—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 68 LIFE on the farm By Dieter Krieg Life on the farm offers rewards and satisfactions which can’t easily be found elsewhere A farmer lives close to Nature and God’s creations, which gives him a sense of knowledge, appreciation and respect for the Earth which he would not get anywhere else The endless cycles of birth and death, sprouting and wilting, spring, summer, autumn and winter, never cease to amaze him Fresh air, Nature’s beauty, and the type of work which develops physical capabilities in addition to the mind, is all around him Although the hard work may be burdensome at times, the physical activity is what keeps him agile and healthy The business decisions and problems keep his mind alert FUEL OIL OIL HEAT One Call Now Will Save You Many Calls Later Lebanon Richland Womelsdorf 717-272-2541 717-866-2105 215-589-5513 New Holland Sinking Spring 717-354-4136 215-678-7011 DIESEL FUEL - GASOLINE A sense of independence and pride in individual achievement isn’t available as often in the non-farm world The farmer usually has these priceless rewards in his work Unlike the assembly-line worker who is often just a ‘‘cog" in a “big machine," the farmer is “the machine." He makes the decisions and follows his own plans He’s his own boss and when his products go to market he can be proud of his accomplishments A farmer is at home while he's working His wife and children are always nearby And what better place is there to raise a family 7 Exercise, stimulating surroundings, fresh air, pets, and the chance to 3w| oneßN Danny Dean COME SEE THE TRACTOR PULLERS! INVITATION: SEE MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS AT BOOTH 562-563 THE PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW FOR GOOD PRICES ON SEEDS FOR SPRING DELIVERY & SPECIAL PRICES ON TICKETS WITH ORDERS. PMNWIIIIfcHIIAnttNHL January 20-21,1978 Farm Show Coliseum Harrisburg, Pa. 10% off on tickets with 10 bushel or more seed corn ordered (No limit on tickets) 20% off on tickets with 25 bushel or more seed corn ordered (Limit 50 tickets) 30% off on tickets with 50 bushel or more seed corn ordered (Limit 75 tickets) ORDERS ALREADY PLACED WITH MUNCY-CHIEF MAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ABOVE DISCOUNTS. PHONE: 717-546-5381 OR WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG AND PRICE LIST. MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS learn the meaning of responsibility are all offered on the farm Certainly, farm life still leaves a few things to be desired, such as little or no time off, comparatively long hours, meager profit margins, and in general Dave Stangle MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 i SEND FOR RESERVED SEAT TICKETS! “ I - A j AT $5 00 SESSION 1 (Friday Evening) SESSION 2 (Saturday Morning) L SESSION 3 (Saturday Afternoon) SESSION 4 (Saturday Evening) a “looked down upon" attitude by much of society But if a farmer .can make it financially, chances are he's in no mood to trade his way of life for that of the suburbanite who only works from eight to five, five days a week Art Arfons Bill Rockefeller AT $5.00 ATSS 00 AT $6 00
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