10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 29,1978 ii ‘ * V— S P U Well, it’s back again This makes about the fourth time in my life that I’ve been plagued by it By this time I can see it commg--the symptoms are always the same It starts with a small lump in my throat that gets bigger and bigger and hurts more and more At the same time my eyes cloud up and begin watering profusely, and when I try to talk I sound like a screeching guinea pig The bouts last anywhere from seconds to minutes, but the disease may continue as long as a month or more 1 call it Lump-m-the-Throat-itis and have pinned |ur J IyBIIJBIMII im SPIAKM S(K#* r THE EAGLE’S SWANSONG Lesson for July 30, 1978 Scripture : and rarewell Acts 20 1 through 21-16 Paul - S addre ss to the Devotional Reading: Ephesian church leaders at John l4 1 2 ' 24 Miletus might well be There san old belief that regarded as his swansong to TO MAKE SUMMER ALFALFA SEEDINGS Even though straight Spring seedmgs of alfalfa have been giving excellent results, producers who are planning to make a Summer seeding should get on the job We suggest that these seedmgs be made by the middle of August here in southeastern Pennsylvania The idea of making these seedmgs later m the Fall is to be discouraged The plants will not get enough root system to withstand the Wmter. The band seeding method con tinues to be one of the best ways to make the seeding Today, July 29 Keystone Grange Fair, 11 a.m. to dusk, Collegeville - Trappe Water Works Municipal Park, West First Ave., Trappe Ram date Aug. 5 Features tractor pulling contests, cattle shows, antique RURAL ROUTE where are you off ral 'OVER To JAKE'S SALE My Thoughts... And welcome to them just before it dies, the swan sings a death song. From that tradition has come the term “swansong”, which has come to mean the last act or presentation from one who is about to die, retire, or step down from some position Several years ago I made a final speech to an organization as I prepared to step down as its president. To put light mood on the occasion, I entitled my address “Swansong From A Lame Duck ” Both lime and fertilizer applications should be made prior to seedmg and worked into the topsoil Don’t plan on good results by spreading the lime on top of the ground next Summer Weeds should be controlled by spraying with Eptam, prior to seedmg, or with the 2,4-DB when the weeds are less than 2 inches high TO HARVEST BLUEGHJL SUNFISH One of the major problems with many farm ponds is the failure of the owner to harvest the sunfish crop each Summer. In many cases the sunfish are put mto the pond as food for the bass; chicken automobiles. barbecue, music, en tertainment, arts and crafts, games, vegetable show, commercial exhibits, pony rides, blacksmithmg, refresh ments, and much more. Maryland Christmas Tree WELL PER GOODNESS SAKE CHANGE YOUR OVER-ALLS . THEY RE A SIGHT s % : t r j : By JOANNE SPAHR Assistant Editor the cause to leaving home fa.ml, loved ones and friends, which I’ll be doing, again, in a short time when I go back to school for a masters’ degree in journalism And, along with leaving my family, I’ll be leaving Lancaster Farming, a move I just can’t fathom at the moment 1 remember just last year at the end of fair season, driving home from the final show and screaming at the top of my lungs, “If 1 ever have to them He fully expected never to see them again and he plainly told them this would be his farewell to them When he had finished speakmg, “they all wept and embraced Paul and kissed him, sorrowing most of all because of the word he had spoken, that they should see his face no more” (30-37,38) Yet, if this was his swansong to them - and it seems likely that he never did return - his message was hardly that of a “lame duck”, a term we often apply to someone who is relinquishing a position of authority or power Paul does not appear before them however, most folks put in too many sunfish and fail to take them out Most of us like to go for the larger bass and forget about the sunfish In these cases the sunfish multiply too rapidly and soon we have a pond over stocked and out of balance The sunfish take over by eating the spawn of the bass and thus preventing re production of more bass In ponds already stocked with sunfish we urge heavy fishing of the sunfish each year and go easy on the removal of too many large bass In new ponds stock with Golden Shiners and Farm Calendar Growers Summer meeting, Pine Valley Farm, Elkton, 9 • 30 a.m Jersey Dairy Cattle Field Day, Frederick County Fairgrounds, Md Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle Field Day, Frederick, Md. TO Ykeep PEACE fefe “weepy” and weak. He speaks powerfully, seeking to inspire and influence them even after he is gone The essence of his message is two-fold First, he reminds them of the heard and perilous work he did among them. He had been responsible for their faith, the beginning of their church and even though he has been “on the road,” so to speak, they have looked to him for support and guidance Now, however, they would have to assume responsibility for them selves “Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all of Black Bass and avoid the sunfish problem TO PREPARE THE SILO The corn developing rapidly and soon it will be silo filling tune The condition of the silo should get some attention before the new corn crop is ensiled Many of the concrete silos may be pitted and have a rough inside surface This will permit air pockets and moldy silage Some inside joints may need to be re pointed in order to keep out the air and have a smooth surface. Don’t wait until the silo Adams County Beef Field Day, Pigeon Hill Farm, Abbottstown, 9am Flower-Vegetable Open House at Rutgers University, 8.30 a.m. to 3 p m By Tom Armstrong NOT ONLY DO You NOT LET Your HUSBAND GO TO A SALE IN DIRTY DUNGAREES, you donV LET HIM GO with' THE CHECKBOOK EITHER chase another champion hog around a ring I’m going to butchei 't and eat it And, after galloping around the 4-H center to catch a bunch of itchy 4-H'ers who wouldn’t stand still for a picture, I recall grumbling under my breath, “There has to be an easier way to make a living ” But now that my last day at Lancaster Far mmghas arrived, the thought of no more 4-H’ers or champion hogs gives me a lump in my throat I’ll rrnss the work, I know, but I’ll especially miss the wonderful people I’ve come to know and care for during my two years on the newspaper staff I’d fill all 136 pages this week if 1 began listing names, so I won’t But, you’ve all touched my heart in one way or another Whether it's been by stopping to talk at a show or writing a note of thank you, or even by naming a heifer Joanne-all the kindnesses have stockpiled in my mental scrapbook, which makes it difficult to say goodbye But, when I think about it, I know I’m lucky A friend of mine once said to me, “It’s hard to leave something or someone you love, but if you leave with a heavy heart you know you've been blessed because what you’re leaving has been good ” So, as I leave my desk and typewriter for the final time with mist in my eyes and a lump in my throat I can truly say I've been blessed Thank you all you, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” (20-26) He has more than done his part, now they must “Take heed to yourselves and to the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers ’ ’ Blessedness of Giving The second point Paul makes is that they will find in his own example the key to their continued success and safety as he gave himself willingly for them, enduring trials and suffering on their behalf, so they must now be willing to give themselves for the sake of the church for which God had given his own Son He reminds them of a saying of filler is coming to make these repairs Silage is one of the most economical livestock feeds A good storage facility is needed to have top quality feed Don’t let it spoil after it is in the silo TO PREVENT TOMATO BACTERIAL SPOT crop We are aware of moderate infection ol tomato plants with a leaf spot; the pathologists name it bac terial leaf spot which has been found in several southeastern tomato fields; also, has been diagnosed in garden tomatoes The lower leaves begin to show spots with brown centers and Sunday, July 30 Harford County 4-H Fair, Rocks 4-H Camp Maryland Angus Association Breeders’ Show, Mon tgomery County Fairgrounds, Gaither sburg. Monday, July 31 Cecil County, Maryland, Fair begins at Fair Hill Harford County, Maryland, 4-H Fair, Rocks 4-H Camp. Cumberland County (Maryland Fair, Cum- berland Goshen Country Fair begins in West Chester, con- tinues through Aug 5 Middletown Communtiy Fair begins, continues through Aug 5 Tuesday, Aug. I County Holstein Club Field Day at Jav Jesus which has not been included in the gospels and is known to us only through this passage in Acts. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (20 35) Both Jesus and Paul had demonstrated this with their very lives, and so now must the Ephesians It is a sad but inspired group of Ephesians that bids goodbye to Paul and his spirit would remain with them for a long tune Paul’s swansong could have been pure sentimentality Instead it was a powerful and in spiring challenge It was a high-flying eagle, not a lame duck, who had said farewell ask fli eventually the entire leaf dies. We suggest weekly sprays with Fixed Copper plus Maneb or Bravo, this should keep the infection from spreading to other parts of the plant The cure is very difficult The prevention of this infection is suggested before the plants start dying. These fungicides will not make the fruit unfit for use; after a thorough washing the tomatoes should be ac ceptable. Landis farm, south of Millersville, 10 a.m. Chester County Holstein Club Field Day at the Donald M. Hostetter farm, east of Oxford along Route 1. Program begins at 7 p m. Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair, Ag Center, West minster, Md Field Day at the Penn State research farm near Landisville, 10 a.m. to 3 p m Morrison Cover Dairy Show, Martinsburg, August 1-4 Wednesday, August 2 Cecil County 4-H Livestock Club market lamb and hog sale at the Fair Hill, Md Fairgrounds, 6 p m Monthly meeting of the Hunterdon County (N J ) Board of Agriculture, at (Turn to Page 33)