New food labeling system requested LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - The Americah Soybean Association has asked the federal government to develop procedures for a food labeling system that would provide, consumers with clear information about the ingredients in their food purchases. “Recent action by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad ministration permits food labels to contain an optional listing of vegetable oils AMCii One look tells you The 1979 AMC Spirit Liftback has a snappy style all its own. Visibility is excellent. Passenger room well designed. Spirit Liftback's flip-up rear hatch provides easy access for load and-go lifestyles. Spirit DL and the top-of-the-lme Spirit Limited offer levels of trim, and appointment unheard-of in today’s small car scene. You’ll find luxury features like genuine leather seats in the Limited model, split folding rear seat backs, custom door trim panels and more, all standard equipment The 1979 AMC Concord sports a smart new format grille and quad rectangular headlamps. Inside, Concord pleasantly surrounds you with quiet comfort and thoughtful conveniences Concord’s unique handling and suspension system delivers a smooth, stable ride And now Concord’s full family of models offers you an even wider choice of trim levels and interior appointments f«6 “IN OUR 57th YEAR” Noll JEEP Vs tt » t ** «*% SWI » v -. i-. which may or may not be contained in food products,” said Nick Rose, a Roseland, Arkansas, soybean producer and ASA chairman of the board, “The labels of some food products list up to five or six vegetable oils which may or may not be used in the product. We believe these labels have created confusion and uncertainty and feel strongly that American consumers have the basic right to know the American Motors INC contents of their food pur chases without going through such a guessing game.” Rose presented his testimony in a Little Rock hearing held by the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Federal Trade Commission. He noted that soybean growers at their recent annual meeting had adopted a resolution calling for new food label We’re Showing OFF Our 1979 All New Spirit and Concord Limited! MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 Bring The Kids To Meet The Phillies STEVE CARLTON IN OUR SHOWROOM 6 P.M. To 8 P.M. 1612 LINCOLN HWY. E. UNCASTER 717-393-1756 n SALES DEPT. OPEN OPEN MON. TO FRI. 8-9 SATURDAYS 84 regulations which would provide food labels which list in descending order the oils or fats contained in food products. “We recognize that source oil labeling may be an un necessary burden to food manufacturers if required on all products containing fats and oils,” Rose testified. “We suggest that specific source oil labeling not be required on foods where fats and oils are a nutritionally insignificant component of the food. Rose pointed out that some in the medical profession recommend inclusion or avoidance of specific types of fats and oils in certain food diets for health reasons such as reduction or elimination of cholesterol and/or saturated fats. “Soy oil is a healthful. Course on bees available UNIVERSITY PARK - The best results for over wintering bees occur when bees are left on their Sum mer stands, according to Penn State’s correspondence course on Beekeeping. Other steps are involved in Fall management to ensure that bees survive cold weather, including entrance cleats on apiaries, uniting weak colonies, and requeening colonies with old queens. Beekeeping also gives methods for successful production of comb and extracted honey, seasonal management, rearing of queens, control of bee diseases, ‘‘"enemies of the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23,1978 Food prices investigated WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Agriculture Com mittee Members Fred Richmond (D.-N.Y.), Richard Noland (D-Minn.), and John Jenrette (D-S.C.) have announced the release nutritious oil that represents a very large market for American soybean growers,” Rose said. “It is used in 78 per cent of all margarines, 75 per cent of all salad and cooking oils and 60 per cent of all food fats and oils consumed in the U.S. This consumption contributes more than $4 billion to income to American soybean growers.” honeybee, and preparing comb or extracted honey for the market. This 10-lesson correspondence course offers directions on how to begin a beekeeping en terprise or improve an existing operation. Included with the course are Penn sylvania Cooperative Ex tension circulars on Beekeeping and Diseases of Bees and Their Control. To order a copy of this course one can send $5.50 to Beekeeping, Box 5000, University Park, Pa. 16802. One should make check payable to Penn State. # /P Steve Carlton of a General Accounting Office report entitled “What Causes Food Prices to Rise and What Can Be Done About It.” The report is the result of a three-year long GAO investigation into the widening farm-retail food price spread, and its impact on related food industry costs and profits. According to Richmond, the study indicates that the government can and should take stronger action to curb food price inflation and monitor food prices. In the report GAO calls upon Congress to enact legislation to monitor food production, processing, marketing, and pricing. In addition, the Secretaries of Agriculture and Transportation and the Interstate Commerce Commissioner are urged to re-evaluate regulations governing the transportation of food in the U.S. Richmond, chairman of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations and Nutrition, stated his intention to follow through on the GAO suggestion to develop a comprehensive system to - monitor food prices and food industry profits by gaining access to confidential pricing policies. Richmond praised the report, saying it would form “the basis of our work on agricultural problems during the next two years.” 33