Good estate plan requires legal help NEWARK, Del. - Far mers work hard and are known for their thriftiness. Most of the money they earn above that needed for living is invested in the farm business. With land values increasing each year, along with big investments in machinery, buildings and livestock, many farmers have an estate of half a million dollars or more. This is' the owner’s property, and he has the right to say how he wants it to be distributed at death. But, points out University of Delaware Extension agricultural economist W.T. McAllister, if the owner doesn’t exercise this right, the state of Delaware will distribute the property SEE THESE WHITE DEALERS FOR FIELD BOSS™ TRACTORS HARVEST BOSS™ COMBINES PLANT/AIRE™ PLANTERS AND DUALITY ULLAGE EQUIPMENT. ◄ HE SELLS PERFORMANCE ► ARNETT’S GARAGE N. 6. HERSHEY & SON, INC. Rt. 9. Box 25 Hagerstown, MD 301-733-0515 BURCHFIELDS, INC. 112 S Railroad St Martinsburg, PA 16662 814-793-2194 PAUL M. BYERS, INC. CHAS. I. Chambersburg, PA 17201 McGOMSEY & SONS 717-263 8568 Hickory Hill, PA 215-932-2615 n NORMAN D. CLARK & SON Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT, INC. RD4 Ephrata, PA 717-354-4271 FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLY INC. 103 Cemetery St Hughesvilie, PA 717-584-2106 GEORGE N. GROSS, INC. 5261 Davidsburg Rd Dover, PA 17315 717-292-1673 60S FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Seven Valleys, PA 717-428-1356 HANDWERK BROS. SERV. CENT. RDI-Neffs Slatington, PA 215-767-5946 among the heirs, according to law. In many cases this will result in a very un satisfactory division of the wealth that has been ae cumulated. Some people draw up a hasty, vague will and think They have taken care of the job of estate planning. This is better than nothing, assuming it is a valid will. But a will is only the final step in estate planning, says McAllister. First of all, it’s necessary to determine how best to structure the estate so that the heirs will receive maximum benefit from the property one leaves them. Here are some of the things that a good estate plan should do. It should provide sufficient income Manheim, PA 717-665-2271 PAUL W. HISTANO CO. INC. 697 N Mam St. Doylestown, PA 215-348-9041 MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RDI Bechtelsville, PA 215-845-2911 ERNEST SHOVER FARM EQUIPMENT 19 W. South St Carlisle, PA 717-249-2239 SHUEY’S SALES SERVICE Ono, PA 717-865-4915 STANLEYS FARM SERVICE RD 1 - Off Rte. 125 Klingerstown, PA 717-648-2088 STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA 215-593-5280 IVAN J. ZOOK Route 655, Belleville, PA 717-935-2948 for the surviving spouse and minimize state and federal estate gift taxes. A good plan will place-the responsibility of estate settlement in the hands of someone capable of doing it and keep court costs to a minimum. One should avoid splitting the farm property among the family members and into small uneconomic units and provide enough cash for paying estate taxes and other costs without forcing a sale of the farm business. Estate planning starts with a listing of all personal assets, as well as those owned jointly with others. Real property should be separated from personal property. Current market values should be placed on THE NEW WHITE 378 ROW CROP CULTIVATOR ... SETTING STANDARDS FOR COMPARISON If you’re looking for a new,row crop cultivator, don’t consider yourself fin ished shopping until you’ve seen the all new White® 378 Cultivator. Here’s a row crop cultivator that will seem to outdate others on the market. The first quality you’ll notice about the 378 is its clean, rugged design and exceptional clearance. In fact, you have 18 inches of vertical clearance. That’s nearly 3 inches more than most other makes. And its 5x7 inch main frame and 4 inch wide channel parallel links give you the weight and strength for the “stay-put” accuracy you want. To help you beatjthe clock, the 378 is standard equipped with S-tine vibra shanks. So you can travel at speeds up to 8 mph knowing you’re doing the best job possible uprooting weeds your herbicide left behind. The 378 Row Crop Cultivator... available in four, six and eight row models with either a Category II or 111 3 point hitch. Row widths of 36 and 38 inches are available in the 4 and 6 row models, while both the 6 and 8 row models may be equipped for 28 and 30 inch rows. Stop by soon for more details on the all new 378 Row Crop Cultivator. the assets. Notes should be made about any special treatment for family members or friends so that these provisions can be included in the will. Having done all this, it’s time for a person to seek legal advice on preparation of a will that will best meet one’s wishes. The lawyer will prepare the formal part of the will, but be may suggest a call upon a financial advisor, a tax consultant, an insurance agent, or a bank trust officer as well. These people have the expertise needed to help a person meet all the requirements of a good and legal will. Planning an estate and backing up this plan with a Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27,1978 will is an easy thing to delay and neglect. Estate planning also costs some money, which is another reason for procrastination. But when putin terms of knowing that one has provided for the care of his spouse and family, avoided family conflicts and unnecessary forced sale of the farm property, and probably saved some tax dollars for his heirs, the need to tackle this undesirable job right now is unmistakably clear. Trend confirmed How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm? The answer is, you can’t. The February 1978 Reader’s Digest noted that in 1975 one in every four Americans lived on a farm. Today only one in 25 does. PERFORMANCE: THE REAL REASON YOU BUY A CULTIVATOR Tricky business It takes the nerves of a high-wire artist and the patience of a brooding hen to be a top piano technician, says one of the men who is. Tuning, action-regulating and “voicing” of the in strument is tricky business. A piano consists of 12,000 separate wood, iron, steel, ivory, and felt parts. A wrong move on the technician’s part can drastically alter the piano’s quality of sound. Sins Missed When a preacher recently claimed that there are about 800 separate sms to be wary of, he was beseiged with calls People wanted to know which ones they were missing 33