Forced unionism stalled WASHINGTON, D.C. - The abrupt Senate de cision to delay a cloture vote on the so-called labor law “reform” bill shows “the bill’s big labor sup FREE NITROGEN OUT OF THE AIR Enough to make a good crop by applying Agrispon soil mnoculants after planting It more than pays for itself by the phosphores and potash it releases and the big improvement of the soil texture. The nitrogen is free, we can spray on it Now is a good time after planting Same with SOIL CONDITIONER which im proves crops tremendously just by breaking hard pan and making soil life possible Agrispon supplies the soil life, they blend well together and cost very little per acre. ORGANIC CENTER 217 S. Railroad Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717-354-7064 Early mornings for owner call 717-394-9917 Mon. - Fri. Only ’ V "‘s ' ' THE SYSTEM ► AUTOMATION Looking for the one best feeding system? fehove VN // four! \ Diamond Automation offers you a choice of four automated feeding sys tems Why 9 Even among the experts not everyone agrees on which system is “best" With the cost of feed running about 60% of your total production cost, more than ever, proper feeding is critical It con make you—or break you One key to proper feeding is proper distribution That s one big advantage of dealing with Diamond Automation We don t have to try to sell you on one particular system be cause it s the only one we have You pick the system that best fills your feed distn bution needs And you can bank on it Choose from 1 New Flat Cham System Feed is car ried on top of the chain links You control the depth of feed with ease and accu racy There s less billing-out Optimum Emm liglli EQUIPMENT • Mwmm nEHH inc. QRD 3. SPRECHER ROAD, WILLOW STREET, PA P LANCASTER COUNTY 717-464-3321 flLili porters don’t have the votes to stop the filibuster and they know it,” Reed Larson, president of the National Right to Work Committee declared last week. WE SELL, SERVICE & INSTALL Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia announced May 18 that there would be no cloture vote on S. 2467, the mislabled law “reform” bill now before the Senate, until after the Memorial Day recess. “If the bill’s supporters had the votes,” Larson said, “they would try for cloture. Their announcement to delay any vote is an open admission of their basic weakness. “It also confirms that opponents of the bill are speaking for the majority of the American people who oppose a bill which would force hundreds of thousands of workers into unwanted unions. “The next move,” said Committee president Lar son, “is up to the supporters of the phony labor law ‘reform’ bill. They can either continue to waste America’s time by prolonging the filibuster or abandon S. 2467 as a piece of unwanted and unwarranted legislation and get about the real business of feed level is maintained to all cages Various chain speeds from 20 to 60 ft per minute are available 2 New Unk Cham System Small indi vidual portions of fresh feed are corned through a covered channel Birds can t pick at feed as it passes Each time the system starts, equal portions of fresh feed are distributed throughout the length of the trough less waste Same formula from beginning to end 3 The Old, Reliable F-80 Deep “V” System. Keeps an even supply of fresh feed in front of all birds, including those farthest from the feed supply Even de beaked turds eat freely and safely from the entire width of the trough Deep V design really cuts down on billing-out 4. Exclusive Feedsaver" System The feed mix you buy is the mix the birds get coping with the serious problems of inflation, energy and unemployment.” The Senate, buried under a deluge of public protest against the so-called labor law “reform” bill (S. 2467) took up the controversial legislation at noon, on May 16 and was quickly caught up m what promises to be one of the longest filibusters in over a decade. Larson said the opponents are well-organized “and prepared to fight on behalf of America’s workers for as long as necessary to defeat this compulsory unionism legislation.” Larson said, “The sup porters of the filibuster know that even though they don’t have a majority of the senators with them, they do have a majority of the American people, and are therefore going to stand fast against this sell-out to union officials. “So there’s no reason for Majority Leader (Robert) Byrd (D-WV) to drag it out. “President Carter and the union officials aren’t going 2. 3. 4. Energy-saving, battery powered hoppers deliver a fresh, balanced ration to each bird Automatically compensates for differences in birds feeding habits to eliminate feed build-up and spillage Reduces overfeeding and billing-out Provides meaningful savings in electnc and feed costs Fully compatible with any of our cage systems And, if you haven t heard. we've added seven new cage systems We call them our Egg Maker Series 2 and 3-high, floor supported or roof sus pended, 4 high layer reverse cage, and single tier starter-grower floor supported or suspended If you'd like to get together and talk sys tems—cages or automated feeding—|ust let us know in Congress to be able to force this un popular measure down the public's throat no matter how long they tie up the Senate.” Despite the public op position to the bill, which would force workers to join unions against their will, organized labor’s friends in the Senate have vowed to “keep at it until we get cloture, no matter how long it takes.” President Carter, at a White House “pep rally” for union officials late last week promised them they’ll “have a strong partner in the White House.” Carter indicated that the prolonged battle over the “reform” bill could be allowed to drag on because, he said, last year’s “overwhelming problem” with inflation has eased. In 1976, the Carter- Mondale ticket received $ll million in reported in-kind contributions from organized labor (considered only a fraction of the total support received from unions) .In December of 1977, Vice President Mondale, speaking at the AFL-ClO’s 12th convention, promised the gathered union officials “to fulfill the trust and faith you have put in us” by making the so-called “reform” bill one of the Administration’s top legislative priorities. Now, sources on Capitol Hill indicate that the President has promised union officials to personally call southern senators op posing the bill and pressure them to switch their position. BILL FAR FROM MODERATE HARRISBURG Placements of broiler chicks in the Commonwealth during the week ending May 13, 1978, were up six per cent from the same week a year ago, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. The placements were at 2.037.000, three per cent below the previous week. Average placements during the past 10 weeks were nine per cent above a year earlier. Placements of broiler chicks m the 21 poultry producing states were 76.144.000, one per cent below the previous week but seven per cent more than the same week a year earlier. Average placements in the 21 poultry-producing states during the past 10 weeks were four per cent above a year earlier. f' HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE Fetter Diesels - Sales & Service Ph. 717-656-6133 2998 West Newport Rd. Ronks, Pa. 17572 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27,1978 Broilers up USED DIESELS LISTER LD-1 3Vz HP FETTER H I 7HP BA-1 10 HP PJ-1 10 HP BA-2 20 HP PJ-440HP LET US KWOW YOUR SERVICE PROBLEMS “It’s a terrible indictment of the Administration and certain union-controlled senators,” Committe president Larson said, “for them to allow this union power grab to take up their time and the country’s time. “While on the one hand, the bill’s backers are trying to peddle it as ‘moderate’ legislation, on the* other hand, they’re pulling out all stops to force it through. “Their ‘no-holds-barred’ approach to the bill’s passage lends credence to the statement Senator Harrison Williams (D-N.J.) made when he introduced the legislation last July. Williams boasted that, ‘this is the most sweeping revision of national labor policy since the passage of the Landrum-Griffm Act 17 years ago.’ “And the worst part,” Larson concluded, “it’s a revision that gives vast new powers to union bosses at the expense of rank and file workers.” The National Right to Work Committee is a 1.25 million member citizens’ lobby that opposes com pulsory unionism. It is widely credited with leading the opposition to the “reform” bill. Since late December, the Committee has run over 300 newspaper ads and mailed in excess of 10 million letters to members and prospective members. The Committee’s efforts have resulted in over 4 million cards and letters being sent to U.S. Senators by constituents opposing the bill. The number of broiler fryers slaughtered in Pennsylvania in the federal inspection week ending May 3 was 1,748,000 with an average weight of 3.86 pounds. No rabies reported HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Animal Industry reports no rabies cases have been diagnosed positive between January 1 and April 30,1978. The bureau reports that 16 rabies cases were diagnosed positive from July 1,1977 to April 30, 1978. Twelve cases involved bats, with the remaining four attributed to two skunks, one dog, and one cat. 43