Plant lovers’ comer Spray saves holly from miners UNIVERSITY PARK Are the leaves on your holly trees covered with botch-like mines? If so, the holly leaf miner is responsible, say Penn State specialists. CREUTZBURG. INC. QUALITY LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES ★ OPEN DAILY -8:00 TO 5:00 SATURDAY -8:00 TO 12:00 M OWNER: HARRY E. LANDIS ALL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE BY MAIL Send For FREE Catalog CMUTZBURC, INC. > Lincoln Highway East, Box 7, Paradise, Pa. 17562 (717)768-7181 NAME CITY STATE For post-emergence weed control on com... Donvelherbicide... ...alone or tank-mixed with 2,4-D (depending on your weed problem): control tough, late germinating broodleof weeds. cover misses of pre-emergence herbicide application, get control where weather or other factors moke earlier application impossible. Call Agway for Banvel and other crop protection needs ZIP Holly leaf miners overwinter in holly leave*- one. rut rge during May. The adults teed for about 10 oays before females deposit their eggs in new leaves Feeding damage appears as small punctures on leaves. These feeding punctures may be so numerous that leaves become distorted. An application ot t’iazmon or metasystox-R when the small flies are present on the leaves during mid to late May, will prevent feeding damage. Egg laying occurs about the time new twig growth has three or four leaves. The mines become evident duruig late Summer. For further information on holly leaf miner control, call the Extension Office in your county. Vegetable garden weed control discussed UNIVERSITY PARK - Many horticulturists believe that more gardens are abandoned because of weeds than for any other reason. The depressing sight of thousands of grass plants such as crabgrass and foxtails competing with tomato and other vegetable plants is enough to discourage any gardener. But don’t despair, there are many ways to rid weeds in your garden. The oldest method is the use of the cultivator or the hoe. However, to be successful, you have to get the weeds as they emerge from the ground and keep after them throughout the gardening season. If you let the weed plants get too big, they must be pulled by hand. The other method is the use of mulches such as black plastic, wood chips and other organic materials. Plastic comes in rolls from 36 to 48 inches wide and can be handled in two ways. If you’re setting out plants, lay the plastic over the row, cover the edges with soil to keep it in place, and then punch a hole in the plastic just large enough to set the plant. If planting seeds you can use the same procedure or wait until the plant emerges and lay the plastic on each side of the plants. Newspaper also makes an excellent mulch. Lay the newspaper on each side of the plants, cover it with wood chips or place soil on the edges. By the end of the season or next Spring the newspaper will have disintegrated and can be plowed or spaded into the soil. Mulches such as plastic and newspaper are a haven for slugs, so keep an eye out for them. The Cooperative Extension Service does not rec- moke sure thot lote weeds connot moture to become the nursery for next year's weed crop. Ask us for application details about Donvel herbicide... from Velsicol. Note: Before using any pesticide, read the label. FARM ENTERPRISE SERVICE (agway) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6,1978 commend the use of herbicides to eliminate weeds in the home vegetable garden. However, there are products . cgisit ied tor this - -.e One contains DACTHAL which can be safely used on many vegetables and strawberries. Another is AMIBEN sold as Garden Weeder. If you decide to use one of these materials, be sure to read the entire label noting the crops on which it can be used, directions as to the timing of the application, and precautions as to its use, advises McKeehen. Ever since I was a little girl and my brother stirred up a goose and “sicced" it on me, I have had an unreasonable healthy respect for large members of the poultry line. Ducks and chickens are all right but turkeys and geese look a lot better to me at a distance. This was brought to my attention again this past week. I innpcently stopped at a farm to take a picture of some Jambs when I noticed a gigantic turkey roaming l«jse in the pasture. I went cold inside as I felt his little beady eyes sizing me up. TheV say animals can tell if you're afraid. Well, he kn6w within two seconds flat I was terrified of him. The good farmer’s wife got the lambs out and I prepared to take my shots. But, by that time, that old turkey knew he could ambush me any moment, and chalk up another victory to his long line of conquests. Suddenly it was hard for me to con centrate on taking pictures -- I was mainly con cerned with keeping my hostess between me and the glowering turkey. Seeing my fear, (my face must have been pure white by then), the lady of the house pulled out a shepherd’s crook, and battled the big bird away. With shaking hands, I quickly took some pictures of cuddly lambs -- all the time with one eye on the action to my left. As soon as the lambs were back in the barn, I hastily thanked the good woman and put the fence between me and the ruffley-feathered-monster. Then I could breathe a sigh of relief. But with my luck, next week I’ll get an exclusive story on a new breed of giant geese. |*SERVICE & PRICE MADE US ’ I NO. 1 IN SALES FOR I TROY-BILT Row Marker ~ NOW AUTHORIZED DEALER ISH.P. 4 WHEEL DRIVE NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN t Myerstown R.D. 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 I Vz mile west Myerstown - West Main St. I SHOP HOURS T Mon &Fn.-BtoB ▼ Wed &Thurs. Btos 99 Sat.-8 to 12 Tues Closed