raising is another
community effort which deserves
applause. Workers come by the score
to help a friend and neighbor, tur
ning ruins into glory.
religious establishment. He
was accused by some as
seeking to abolish the law
because Jesus intended to
put people ahead of legalistic
Yet, instead of abolishing
the law, said Jesus, his God
given mission was instead to
fulfill “the law and the
prophets.” His approach
was to accomplish the
purpose behind the laws. The
purpose of the sabbath, for
example, said Jesus, was to
help people, not hurt them.
To interpret any law or
commandment in such a
way as to deny love to
anyone would be a denial of
the purpose for which the
law had come into being.
October in this part of the
country we can expect frost
at any time. Also, when it
does arrive in early October
there should be very little
damage, because it is on
schedule and we should be
ready for the freeze. Most
garden crops can be
salvaged on short notice,
while others will not be in
jured by old Jack Frost.
Late com headed for the
silo will stop growing after a
killing frost but still can be
safely put into the silo; this
By Tom Armstrong
most farmers could handle on their
own. The efforts of those involved in
marketing deserve our sincere best
Another massive project, and one
which I’m happy to have been
personally involved with for a day,
was the clean-up of Johnstown after
it was struck by a devastating flood
last Summer. Seeing entire neighO
borhoods wiped out completely, with
homes shattered and partially buried
in mud is enough to deflate'any in
dividual’s spirit. But the combined
efforts of thousands got the im
possible job accomplished.
Whether it’s a time of disaster, or a
time for rejoicing, such as the feast
following a barn raising, and the local
chicken barbecue or pork roast, dr
farmers’ picnic, it’s the efforts of a
group of people - not just one - which
are noteworthy. As my friend said,
it's remarkable what people can do if
they get together and all pull in the
same direction.
A New Covenant
Jesus’ approach to the law
was not as radically new as
it may have seemed. Other
Jewish leaders had regarded
the commandments in much
the same manner. As far
back as Jeremiah (7th
century BC), there was
anticipated a new approach
to the covenant: “Behold,
the days are coming, says
the Lord, when I will make a
new covenant with the house
of Israel and the house of
Judah...l will put my law
within thej, and I will write it
upon their hearts”
(Jeremiah 31:31,33).
What both Jeremiah and
Jesus recognized was the
dangerous tendency to allow
the frost in order to keep the
stalks from getting too dry.
Fields of sudan grass or one
of the sudan-sorghum
hybrids should not be grazed
for at least a week after a
killing frost; the crop may
be ensiled or made into hay,
and after a 30-day curing
period, will be safe to use.
Get ready for colder
weather; it will surely come.
To Store Pesticides
Many farmers and gar
deners are about finished
with their spraying for this
season. The materials may
be stored and used next year
Sunday, October 1
National 4-H Week, October
Monday, October 2
Annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Association
of District Directors Inc.,
held at the Sheraton
Berkshire Inn, Reading.
Meetings and work shops
to be held October 2-5.
Registration is at 9 a.m.
the law to become a sub
stitute for God himself. As
William Temple once put it,
“ law, apart from a
Lawgiver, is a. proper obj
of reverence.” Jesus did
come to abolish the law, but
to point people to the
Lawgiver and his purpose.
His approach to the law was
not less than but more than:
“...unless your
righteousness exceeds that
of the scribes and Pharisees,
you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven”
(Matthew 5:20).
One must always look
behind and beyond the law to
the Lawgiver.
in most cases. However,
they should be safely stored
away from children, pets,
and livestock. Safety folks
suggest they be put into a
separate room or '
and kept under lock and i
When leftover pestici
are left lying around in ,
barn, machinery shed,
garage, they are a definil
hazard. Animals can get oi
of their pens and eat some <
the chemicals. If there is
chance this can happen, •
will happen sooner or later.
Don’t take chances
Practice pesticide,safety'
same as highway or f;
and home safety.
Tuesday, October 3
Lebanon County 4-H ti
awards night at
Lutheran Church si
room, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, October 4
Honorable Philip Ak
Secretary of Agricull
speaks at meeting
Hunterdon County Bi
of Agriculture, Extens
(Turn to Page 38)