Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1978, Image 28

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27,1978
Limited partnership could be farmer’s option
Del. - The
arrangement appears to be a
good one for farmers who
need large amounts of
capital but who want to
continue to run their own
farm businesses. Li fact, the
legal requirements of
should a farmer buy an
electronic scale on a grinder
“Because it pays,” says
Tim Wadsworth, product
manager for grinder-mixers
at Sperry New Holland.
“Fanners and ranchers
using grinder-mixers with
scales can take advantage of
lower-cost bulk delivered
supplement and still be real
sure of a balanced ration.”
Pom State’s Extension
livestock specialist, Lester
Burdette, points out that
Weeds taking over
Earliest of weeds, ground
ivy now
And crabgrass and the
prickly sow
Trhust up among the virgin
And fetch the gardener to his
Now, of my threescore years
and ten,
Sixty will not come again,
And take from seventy years
our BEST qualify
Latex Velvet Fiat
House Paint
• Quick drying
• Fade & mildew resistant
• Free of lead hazards
• Soap ’n water clean-up
V LIST PRICE $ 13 95 JJ LIST PRICE J 13953 95
INTERCOURSE, PA Phene 768-8291
Open Daily Till 5:30; Thurs. Till 8; Fri. Till 9. Now Open Wed. Afternoon
limited partnerships prevent
those partners from
becoming active in the
management process. A
limited partnership provides
an opportunity for the
nonfarm investor because
his liability is limited to the
amount of bis investment in
Electronic scale on grinder-mixer
helps make proper rations easier
ration balances for most
efficient gains are different
for different stages of
growth. Protein quality is
almost as important as the
quantity for a young pig. But
he’s of the opinion it’s
probably fair to assume an
unbalanced hog ration would
mean consumption of an
extra 3/10th of a pound of
feed for each pound of gain -
say a 3.5 or 3.7-to-l ratio
instead of 3.2-to-l feed/gain
That’s not counting the
feed rooted out of the self
You’re left with
decade more.
And since to eat three times
each day
Is nature’s charitable way,
I’ll ten times more fall on
my knees
To weed my weed con
founded peas.
(with apologies to A.E.
Henry W. Sams
. i’s. V
the farm business. Unlike a
farm corporation, if a
limited partnership
operation gets in trouble
each of the partners is liable
only to the extent of his
financial interest.
There are other ad
vantages to limited part
feeder. This means a 40-
pound pig would need an
extra 54 pounds of feed to
make the 180 pounds of gain
it takes to reach the 220
pound market weight if the
ration isn’t well balanced.
Electronic scales to help
make ration balancing
easier can be factory
installed or field-installed on
A steer on a high grain
ration will need about eight
pounds of feed for a pound of
gain to get all the way from
' 500 to 1100 pounds. A little
less per pound in the early
part of the feed but then a
little more protein is needed.
An unbalanced ration can
mean an extra pound of feed
per pound of gain or about
600 pounds more feed per
Steer supplement is a little
cheaper than hog sup
plement because protein
quality is less critical for
ruminants. You can use
some urea. But, that extra
600 pounds per animal adds
up to a substantial amount of
money that can be saved
through balanced rations.
The grinder-mixer product
just a
our BEST quality
Exterior Gloss
House Paint
• Chalk-resistant
high-gloss finish
• Use on wood or
metal surfaces
I Zb gallon
our BEST qualify
Latex Semi-Gloss
House Paint
• Resists peeling/blistering
« Chalk resistant
• Free of lead hazards
6 Soap ’n water clean-up
nerships, including some tax
possibilities, but each
limited partnership has its
own unique circumstances.
Within reason they can be
designed to fit the needs of
the partners.
Limited partnerships
provide an ideal way for a
manager points out that a
mistake in ration balancing
can throw animals off feed
and create health problems
in addition to wasting feed
and hurting conversion
rates. “The farmer can mix
rations properly with his
grinder-mixer, but it is much
easier_to do a good job of
proper ration balancing
when a grinder-mixer is
equipped with an electronic
scale. Bulk purchases and
proper ration balancing
make electronic scales on
your grinder-mixer pay off
both ways,” Wadsworth
On Sale
June 3.
widowed mother to turn the
fanning operation over to a
son. She can continue to
share in the profits and can
help her son financially, yet
she avoids the hazard of
unlimited liability- Limited
partnerships also offer
opportunities for heirs who
live in distant locations and
who have no interest in
actually managing a far
ming unit
A % partnership
arrangement should be
entered into very carefully
among people whaare fairly
sure they understand the
deal and can get along with
each other. Certainly,
limited partnerships
require a lot less day-to-day
shoulder rubbing and
decision making, but there"'
are still opportunities for
Available At:
Washington Boro, Pa. - 717-872-7182
Village of Falmouth - 717-367-6962
misunderstandings and
Hie farmer who wants to
be his own man, make all of
his own decisions, and be
accountable to no one, may
find the legal restraints and
the real or imagined
pressures from limited
partners unbearable. On the
other hand, the fellow who’s
looking for capital and has
the ability to run a farm
might find this an excellent
way to get into farming or to
move into a size of far
ming that is profitable.
One note of caution. There
are many legal and financial
pitfalls involved in setting up
such an arrangement.
There’s definitely a place for
a good lawyer and a good
accountant in the thinking
and planning process.