—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1978 46 r /bonanza] iheOjgT - j rd-G' G ,/• -,r,, K GEl^r ATTENTION FERTILIZER DEALERS - FEED MILLS - CUSTOM APPLICATORS - Are You In Need Of A New Supplier For Your Fertilizers And Chemicals? Has Facilities And Capacity To Supply Your Needs - You Owe it To Yourself To Talk To A Royster Representative Before Deciding On A Supplier... THE DIFFERENCE COULD BE A BONANZA CALL TODAY! Whenever you need e combination of herbi cides for corn. No other pair will do as much Gets annual broadleaf weeds. Gets annual grasses. Even controls quackgrass, that tough perennial Clear to harvest. This year, treat your corn to AAtrex*- Prlncep*, the natural pair You can count on them 500 RUNNING PUMP ROAD LANCASTER, PENN A. 17601 717-299-2541 ROYSTER CO. fir LEBANON COUNTY: CALL 717-866-5701 Pre-emergence tank-mix combination controls both grassy and broodleof weeds Danvei+Lasso m q giant first step toward total weed control in field com Successful on millions of acres where corn is the major crop the Donvel + Lasso herbicide combination con give you near perfect (90 100 percent) control of a wide spectrum of grassy and broodleof weeds when used according to label directions Donvel + Losso herbicide is compofible with most fluid fertilizers It needs no /bonanza/ incorporation There is no carryover Take a giant step toward total weed control Call about the Oanvel + lasso combination Remember the near perfect herbicide is the one you build starting with Bonvel herbicide from Velsicol The combination i$ effective on oil major soil types except light sandy soils Lasso is o registered rodemorh of Monsanto Company To achieve best results be sure to read crev stond ond follow the label !