Net weight information may NEW YORK, N.Y. - Consumers will get more accurate net weight in formation about meat and poultry products under a proposed change m federal regulations announced by Carol Tucker Foreman, assistant secretary of agriculture for food and consumer services. Model 031 AV THIS ISTHE BIGGEST SELLING LIGHTWEIGHT PROFESSIONAL CHAIN SAW IN THE WORLD. GETITFROM SIOLTZFUS WOODWORK RD Gap, PA Box 183 1 Mile North Rt. 897 From Gap WES STAUFFER SMALL ENGINES RDSEphrata. PA Phone (717)733-9174 Vz Mile South of Rt. 322 on Pleasant Valley Rd. Ephrata Exit New Rt 222 NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN Myerstown RD 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 */« Mile West of Myerstown - West Mam St. ANDIT'SASTIHL. “This major change in Department of Agriculture regulations would require that net weight be accurate at the time the product is sold to the consumer, rather than accurate only at the time it leaves the processing plant,” Ms. Foreman said. Certain meat and poultry products lose moisture Chain Saw—Concrete & Metal A & B SALES & SERVICE 2 Miles South of Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Monterey - RD 1 RonKs, PA during transportation and storage, some time a resulting in containers being below their indicated net weight when sold. “The consumer who pays for one pound of product wants to know that it weighs one pound when it is bought - not at some previous tune when it left the packing plant. “Consumers should be aware, though, that if these new regulations are adopted, processors might increase prices for some meat and poultry products to cover their costs of overpacking containers to make up for moisture loss that occurs m certain products,” Ms. Foreman said. Ms. Foreman said the new regulations were developed to overcome shortcomings in the present system. The other proposed changes in the federal meat and poultry inspection regulations administered by USDA’s Food Safety and Quality Service would; - Define specific limits by which individual containers could vary from the stated net weight on the label, with some variations permitted as a result of normal manufacturing procedures. MEMO HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 A.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider, Auct Free Demonstration Saw Rentals JOHN L. STAUFFER Goodville, PA Phone (215) 445-6175 v « Mile North of Goodville on Union Grove Rd STIHL The w*rld!s largest selling chain saw change - Require meat and poultry processors to maintain a USDA-approved quality control system for net weight compliance under which all lots of consumer sized containers would have to be sampled. This quahty control system would be closely monitored by FSQS meat and poultry inspectors on duty in processing plants. - Small packages of poultry products, those weighing less than one-half ounce, which are shipped to retailers in large containers would be exempt from the net weight labeling regulations - provided that their shipping containers comply with the proposed regulations. This provision would conform with present labeling regulations on small packages of meat products. - Cartons of shingle packed bacon would have to conform to the general net weight labeling regulations covering other meat products. The net weight statement would be required on the principal display panel on these packages and would have to be expressed m both ounces and pounds: TERRIFIC TYPE...OUTSTANDING TEST 29H2775 Hanover-Hill TRIPLE THREAT - Red VG-87 GM HFA Vol. 111, 1977 32D age adj. sc. 83.4 PDT +1.56 70% Rpt. TPI + 266 TRIPLE THREAT is one fine bull PEDIGREE all rolled up into one. Sired by the famous Roybrook Telstar and out of an EX-94 2E Daughter of Johns Lucky Barb (EX-97 4E) TRIPLE THREAT is siring show winners all across the USA. His HFA breakdown in udder catagories are all I’s and 2’s. IF YOU WANT TYPE... YOU WANT TRIPLE THREAT!! AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE CONGRATULATES Melvin H. Ranck of Holtwood, Pa., owner of Janice Reg. No. 6372458. In 14 years and 11 lactations she has produced 210,526 lbs. of milk and 7,222 lbs. of fat, for an average of 41.3 lbs. of milk per day of her life. Janice has also given birth to 12 calves in the last 12 years. Her sire: 29H1786 Postenkill Leader Bell Boy. Bangor, PA Ephrata, PA Gap, PA Holtwood, PA Landisville, PA Port Murray, NJ Reading, PA Richland, PA Shippensburg, PA Thomasville, PA Whitehouse Station, NJ West Grove. PA MS for example. ‘Net Wt. 24 oz. (1 lb., 8 oz Current regulations exempt bacon packages from this requirement. Interested persons are invited to submit comments on these proposed changes by March 2, 1978. Written comments should be sent, m duphcate, to the Hearing Clerk, USDA, Washington, D.C.20250. Anyone wishing to com ment orally should call Dr. USDA 10-77 102 D. 74H. 80% Rpt. Dtrs. ave. 16.383 M 3.72% 6098 F PD + 604 M + .07% +32BF Eric Hemsohn Darvin Yoder Lynn Gardner Paul Herr James Charles Robert Kayhart Robert Greider Paul Martin Jerry Baboms Ira Boyer Robert Colburn Maurice Stump . 0 , adturaay, December 31.1977 W.H. Dubbert (202) 447-7470, before the deadline date. A transcript will be made of all oral comments. All comments, written or oral, will be available for public inspection in the Office of the Hearing Clerk during regular business hours. Official notice of the proposed changes in regulations was published m the Dec. 1 Federal Register. He is MILK, TYPE, TEST, and 215-588-4704 717-733-0966 717-656-6509 717-284-4592 717-898-8694 201-689-2605 215-378-1212 717-866-4228 717-532-3711 717-225-3758 201-534-4483 215-869-9187 65 DBS
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