—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1978 10 COMMENTS FROM READERS. Reader says do less and get more Editor, Lancaster Farming: There has been a lot of controversy over the farm strike situation and food pnces. I feel that if fanners had more education beyond the second grade maybe they would be able to un derstand the simple theory of supply and demand. For some reason or other far mers go out of their way to over-produce whether it be gram, milk, or beef, etc. What are they trying to prove? Who are they trying to impress? Have any of these farmers ever benefited from over-production other than getting a pat on the head for doing a good job? Farmers have more power than any organization in the country; they control the stomachs of every person in the U S. 1 think it’s about tune that the farmers made the people put food at the head of the necessity list. As long as the public is going away from the dinner table full, they couldn’t care less about the predicament the fanners are in. I am not ahamed to say that I would like to make some money farming, certainly there must be an TO PREPARE FOR NEW-BORN ANIMALS In dairy and swine herds, calving and farrowing are quite com mon at any time of the year. With sheep flocks most of the lambing is done during early Spring. In all cases it is very important that the owner provide a clean, draft-free place for this new-born animal. Too many are into filthy and cold places that get them off to a poor start. The first hour of a new-born animal’s life is very im portant; they should be kept warm, gotten dry as soon as possible, and then nurse with colostrum milk from the mother. For sheep producers we suggest supplemental heat at this time of the year to get the young lamb off to a good start. Most farrowing houses are built with extra heat for the farrowing pens. Dairyment should select a good clean box-stall for the cow that is calving. Remember, the care that is given a new-bcm animal the first few hours may be the breeding A PLACE TO STAND Lesson for January 22, 1978 Background Scripture: Daniel 6 Devotional Reading: Psalms 57 The story of Daniel in the lions’ den is a study in con trasts. easier way to make a buck. However, the way things are going I’ll have to rob a bank. The American people have been eating cheap long enough. I am not slaving 16 hrs. a day, seven days a week just to get the satisfaction of feeding my urban counterpart at my cost. Follow the footsteps of the machinery companies and oil compames. Up until 1973 machinery companies had a very small profit margin so they created an artificial shortage for two years, jumped prices to where they felt comfortable and then controlled production very close to suit their needs. Same goes for the oil com pames. Remember the gas lines? They also created an artifical shortage when the price of gas was low. Now that the price is up, do you see any gas lines or shor tages? I’ll bet those fat cats are happy now. No way on earth are the farmers ever going to be able to control the price of their product directly, but they can indirectly. They can do this by stopping production and letting the difference between health and sickness. TO PROVIDE SALT AND MINERALS All types of animals crave salt and some minerals in order to be satisfied. The providing of free access to salt is a good practice in order to encourage con sumption of large amounts of water. Heavy water consumption usually results in more efficient gains and greater milk production. In addition to salt mixed into the grain ration, we suggest that loose salt be provided free choice to all types of farm animals. The use of minerals is a bit more in volved because of the many different elements. However, the providing of free-choice minerals is suggested in addition to those mixed in the feed. The forced feeding of needed minerals in the grain ration is a good practice and should be based upon a forage analysis test; this is especially true in breeding herds of both dairy and beef cattle. Beef cattle feeders On the one hand, we have the presidents and satraps of the Persian Kingdom in the reign of Kmg Darius They sound like a familiar group of men for they were con sumed oy jealousy for Daniel, who occupied a place of special favor with the king Learning that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom, “the presidents and satraps sought to find a ground of complaint against Daniel with regard to the kingdom ” (Daniel 6 4) The vulnerable point The problem, they found, was that Daniel was held in such high esteem m the kingdom that nothing law of supply and demand take over providing the government doesn’t in tervene and sabotage this movement with imports. Look at it this way, “Do Less-Get More.” Less work hours, less acres to work, less animals to milk, less equipment, and less production. In return a profit, conserved energy, more leisure time and an all around better way of Life. I do not advocate starvation in this country, but people are going to have to pay more to eat if I am going to produce food for them. Furthermore, the public knows only too well the importance of agriculture; however, that doesn’t help the farmer. The public can be exposed to all the ads on prime time TV but their opinion of farmers will never change. They will always consider him as a third rate persons that threatens their so-called high standard of living. (If they didn’t have to pay for food they could have another flashy sports car, etc.) Being of the agricultural minority myself I think it’s time for equal rights! (Turn to Page 15) can expect good results by providing free choice mineral mix in addition to salt. TO ESTABLISH SOIL SAVING PRACTICES The Spring of the year is an excellent time to start some soil saving practices on the land. Contour strips, terraces, and diversion ditches can all be established before the 1978 crops are planted. These various methods of con trolling water will not only prevent soil losses but will RURAL ROUTE By Tom Armstrong damaging could be found against him. Finally, however, they realized that there was one point at which this man was vulnerable: his faith in the God of Israel. If they could manuever him in to having to make a choice between his faith and the king, they would have him, for they knew that his loyalty to the king was exceeded on ly by his loyalty to his God. How many people do you know who have that kind of reputation today 9 Are you vulnerable because your highest loyalty is to your faith in God 9 One thing we need to note that Daniel did not seek to EDITORIAL COMMENTS Congratulations to all Congratulations are m order to scores of people who contributed to making the Pennsylvania Farm Show a pleasant experience .We’ll begin with the many exhibitors - cham pions, runner-ups and all other participants, including the agri business folks - for without tnem there would be no Farm Snow They showed us their best and we enjoyed it Special congratulations are in Today, Jan. 21 York County 4-H officer training at the 4-H Center in Bair, 9 a.m. through 8:30 p.m. Workshops and square dancing. New Jersey’s 107th Far mers’ Week begins today, runs through the 28th. Monday, Jan. 23 Public hearing for southeastern Penn sylvania milk marketing area, in the Radnor Room of the Sheraton Valley Forge Motel, Route 363, King of Prussia. 1 p.m. Fulton Grange meeting, 8 p.m., program: slide program on covered bridges from near and help hold more water higher on the slopes and fields. Good topsoil is a precious natural resource, and every land owner should make an effort to keep it in place. Farmers that are growing continuous corn should be very careful to keep their soil from eroding. In these cases terraces can be established to help slow down the loss of both water and soil. The adding of extra organic matter in the form of crop residues, green cover crops, and livestock manure become a martyr for his faith. When he learned about the ordinance the satraps and presidents had gotten the king to agree to, he did not blatantly and publicly defy the ordinance. He did not seek to become a con troversial figure. He wanted only to continue to serve his God. So, we are told: “When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem; and he got down upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously” (6 10) A note of appreciation is due to the Farm Show management and the scores of vo-ag teachers, Extension agents, and Farm Show employees who kept events flowing smoothly, and often assisted in making results available to news repoi ters Thatle a big plus for good coverage Farm Calendar far, presented by Roger _ Small, Holtwood. York County 4-H skating party, Delco skating rink, 7 to 10 p.m. Dairy Interests Day in New Jersey, dairy farmer panel and program held as part of Farmers Week, Holiday Inn, Bordentown, 10:30 a.m. Sheep husbandry meeting, Cumberland County Extension Building, Claremont Road, Carlisle, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24 Soil Conservation Service meeting concerning duckies Creek, at the Manheim Community Building, 7:30 p.m. will help keep the soil loose and of higher water holding capacity. TO PROTECT BUILDINGS During the Winter and * Spring months, we get larger amounts of water from snow and rain. Is this water being properly carried away from your buildings? Some roof gutters and down-spouts may need adjustment or repairing in order to protect the building. Drainage water from around the buildings should be dtiched away from The anxious king We have seen the envious, plotting enemies (and recognized their coun terparts today). We have seen the faithful Daniel who doesn’t look for touble, but won’t run away if it means denying his faith. This brings us to the king, a man of good intentions and decent sympathies, but vascillating and even weak Instead of saving Daniel from his enemies, he wishes Daniel luck “May your God, whom >ou serve continually, deliver you!” The king is like many who want God to order for those who had the top animals and products Cattle Feeders’ Day in Lancaster County. Topics of interest will be presented at the and Home Center. The 1978 Lime Fertilizer and Pesticide Conference begins at the J.O. Keller Conference Center, University Park. Programs continue through the 26th. Garden Spot Young Fanners meeting, feeding animal wastes to livestock, 7:30 p.m. at the high school. Thomasville 4-H Club meeting, at the 4-H Center in Bair. the building. I’ve noticed some buildings that were taking too much of this extra ground water at this time of the year. Extra moisture in or on a building means rotted wood and extra replacement costs. Good building protection is very much in order. do what they themselves have the power to do. They want to do the right thing, but they do not have the courage. So, Daniel is cast into the lion’s den. He had chosen to make his stand there. There were many things he might do to avoid trouble, but he would not ccmDromise his faith. So it is with us, too. Lake Daniel we do not need to look for trouble as Chi istians There are issues which are hardly worth our efforts But be assured, there is for each of us a place where God calls us to stand. (Turn to Page 15) k*l