Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 22, 1978, Image 50

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—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 22, i 978
Home on the Range
(Continued from Page 49)
Olive or vegetable oil
3 small zucchini, unpeeled and sliced (about 2 cups)
h pound Italian sweet sausage, removed from casing
Vz cup coarsely chopped onion
Vz cup coarsely chopped green pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
1 (15 ounce) package pizza (includes flour mix, tomato
sauce, and ground cheese)
8 ounces Mozzarella cheese, coarsely grated
3 /4 teaspoon dried crushed oregano
In a heavy 10-mch skillet heat about V'z tablespoons oil;
add the zucchini and cook gently, turning as necessary,
until the slices look somewhat clear and some of them are
slightly browned With a slotted spoon remove the zuc
chini and set aside.
Add the sausage to the skillet and crumbling with a fork,
brown and thoroughly cook. To the sausage m the skillet
add about IM> tablespoons oil, the onion, green pepper and
garlic; cook gently, stirring often, until the vegetables are
wilted; set aside.
Make up the dough for the pizza according to package
directions, but add Vz tablespoon oil with the water; let
stand for five minutes as package directs. Spread a 12-
mch black iron skillet (with an ovenproof handle) with a
light film of oil and pat the dough over the bottom and
almost half way up the sides - don’t worry abour irregular
edges. Sprinkle with a third of the mozzarella then with
half the sausage mixture; arrange half the zucchini over
the sausage and sprinkle with half of the cheese from the
pizza package. Repeat layers Stir in the oregano into the
tomato sauce from the pizza package and pour it over the
layers; top with the remaining third of mozzarella. Pmch
crust into even edge around pie
Bake on the lowest rack of a preheated 425 degree F
oven for 20 minutes. Cut in wedges and serve at once or
the crust will get soggy.
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
*6 teaspoon pepper
Slice zucchini as thin as you can Mix flour, salt, and
pepper and dip zucchini in flour mixture. Fry in hot oil and
dram between paper towels.
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic crushed
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
2 zucchini diced (scrubbed, not peeled)
1 cup cooked tomatoes
J /2 teaspoon oregano
% teaspoon basil
Salt and pepper to taste
Saute omon, garlic, and potatoes in small amount of oil
Add zucchini, tomatoes, and seasonings and cook until
potatoes are done. Add water if necessary
Long Creek Farm
Sistersville, W. Va.
Audrey Nemeth
Rockaway, N. J.
Stars twinkled in the sky
and cricket voices sang
through the dark night as I
walked to bam late that
night for a supply of mill: for
the breakfast cereals
Strange murmunngs
could be heard with the
opening of the milk house
door. Following the sound
back into the bam, I was
astonished when I stumbled
into a noisy meeting.
“We’ve got to march on
Washington,” Bossy was
bellowing. “It’s tune to
lobby for quick passage of
ERA - Equal Rights for
“Let’s coordinate our
demands,” suggested herd
leader Gloria, prepared to
begin writing notes on the
whitewashed bam walls with
a red paint stick
“Put a national health
program at the top of that
list,” ordered sore-feet.
Chicken barbecue planned
VINEMONT - The the Weaver Store in
Vinemont Community Blamsport The public is
Lutheran Church will hold invited to attend and par
its annual Summer Take-Out ticipate
Chicken Barbecue on the
church grounds along the
Fntztown - Vinemont -
Remholds highway today
(July 22) between the hours
of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The
ladies of the church will
conduct a baked goods sale
at the same tune. Also, the
youth group, led by Mrs.
Gerald Grumbling, will have
the same barbecued chicken
and baked goods on sale at
mastitis-prone Angel “What
shall we call it 7 ”
“Medicow, of course'”
mooed Amy
“Well, I certainly would
ask that they make free
family planning information
available,” sighed old Belle,
the 10-year-old grandma cow
whose twin heifers butted
against her bulging udder
every five minutes hunting a
“Don’t forget to ask for
increased feed stamps,”
reminded big, lumbering,
always hungry Susan “Just
because I don’t fill the milk
pail as full as Millie and Jan
should not keep me from
getting my equal share at
the gram feeder. They owe
that tome ”
“And no more expecting
us to walk out to pasture and
find our own grass,” added
Lazy Lilly, sprawled out
relaxing in the walkway.
“Add an amendment to force “Incorporate as part of the
farmers to cut the grass legislation enforcing
fresh each day and bring it to Saturdays and Sundays oteSy
jjg» from milking, as well as ,v
“How about including an eight annual paid holidays
article to repeal artificial and three weeks Summer
insemination?” came vacation.” insisted a final
another suggestion from speaker
somewhere in the back row
of stalls I don’t buy that package of
“And why not stiff fines for negotiation suggestions
veterinarians with cold but if they can make that last
hands’” was heard voiced d® m stick, 111 march right
from another direction. along with them
■ «
This new Calumet iagoon pump elim
inates the high cost of docks and ramps
Delivers up to 4,500 gallons of crust
busting agitation per minute Completely
portable Hydraulic controls 20" or 25"
Your complete liquid manure equipment dealer
Calumet and Nesseth Distributor
Penna., New Jersey, Maryland, West Virginia
R.D. 3 Mifflmburg, Pa. 17844
Phone 717-966-2736 Day or Night
for down to earth prices