Livestock market on Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. December 27,1977 CATTLE 184, Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows unevenly steady. Good slaughter steers 27.85-40.10, Standard 32.00- Utility 28.50- 33.50. One Choice slaughter heifer at 37.75, Good 28.75- 33.00, Standard 26.00-30.50, Utility 24.00-27.50. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 26.85-29.00, Cutters 23.00- 27.00, Canner & Low Cutter 22.00- Shells down to 18.25. Good slaughter bullocks 31.60-34.00, Stan dard 27.25-30.00. CALVES 194. Vealers $2 to $4.50 lower. Prime vealers CURIOUS RED? Subscribe to THE RED BLOODLINES Introductory Offer 12 Issues - $2.00 “All you ever wanted to know about Red &. Whites - the Breed of the Future.” 4 i WHITE DAIRY CATTLE ASSOCIATION Crystal Spring, Pa. 15536 814-735-4221 Babcock B-300V IS 20™ Results of the 20th Pennsylvania Random Sample Egg Laying Test confirm the reports we’ve been receiving from egg producers in Pennsylvania on the outstanding performance of the Babcock B-300V. If you’ve been buying chicks based on Random Sample performance, isn’t it time to buy today's winner -- the Babcock B-300V. 70.00- Choice 55.00- 70.00, Good 38.50-56.50, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 34.00- 90-115 lbs. 27.00- 36.00. HOGS 324. Barrows & gilts $2 to $4.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 44.85-46.85, No. 1-3 190-230 lbs. 39.75-44.50, No. 2-3 200- 300 lbs. 35.5040.10. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 36.50-41.50, No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 27.00- 36.00. Boars 25.00-26.00. FEEDER PIGS 121. No prices quoted. SHEEP 31. Choice 60-90 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 51.00-58.00. New Holland Horse New Holland Sales Stables Monday, December 26 Reported recipts of 202 horses and ponies. Market stronger than last week’s market. Local driving horses 175- 425; riding horses 150-300; better horses 325-590; lighweight killers 24-28; heavyweight killers 29-34; mares 15-55; colts 10-25; geldings 15-50; larger pomes 65-175. WE WILL HAUL HAY, STRAW, 8 GRAIN To Local Auctions or Buy Outright Paid at Scales MEADOW GREEN FARMS Call 717-933-4080 or 717-533-4377 INCOME OVER FEED & CHICK COSTS PENNSYLVANIA RANDOM SAMPLE TEST Babcock B-300V Shaver 288 DeKalbXL Hisex IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have received several questions concerning Babcock’s showing in European Egg Laying tests as advertised in this paper. The Babcock B-300V was not entered in the recently completed Wissinkenke and Putten Laying Tests. P.O. BOX 2«t/ ITHACA. NEW YORK 14850 1 U.S.A. / PHONE: (607) 272-5990 Des Moines Carlot December 28,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close fresh pork cut trade slow, demand moderate to light. Fresh loins not established, weaker un dertone noted. Picnics steady; skinned hams 1.00- 3.50 lower; bellies 16-18 lbs. 3.50 higher, other cuts not established. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS; No sales reported. PICNIC: 4-8 lbs. 54.50, steady. PORK BUTT: No sales reported. SPARERIBS; No sales reported. SKINNED HAMS: 14-17 lbs. 80.00, 3.00-3.50 lower; 17- 20 lbs. 75.75-76.00,2.75 lower; 20-26 lbs. 74.00-74.75, 1.00-1.75 lower. BELLIES, SDLS: 16-18 lbs. 57.50,3.50 higher. BONELESS CT BUV %-3 VLTQMTP. JOWLS; 29.00-29.50 frozen. OFFAL & VARIETY: Neck Bone 17,00. Compared to Tuesday’s close beef trade moderate, demand moderate, Choice 3 steer beef 1.00 lower. Choice 3 heifer beef, good steer and heifer beef steady. Primal beef cuts, arm chucks 2.00 lower. Forequarters 1.00-1.50 lower. Cow beef 50-2.00 higher. Sales reported on 17 loads of carcass beef. STEER BEEF 17 Loads Choice 3: 550-800 lbs 68.25- 69.25, mostly 68.25, 1.00 lower. Good 2-3 500-800 lbs. 62.25, steady. Good 2-3 500-900 lbs (Holstein type) 61.00. INCOME OVER CHICK & FEED COST CAGE 6.07 5.52 5.85 6.04 FLOOR 6.74 6.27 5.96 6.43 HEIFER BEEF 49 Loads Choices: 500-700 lbs. 67 25, steady. Good 2-3 500-700 lbs. 59 75, steady. COW BEEF 9 Loads Utility (Brkg) (Nthm) 3-4 46.50, .50 higher; (bng) 2-3 52.00,2.00 higher. CANNER & CUTTER; (NTHRN) 56.00-57.50, mostly 57.00,2.00 higher. BONELESS PROCESSI NG BEEF; 90 PCT Chemical Lean frozen, 76.00. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS Choice 3 9 Loads FORES: 130-210 lbs. 58.00- 58.50,1.00-1.50 lower. ARM CHUCKS: 75-120 lbs. 48.00,2.00 lower. RIB LOINS (Trimmed) 30- 40 lbs. 118.00. ROUNDS (Steer) 60-85 lbs. 78.50-79.50. BEEF TRIMMINGS; 50 PCT Lean fresh 37.00; 50 PCT Lean frozen 38.00. Hunter’s Sale Barn Rising Sun, Md. December 26,1977 HEIFERS: High Choice and Prune 28.00-31.00; Good to Choice 25.00-26.50. FEEDER STEERS: Good to Choice 32.00-33.50; Standard to Good 29.00-31.00. COWS: High Choice to Prime 29.25-31.00; Good to Standard 28.00-29.00; Utility 25.75-27.00; Cutters 21.00- 24.25; Canners 18.00-21.50. CALVES; Good to Choice 120-140 lb. 46.00-53.00; Standard to Good 90-110 lb. 32.00- Utility 70-80 lb. 25.00- few 32.00; Low Utility 60-75 lb. 22.00-26.00. FEEDER PIGS: $lB to $35 by head. SOWS: 31.50. EGG PRODUCTION PER HEN HOUSED FLOOR 275.7 273.1 275.7 268.3 CAGE 256.1 245.5 253.3 258.8 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 auction news Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. December 27,1977 CATTLE 271. Compared with 2 weeks ago market; few Low to Average Choice No. 2-4 1100-1350 lbs. slaughter steers 42.1043.75, one at 44.60, High Good to Low Choice 41.5043.00, Good 38.0041.75, few Standard 34.00- Few Choice slaughter heifers 38.8543.00, few Good 36.50-38.75. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 27.50-30.50, Com mercial No. 4-5 26.00-28.25, Cutters 26.75-29.00, Canner & Low Cutter 23.00-26.85, Shells down to 21.50. Few Standard & Good slaughter bullocks 33.00- Few Yield Grade #1 1175-1750 lbs. slaughter bulls 30.85-36.00. CALVES 210. Few Prime vealers 72.00-76.50, Choice 64.00- Good 47.00-60.00, few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 40.00-45.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.00- Standard 70-85 lbs. 27.00-32.00, few Utility 50-100 lbs. 10.00-25.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 37.00-51.00, couple to 53.00; few holstein heifers 100-115 lbs. 40.00-50.00. HOGS 345. US. No. 1-2 200- 250 lbs. barrows & gilts 46.10- 46.75, few small lot 47.25, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 45.0045.85, No. 1-3 175-195 lbs. 43.00- 44.50. US No. 1-3 275-575 lbs. sows 34.00-36.75. Boars 26.00- 28.00. FEEDER PIGS 6. Not enough of any one grade to establish a market. SHEEP 3. Few Slaughter ewes 12.00-13.50. % LAYING HOUSE MORTALITY CAGE FLOOR 3.1 1.0 5.2 3.0 2.1 3.0 4.2 7.0 Cattle Receipts this 4-day week 5000; Last Week 5800; Last Year 4800. Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers and heifers steady. Cows 1.00-1.50 higher. Bulls firm. Receipts about 65 PCX Slaughter steers, 30 PCX Slaughter heifers and the balance mostly cows. SLAUGHXER SXEERS: Choice and Prune 3-4, 1100- 1200 lbs. 44.00-44.50, load 1220 lbs. 45.00. Choice 2-4, 1050- 1250 lbs. 43.00-44.00 ; 900-1050 lbs. 42.00-43.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4, 900-1300 lbs. 40.00-43.0 f Good 2-3, 38.50- 40.00. Loa Good and Choice 2-3,38.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice and Prune 3-4, 900- 1050 lbs. 42.00-42.50. Choice 2- 4, 850-1050 lbs. 41.0042.00; 800-900 lbs. 40.0041.50. Mixed good and Choice 24,750-1000 lbs. 38.5041.00. Good 2-3, 34.50-38.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24, 24.00-26.50. High dressing utility 27.00- 27.75. Cutter 1-2, 22.00-24.00. Canner 20.00-22.00. BULLS; YG 1-2, 1100-1800 lbs. 25.00-30.00. Few YG 1, 31.00-32.00. The American flag was first unfurled in battle two hundred years ago (Sept 3, 1777) Approximately 700 Regulars, under the com mand of General William Maxwell, ambushed British and Hessian troops at Gooch’s Bndge, Delaware The British, though, won the battle %v tfh Mr' T BABCOCK B-300V Ist CAGE AND FLOOR. LB FEED PER LB EGGS CAGE 2.36 2.44 2.43 2.43 FLOOR 2.33 2.44 2.59 2.36 Peoria Auction Peoria, Illinois December 29,1977 Old Glory Unfurled 7
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