Yields earn state honors for 7 tomato growers Tomato growing champions for 1977, honored at he recent vegetable conference in Hershey, are rom left: Dio Shetler, of Turbotville Rl; Allen Smith, of Milton, representating Custom Growers md Harvesters, Inc.; Ronald Dingle, of Turbotville 11; Dennis Benfer, of Milton Rl, repesenting Why sweat out another season with worn out When you tiy to make obsolete equipment do for “one-more-season”, you’re asking for trouble. Like inefficient operation, endless repairs and costly down-time. New equipment takes money, but this need be no problem for you. Farm Credit loans are readily available ... at reasonable rates of interest . . . with repay- ment scheduled at times most convenient to you. See Farm Credit for financing the equip- ment you need today. machinery? COME IN, LET'S TALK IT OVER! FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. Double B and D, Inc.; James F. Kohl and K. James Kohl, of Furman Farms, Inc., Northumberland R 2; Robert E. Schwartz, of Lykens, accepting award for his son, Robert W.; and Mrs. Marjorie Maurer, of Hegins R 2. At right is Dr. R. W. Hepler, head of the Penn State department of horticulture. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1978 UNIVERSITY PARK - Winners in the machine Seven Pennsylvania tomato harvest division were growing operations that Furman Farms, Inc., of produced outstanding yields Northumberland R 2, 16.2 for processing during 1977 tons of usable tomatoes per received State Tomato acre on 151 acres; Custom Growing Champion awards Growers and Harvesters, in machine and hand harvest Inc., of Milton, 21.56 tons per divisions at ceremonies acre on 109 acres; Robert W. during the annual Vegetable Schwartz, of Lykens, 20.49 Conference held in Hershey tons per acre on 68.3 acres; on January 31 (Turn to Page 104) [U Farmland 11% (e) Stocks 7.4% m Bonds 6.1% (s) COMPARE Even with the conservative figures shown above, it’s obvious that land drainage should top farmers’ lists of investment priorities. COCALICO EQUIPMENT CO. V LI C A Typical Annual Return DRAINAGE & EXCAVATING . RD#3 DENVER, PA. 17517 (215)267-3808 103