—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 17,1978 10 EEDITORIAL COMMENTS By DIETER KRIEG, EDITOR j PFA survey shoots cholesterol theory Farmers who have been insisting that eating meat, eggs, and dairy products are good for you now have an additional bit of ammunition at their fingertips, thanks to a study conducted by the Pennsylvania Farmers Association. The bottom line of the survey adds weight to the growing theory that physical lifestyles are more closely My father could have entered any one of a number of professions. Gifted with both physical and mental powers, his opportunities were broad. During his younger years he was a star athlete, excelling in track and field events, soccer, and boxing. In fact, he was never defeated in amateur heavyweight bouts. He played soccer until age 40 and threw the discus to distances which rivaled tosses seen at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. My father’s interest and in volvement in sports undoubtedly could have Ifed to a career, had he wanted it that way. Another one of my father’s in terests some 40-50 years ago was aviation. He had top grades in school and had dreams of perhaps becoming an aeronautical engineer There’s no doubt he could have We use a lot of gasoline and diesel fuels on our farms and when they are not handled properly, they are a source of unwanted fires. Gasoline should be stored in an underground tank. When it is necessary to store TURNING THE TABLES Lesson for June 18, 1978 Background Scripture: Acts 16. Devotional Reading: Luke 8:4-15. Did it ever strike you that Rural Route HAPPV FATHERS PAY W£ THOUGHT WE'D 00 ALL THE CHORES FOR you TODRV _ linked to good health than whether or not you eat eggs, meat, and dairy oroducts. The PFA report noted that out of 3578 health program participants, only 45 showed sign of cholesterol abnormalities Since farmers are traditionally big consumers of the foods which are often blamed for causing cholesterol problems, the LIFE on the farm entered that field successfully, because even though I have never seen his report cards, I've seen his mind at work. He can figure mathematical problems faster in his head than many other people can use calculators. But despite his abilities and the promises that were evident in aviation, my father chose to keep that door closed too Instead, he went on to attend an agricultural school where he graduated with the highest honors ever bestowed on a student at that institution. His chosen career was farming, specifically dairy cattle breeding and management. Rather than work and live in the limelight as an athlete, my father elected to work in a cow stable Instead of a challenging and rewarding career at the nearby Hemkel aircraft works, he chose a be stored in approved safety cans. Be sure to label all cans plainly so there is no danger of a mix-up. 'Gasoline and diesel fuel must be kept away from flames or heat. Strictly enforce no smoldng rules. much of the Book of Acts is set inside Jails? In Acts 5 the high priest, jealous of their success, imprisons some of the apostles. Of course that night an angel came and freed the apostles and sent them back to the city to continue their public work. In Acts 8 we are told that Saul dragged off to prison some of the followers of Jesus. In Acts 12 Herod has Peter thrown in Jail, but with the help of another angel Peter escapes and his jailers are executed by the enraged Herod. In Acts 22-26 we find Paul m prisons in both Jerusalem and Caesarea, OH. THE SUKERS HAVEN'T 9££ W WASHEP YET, ANP I'm not sore how that PENT OOT IN THE TANK DO you THIMK we SHOULD Y MENTION ABOUT THEFEEDh cart opssiriue ' c c on the <4—K /1 L_ A ®L si jg a motor. Storing gasoline or diesel fuel in glass jugs or bottles is inviting trouble. It is also dangerous to use them to start burning trash, leaves, barbecue pits or stoves. Gasoline should not be used scenes of some of his most significant confrontations with the civil authorities. And Acts closes with Paul, under house arrest in Rome. Praying and Singing There is one other prison incident in Acts. 16. When Paul exorcises a demon from a young woman whose madness is being exploited, a not ensues and after they are severely beaten, Paul and Silas are thrown in jail. One would expect that these two men would feel a deep sense of dispair over their plight. But Christians in those days exhibited rather strange behaviour when they were in jail. Thrown into OH WELL .. , IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS PFA study is a two-pronged document towards dispelling the idea that eggs, meat and dairy products are bad for you, while strengthening the thought that' physcial exercise is very important. The study grew out of a health program which was initiated by the PFA Women's Committee A mobile health van traveled to 39 County profession which most people roll their noses up at. In the years that followed I have seen my father pitch manure for hours without ever showing signs of fatigue. Some folks may quit working at 5 p.m. and others when they're tired, but my father always kept going until the work was done. I've seen him uncover a cesspool and think nothing of it. A tight money situation meant that if the job was to be done, we had to do it ourselves. Anyone will take a pleasant job, and most people will go for the jobs,that pay well, but only a few will take on a chore such as emptying a cesspool with old grease buckets For a couple years, my father got up every morning at 230 a.m By 3 o’clock he’d be milking as many as 106 cows by himself. Not too many folks would subject themselves to The season for storms and high winds will be with us throughout the summer. These conditions often break tree branches and leave them in your pasture fields. If you have any wild cherry or choke cherry branches Herod’s prison, you will remember, Peter slept, although his life was surely in danger. Now at Philippi we find Paul and Silas “praying and singing hymns to God” (16:25). And it is interesting to note that “the prisoners were listening to them.” One or more angels had figured prominently in some previous escapes from jail by apostles. This time, however, it was to be an earthquake that would open the prison doors. (What chance does a mere per secutor have when God has angels and earthquakes at his disposal!). By Tom Armstrong Farmers Associations and farmers to come in for checkups. Of the 3578 individuals who were' examined, 50 were children under the age of 16 The average age wJ 49. such demanding schedules Wheir there was hay to haul, only milking time could be counted upon as a sure break in the routine. The air m the mow would get almost unbearably hot, and the sweat would roll, but the bales kept coming and coming Dad was in his fifties but he worked as though he was half that age One Spring we cleared about a 5. acre section of land for pasture It had grown wild over the years and was the kind of place in which the cows liked to hide at calving time Most people would have taken a heavy-duty rotary mower into a place like that, but we didn't have one and couldn’t afford one Dad led the way with an ax and saw Many people would have staggered just at the sight of that enormous task, but my these leaves are damaged by broken limbs, they wilt down and a poisonous substance is formed within the leaves. A handful of these wilted leaves can kill a cow or several sheep if eaten. Death occurs very quickly because What Must I Do? It is not just an earthquake that is important in this story, however, but something else. When the earthquake rips open the prison, the jailkeeper, knowing that he will be tortured and killed if his prisoners escape, decides to take his own life. All is lost, it seems. But out of the darkness there comes this reassurance from Paul: “Do not harm yourself for we are all here.” Although the prison doors stand wide open, Paul and Silas are not going to escape. Farm Calendar Today, June 17 Kempton Country Fair continues today and tomorrow in Kempton. Pennsylvania Junior Livestock Field Day, Penn State University. Pennsylvania Egg Marketing Association meets, 7 p.m. at the Treadway, Lancaster. Adams County dairy prin cess pageant, Biglerville High School, 8 p.m. (Turn to Page 17) the poison interferes with thl oxygen carrying ability d the blood. Treatment i possible, but the animals art usually found dead in tltl field. The only way ti (Turn to Page 35) Why not? One cannot helpl but conclude that they! decide to remain out oil concern for the jailor. They! know what fate lies before! him if they escape. So Pauli communicates to the jailor a! loving concern that is| probably as amazing to tlitj jailor as the sheer force A the earthquake. Here ar«| two men who care about! him, who are willing t°| sacrifice their freedom Joj him. No wonder he turns anil asks that important! question: “Men, what whatl must I do to be saved?” Once! again God has turned the! tables to reach a man's! heart. I Twenty-third annual Crafl Days Festival at fl* Pennsylvania Far® Museum, today a"* tomorrow, noon to 5 p i® York County 4-H click® barbeque, 4 p.m. at the* H Center near Bair. York County 4-H strawbert round-up, 1 p.m. at the % H Center. (Turn to Page 14) ■nvitd Physical!