20—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 1,1978 -t * -f > k ' v - l ; :?^ 'ir.v vr *v V •“• <♦ M *W *. &v Lynn Sherman, on the left, and Leslie, are starting to work with the newest arrival on the farm. Seen with them, and looking willing to learn is Sahaar, a weanling colt born on the place. Butler fhiundld: Buiidi P. E. Hess, Butler Mfg. Co. Box 337, Oxford, PA 19363 Dealer Inquiries Available In: Pennsylvania Counties - Clinton, Centre, Clearfield, Venango, Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, Butler, Clarion; Maryland Counties - Baltimore, Harford; New Hersey Counties - Sussex, Hunterdon, Somerset, Warren, Morris, Passaic. Name Address County City Phone < * * ' # •4 t :ry/ »i CALL YOUR LOCAL AGRI-BUILDER FOR MORE AGRI-BUILDER .State. ■■■ LEROY E. MYERS, lI^C Route #l, Box 163 Clear Spring, Md. 21722 Phone 301-582-1552 AL MAURER P.O. Box 78 Cambra, Pa. 18611 Phone 717-864-3135 O.A. NEWI & SON CO Bridgeville. Delawar Phone 302-337 W.R. MOO CONTRA'' 113 Walnut West Newton, Pa Phone 412-872-61 natioi “But then I guess everybody thinks they’re horse is good, gut I know we’ll do our best.” Besides, Sheika, at home she and her sister Lynn, 13, work with four other horses. Leslie claims that a lot of her skill with the horses comes from her riding in structors, who helped her get to where She is today. “Without the help of such people as Natalie Immel Kline, Mrs. Richard Dady, and Mrs. Barbara Lauger, I never would have been able to learn everything that I needed to know.” Thinking about the future, Leslie commented, “Horses are my life at the moment. I plan to go to college and study animal husbandry, and I want horses to always be a major part of my life. Somehow, I’m going to find a job that deals with horses.” Winners KEMPTON - Lynnport Fire Company won the recent water hose com petition which was held al the Kempton Country Fair The Fire company, located in Lynnport, in Lehigh County, was named first ou( ÜBU LS & PRICE D.E. SMITH. INC. Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 Phone 717-436-2151 ROYER’S FARM SERVICE R.D. #1 Winfield. Pa. 17889 Phone 717-837-3201 ! I f U. I l—w*- i rrs