—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. December 31,1977 70 Report explains differences between consumer/producer costs WASHINGTON, D.C. - The farmer’s share of what the consumer pays for a pound of choice beef is about half the cost of the cut. For a can of frozen orange juice, a third. For a loaf of white bread, only 12 per cent. Differences between what the consumer pays and the farmer receives-the farm to-retail price spread-thus vary widely by food item. These differences reflect what happens to various food products between the farm and the grocery checkout counter. Course on grain crops available now UNIVERSITY PARK - Penn State University is offering a correspondence course on gram crops and an accompanying 1978 agronomy guide to Penn sylvania farmers. Dr. Robert P. Pfeifer, associate professor of plant breeding, includes in formation in the course on uses and importance of the most common cereals or grains, including corn, wheat, oats, barley, soybeans, and rye. Methods of seeding, harvesting, storage, and marketing are RULES STRICT ON OFFICES IN THE HOME Here’s timely tax advice on offices m the home If you plan to take a tax deduction for an office in the home, you should be prepared to sub stantiate, among other things, that it was used regularly and exclusively for the convenience of your employer Congress, IRS and the courts have all grown so strict on this, that the employees, the deduction is virtually elmuted. A public service of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Ac countants BETTER BIU Call Toll Free 1-800-447-5684 New Dealerships Now Available THE PEARSON BROS C Box Z Galva. Illinois 61 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP dH interested in a I s hr- A new report, released this month by USDA’s Economic Research Service, examines cost components-processi ng, packaging, tran sportation, and instore handling costs-that made up the farm-to-retail price spread for 16 food items in 1975. Although retail prices and production and marketing costs have changed smce then, the relationships between cost components haven’t changed drastically. The farm-retail spread is relatively low for beef given. Pennsylvania’s 1977 commercial hybrid corn tests report is included as well as a listing of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fumigants for various crops. Particular attention is given in the course to un proved varieties, seed selection, and care, methods of seedbed preparation and fertilization. The author also discusses adaptation of seeds to soil conditions and the effect of climate on yields. The course is available for $4.50, from Penn State. To order, write “Grain crops,” Box 5000, University Park, 16802. Make checks payable to Penn State. m-'-' SAVE Vi OF THE COST OF SPRAY PAINTING BARNS • By having it done right l • Like you want it done • With latest equipment • Crushed properly with the real 6" paint brush •By one who is self employed ' • Using the original proven barn paint - • Check with my recent work near your place PHARES S. HURST RDI, Box 420 Narvon.Pa 17555 215 445-6186 a. < . 'A - , . m Better Bilt Arch Tab iq r am because the processing function-mamly slaughten ng-is relatively simple and inexpensive. Also, tran sportation costs are low relative to the value of the product. But for bread, processing involves mixing, baking, slicing, and wrapping, and costs for these functions are substantially higher than the value of the wheat, oil, eggs, and other farm ingredients in the bread. Transportation costs are relatively high because they include the salary of the truck driver whose work also involves stocking the store’s bread shelves. Processing and packaging costs are also fairly complex for frozen orange juice. But the cost of the supermarket’s refreigerated display case also contributes significantly to the dif ference between what the Why sweat out another season with worn out When you try to make obsolete equipment do for “one-more-season”, you’re asking for trouble. Like inefficient operation, endless repairs and costly down-time. New equipment takes money, but this need be no problem for you Farm Credit loans are readily available ... at reasonable rates of interest . . . with repay- ment scheduled at times most convenient to you. See Farm Credit for financing the equip- ment you need today. consumer pays and what the Florida producer receives. The ERS report also examines how in-store handling costs break down as a share of food prices. In 1975, labor costs averaged about half of the retailing p/VT winpo NEWTON, lOWA 50208 v_As Write today for more information machinery ? COME IN, LET'S TALK IT OVER! FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Tractor Driven Alternators! Protect your farm again; costly power failure. Buj lease a Winpower Altern MARVIN HORST HITHER TOWARDS 808 SWANSON Lebanon, Pa 717-272-0871 VI VOIIR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. margin for the food items studied, while rent made up only seven per cent. Single copies of “Cost Components of Farm-Retail Price Spreads,” Agricultural Economic Report No. 391, are available Ephrata, Pa 717-733-6618 free on mail request i include zip code) Publications Service Department of Agric Room 0054-South Bi Washington, D.C. 20! by telephone requesi 447-7255). Kennett Square, Pa 215-444-5610
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