—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23,1978 18 Farmworkers taking union to court WASHINGTON, D.C. - Twelve California farm workers are suing their union, the United Farm- workers of America (UFW), charging the UFW with oppression, fraud, malice, and violation of their con- stitutional rights. They are also asking the court to strike down a California law that allows the union to have almost absolute power over 'farmworkers by requiring full membership in the union as a condition of em ployment. Headed by Cervando Perez and Giles Breaux, the workers filed their com plaint September 5 in Superior Court for the of Monterey. They charge the UFW, headed by Cesar Chavez, with forcing them to pay money to the union to use for political purposes with they disagree. They claim that in doing so - and in the way it was done - the UFW violated their rights of free speech and association. The workers are supported in their suit by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. In addition to two of the workers asking for damages of $1 million each, f WHITE WASHING ] | with I DAIRY WHITE | -DRIESWHITE * i -DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY | I -NO WET FLOORS I £ -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS 5 | -WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY. | [ ALSO BARN CLEANING SERVICE ! I AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR i £ To have your barn cleaned with air it will » I clean off dust, cob webs & lot of the old lime I * This will keep your barn looking cleaner & | i whiter longer x I MAYNARD L. BEITZEL I I Witmer. PA 17585 717-392-7227 x I If no answer call Willard Beitzei 717-656-9569 I j Barn spraying our business, not a side-line. £ I Spraying Since 1961 i HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS. ! i ! _i the plaintiffs are asking tne court to require the UFW to cease confiscation of their money for political pur poses. The suit is the result of a UFW procedure to raise money for its political treasury - the Citizenship Participation Day Fund (CPD Fund). The CPD Fund provides money to can didates, propositions, and legislative initiatives backed by the UFW. UFW Previously, tracts with employers provided that the first Sunday of every June would be “Citizenship Par ticipation Day.” Workers would receive holiday pay for that day and could either remit it to the CPD Fund or keep it for their own use. In August 1977, however, the union leadership passed Resolution 45 requiring all employees working under CPD provisions to remit, or have the employer remit for them, the holiday pay to the CPD Fund. While Resolution 45 did not change union contracts saying workers may keep their holiday pay, Section 1153 (c) of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act gives union leaders the tools they need to force workers to comply with their commands. Section 1153 (c) permits unions to have contracts with employers requiring agricultural workers to be members in good standing of the union to keep their jobs. The union is the sole judge of whether a member is in good standing. Beginning in June 1978, the UFW began a campaign against independent-minded workers to enforce its authority. One of the plaintiffs, Cervando Perez, was charged by the UFW with failing to give his holiday pay to the CPD Fund. The union leadership declared him not to be a member in good standing and ordered his employer, West Coast Farms, to fire him. On July 26, West Coast Farms fired Perez. con- On August 31, Giles Breaux was also expelled from the union and is faced with imminent loss of his job. Other plaintiffs in the case also refused to give their holiday money to the union political fund. They are now threatened with being thrown out of the UFW, which will mean discharge from their jobs. The workers are asking! the court to restore them tof their jobs and to remedy the; union contracts and California law that brought 'about their situation. They want the court to declare Section 1153 (c) un constitutional since it allows the union to absolutely control whether an employee is a member in good stan ding and therefore entitled to keep his job. This, they charge, abridges their right of free speech and association guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 9 and 10 of the California Constitution. ADVANCED AG's 4th ANNUAL CROPS & SOILS DAY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1978 AFTERNOON SESSION -140 P.M. Talk and Slide Presentation to show present and prospective clients how tillage ,and fertility management can be integrated for maximum long term profit The man who is 25 years ahead of his time in practical and profitable agriculture. ADVANCED AG is a consulting service which makes specific tillage and fertility. Learn how and why the use or misuse of recommendations for fertilization based on a sophisticated different tillage tools can affect the profit o r loss of your “Albrecht Formula" soil test We advise clients of optimum farm Each tool has its own proper timing tillage practices, working with existing tools or recom mending' alternative implements We supply sophisticated crop catalysts and tracemmeral fertilizers for specificcases Increase your Net Profit through integrated management of WORK SMARTER The Union policy, they say, forcing them to support with their money political causes they don’t approve of, violates the same con stitutional guarantees. The workers want the court to order the UFW to rescind Resolution 45, which enacted confiscation of their holiday pay, and to return all money collected under the resolution. Finally, two of the workers charge the UFW with “oppression, fraud, and malice” m its treatment of them. They are asking the court to award them each $1 million exemplary damages to discourage the union from attempting similar schemes in the future. Commenting on the case Chairman Thomas J. Harris of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation compared UFW bosses to slaveholders. “Many of these workers are unskilled. If they can’t work as farm laborers, they can’t work at all. Under the arrangements the UFW has with employers, the union officers have absolute mastery over the lives and livelihood of workers. That’s slavery. September !/ SHOP now POR A VOUR WHITER /H\ WOODBURAimS REEDS Smuft Issshl Rt. 212, Pleasant Vail sy ■■■■■ Quakertown, PA 18951 (215)346-7894 Member Wood Energy institute NEW HOURS: Sun. 1-5p.m.;M0n.9-5p.m.; * jwRUWB Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. 12-Bp.m.; *. _ {{{(f Sat. 9-5 p.m.: Wed. Closed. F,n *" c .'. ng li p To 30 Months COURTEOUS PERSONALIZED SERVICE Lehigh Valley’s Oldest and Largest Center For Wood Heating, Prefab Chimney & Stove Pipe. ATTENTION FARMERS: AT THE MILFORD MAST FARM - LUNCH AVAILABLE TALK AND SLIDE PRESENTATION BY DONALD L. SCHREIFER THE LEVERAGE OF BALANCED AGRICULTURE “We’ll do all we can to reinstate these workers in their jobs and to overturn the California law that permits such outrages.” The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, established in 1968, is a charitable EVENING SESSION - 7:30 P.M. Talk and Slide Presentation to show prospective clients how Advanced Ag’s consulting service can lead the way to increased profits. Properly managed soil is more productive of quality produce, more independent of weather extremes, earlier and easier to work, requires less fertilizer - more profitable. Get better control of your farming enterprise. organization. It provides free legal aid to wage ear ners whose rights have been violated as a result of compulsory members from all over the country and is presently supporting more than 80 court cases involving employees’ rights. NOT HARPER