14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 29,1978 Livestock market and auction news St. Louis Cattle National Stockyards July 27,1978 Receipts this week 6100 Week ago 6300 Year ago 5700 Compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers generally steady. Choice and mixed choice and prime heifers fully .50-1.00, in stances 1.50 higher: Low choice and below steady to firm. Cows mostly 4.00-5.00 higher. Bulls fully 2.00 higher. Slaughter supply mainly choice and mixed choice and prime 2-4 1000-1200 lb. steers, around 35 per cent heifers and 10 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-4 1050-1225 lbs. 53.50-54.75, part load 1175 lbs. 55.00. Choice 2-4 975-1300 lbs. 52.00-54.00, mostly 52.00-53.50. Mixed good and choice 24 900-1225 lbs. 51.00-52.50. Mixed good and choice -3 1125-1350 lbs holstems 47.5048.00. Good 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 48.00-51.00 Standard to good 2-3 1350 lbs holstems 46.0047.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: OUR RECOMMENDATION TOBACCO INSECTS SUPRACIDE 2E is not a restricted Insecticide it is a general use pesticide. NO LICENSE REQUIRED! SUPRACIDE CONTROLS - ALL MAJOR TOBACCO INSECTS SUPRACIDE IS A LONG LASTING LOCALLY SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE Call Us Today For Custom Spraying of Supracide 2E or For Direct Purchases - Available in 1 gallon and 5 gallon containers MARTIN'S LIQUID SERVICE c,o JOHN 2 MARTIN . RD 1 Box 7IG New hohanc PA 17557 Phone 7-354-5848 MH-30 ALSO AVAILABLE FOR SUCKER CONTROL - DIRECT SALES OR CUSTOM SPRAYING Mixed choice and prune 24 875-1050 lbs 51.00-52.50, clos ing sales 51.50-52.50. Choice 24 800-1050 lbs. 49 00-51 50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 47.0049 00 Good 2-3 700-975 lbs. 45.0047.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 24 34.5040 00, clos ing 37.0040.00. Boning utility 1-2 37.0041.50, closing 40.5041.50, few 42.00. Cutter 1-2 33.00-39.00, closing sales 35.00-39.00. Canner and low cutter 1-2 30.00-35.00, closing 31 00-35.00. Rest unchanged. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1050-1900 lbs. 41.0046.00, closing week sales 42.0046.00. Individual yield grade 12100 lbs. at 47.00. Feeders including around 1,300 at Thursday’s Auction. Feeder steers and heifers 3.004.00 higher. Demand good for moderate supply. Receipts mainly choice and mixed good and choice 400-800 lb. steers and 400-600 lb heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 350-500 lbs 68.50-74.75; 500-600 lbs. 62.00- ; 600-700 lbs. 61.25- 65.001700-800 lbs. 55.75-61.75. Few lots fleshy 800-1025 lbs. 52.00- Mixed good and FOR choice 425-500 lbs. 60 75-65 00. Few lots good and choice 475-525 lb bulls 57.25-63 00 Couple lots stan dard and good 570-590 lbs holstems 55.00 FEEDER HEIFERS Choice 350-500 lbs. 57.00-63.00; 500-600 lbs. 56 2561.25, Few lots fleshy 725-850 lbs. 46 7549.50. Mixed good and choice 375-500 lbs 53.75-58.75; 500-650 lbs. 51 75-55.00. Few Good 350-525 lbs. 51.00-55.00. Market courtesy of USDA Oklahoma Cattle July 27,1978 Thursday Feeder cattle auction and weekly sum mary estimated receipts 9000, same day last week 11,822. Active; Feeder cattle and calves steady to 1.00 higher; majority receipts Choice 400- 850 lb. feeder steers and 400- 650 lb feeder heifers; moderate attendance of buyers. FEEDER STEERS Choice and Prune 300490 lb. 74.00-77.50; 500-530 lb. 72.00- 72.50; Choice 300-500 lb ciba-geigv 69.00- 50 ; 500-600 lb. 64 50- 69.50, part load 522 lb. 71.20; 600-700 lb. 62 50-64 25, part load and small lot 602-623 lb 65.40-65.90 ; 700-800 lb 58.50- 50 ; 800-900 lb 57 50- 61.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. 62 50-65.75; 500-600 lb. 60.75-62.25; 600-800 lb. 55.00-59 50; few part loads 948-979 lb. 55.00-55.50; few Good 500-760 lb. Holstein Steers 51.00-53 75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 385-480 lb. 63.25-65.10; Choice 300-503 lb 57.00- mostly 58.25- 60.50 ; 500-600 lb. 56.50-60.50, two parts loads 528-538 lb. 61.50- 600-700 lb. 55.50- 58.75, part load 611 lb. at 59.90; part load 787 lb. 56.60; mixed Good and Choice 400- 600 lb. 56.00-57.75 ; 600-700 lb. 53.00- few Good 400-625 lb. 50.00-53.00. KTG FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week Feeder cattle and calves 2.00 WISPER COOL TURBINE VENTILATOR ELECTRICAL FITTINGS. TOOLS a ACCESSORIES POSES INDOOR A OUTDOOR EXTENSION CORDS ’LUSMftW MC«eE ( We HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL FITTINGS/TOOLS & ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Includes Remote Control Box '/3 H.R... 6 STAGE . ‘195.95 VzH.P. ..S STAGE. *210.95 HH.R .12 STAGE . 5 255.60 insance 2.50-3.00 higher; slaughter cows closed 4.00- 5.00 higher, late sales Utility and Commercial 2-3 36.00- 41.00, Cutter 1-3 33.00-37.00; Bulls closed 2 00-3.00 higher, late sales - Yield Grade 1-2 1000-1700 lb. 43.50-46 00; salable receipts near 23,400 head; compared to 33,250 head last week and 25,519 head the same week a year ago Cows and bulls near 10 per cent Of cattle receipts, Feeders near 90 per cent of the total. Market courtesy of USDA, Indiana Auction Indiana, Pa. July 27,1978 CATTLE 94. Compared with last Thursday’s market, few Good 48.00- 51.50,2 Standard 45.00,45.75; 1 Utility at 41.75.1 Choice si. heifers 48.50; few Good 43.00- Standard 39.00, few Utility & Commercial si. cows 38.75-41.75, several 42.75; few Cutters 36.25- 39.25; Few Canner & L. Cutter 32.00-36.75. si. AN ENERGY-SAVING PRODUCT SOCKET ELECTRICAL ADAPTERS TAPE WALL PLATES .ECTRICAL PITTI we re 'n |JK| yellow pages bullocks 1 Good at 48.00. Few Yield Grade #1 1200-1900 lbs. 48.00-48.75, couple Grade #2 900-1620 lbs. 43.00 43.75. FEEDER CATTLE- Steers, medium & Good 350- 850 lbs. 47.00-50.00. Medium & Good 350-650 lbs. heifers 39.50-46.00, Bulls Med & good 400-650 lbs. 40.5049.00 CALVES 132. Vealers, few Choice 64.50-68.50, few Good 54.00-64.50; Standard & Good 90-120 lbs. 52.00-57.00, 70-99 lbs. 47.00-54.50, few Utility 55-125 lbs 38.00-48.00 , FARM CALVES: Hoi Bulls 90-120 lbs. 51.00-70.00, Hoi. Heifers 80-120 lbs. 55.00- 65.00. Slaughter calves grading standard and Good 190-300 lbs. 51.00-55.00. HOGS 70. No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 46.25-48.00, 2 lots No 2-3 190-250 lbs. 42.00-44.25, Few No. 1-3 70 lbs. 41.50. Sows US No. 1-3 350-505 lbs. sows 39.50-41.00, few No 2-3 325- 350 lbs. 34.00-38.75. Boars 30.00 SHEEP 64. Spring/or Wooled si. lambs Choice 75- 85 lbs. 51.50-53.00,2 lots Good 55 & 65 lbs. 44.00 & 51.00 Slar is 16.50-; i 2 0% £/ectric Power Uses no electricity the wind does the cooling—Fß6E l Pulls out hot, humid air and reduces moisture trap ped mtheattvc The air conditioner runs less provides more comfort even if you don t have air conditioning. Model WSI2 )2“ Adjustable Basefbt-*WBI2" CONNECTORS TIMERS IGS TOOLS St ACCESI POWER CORDS ISORIES AT CARTeRPEI ( «i-;i i i>> hi o ■ a- 2271 OLO PHILADELPHIA PIKE LANCASTER, PA 17602 3 miles East on 340 Phone (717) 299-7239 slBs° J 695 INSULATED staples BAtIGE & ORVER ®)