Does pork production repre sent a sizeable part of your income? Are you ready to devote an hour or so ot your time planning tor a more profitable future? If your answer to both ques tions is yes, you owe it to yourself to read what we have to say Unlike many other feed companies, we develop leedmg and management programs tor each individual operation. It all starts with a Pennfield man i eviewing your operation with you Your goals Your records. Whether you farrow and finish your own pigs or buy feeder pigs. Your management practices. The health and overall condition of your herd And other factors that have an effect on your protit potential. With the aid ot computers, \\ e then design programs that can improve your profits by reducing expenses, improving performance, or both For example, many producei s who switched from a competitive program to a Penntield piogram have cut their teed costs and their hogs go to market soonei. In ettect, the Penntield program is putting more money in their pockets. There is no cost —or obliga tion-tor this unique service. But you must take the first step by \\ riting or phoning us. Do it today. Penntield Feeds, 711 Rohrerstown Rd , Lancaster, PA 17604. Local calls: Lancaster 299-2561, Red Lion 244-4511 In 717 and 215 areas dial toll tree 800-732-0467 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 pennfield feeds 5
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