—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 34 FORRESTER BROS. FARMS 1337 Lincoln Highway East Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone; 717-263-0705 We Service What We Sell. JD 4320 wf, very good Ford 8000 very good, w f JD 4230 w/cab air, very Ford 7600 row crop ex . cellent, 48 hours, w f JD 4020 power shift, wide Ford 7000 safety cab. front, very good very good JD 4020 sincrorange, 4 Fo rd 5000, diesel, very wide front good JD 2020, high-low shift, Ford 4000 1963 row crop, very good,(SOLD) wide front, very good JD 1120, diesel, very good Fo rd 40001964 row crop. Int 966 cab, very good, very good 1583 hrs original 3 Ford 3000 diesel, good Int 856, very good, Avery good original wide front Ford 900, very good, Int 706, good $4200, overhauled wide front Ford Jubi lee, nice Int 434 utility, good. 3pt Ford dexta, very nice MF 165 diesel w/MF 200 d'esel loader FordSN Ford 9000 very good, w f Ford9N Coming in 16 JD, 10 Fords, all sizes We also rent these tractors. Happy New Year! We will be proud to serve you in 1978. SCHAEFFERSTOWN EQUIPMENT CO. £ SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA Vz Mile N. of Schaefferstown on Rt. 419 Phone 717-949-6529 Ask for Lee, Gene or Ralph •TOEXI!*! NH 268 Baler Economy 8 H P , w/blade & mower MF 35 Diesel Davis Backhoe Attachment Case 580 (1971) Hem Wanner Cl 2 on tracks GMC Diesel IH 3414 Diesel, clean IH Backhoe, fits 3414 1972 Pettibone 600-C Trackhoe Hyd Excavator, ex cond 800 hrs $18,500 AC Dl4 $3500 AC HD7G (Cherry) (2) AC HD6 AC HDS AC HD4, PS JO 440 Diesel, good JD 350 Gas JD3508 JD4SO, clean (2) JD 2010 Diesels w/npper Cat 933 F Cat 955 H Cat 955 12A Series Cat 977 H pedal steer, 85% U-C, super clean Cat 977 20A Series, good 1HC175 IHC TD6 4-m-l bucket (2) IHC TD9 for parts IHC TDI4, w/npper, very good, clean IHC T 340 Gas, 4-m-l bucket IHC TD6 Case 800 new motor, ex cond All Types Snow Tires by order only Schnuit. Remington, Giiette Auto and Pickup Truck tires mounted free 5 ton Huber, 3-wheel good 1 ton Roll Pac Layton Spreader Box Fordlane Blackstone Stowe mires Huber Mamtamer Huber Wargo FREE CAP WITH EVERY EQUIPMENT SALE. We’re celebrating the New Year with much happiness and great hope for the future. Thanks to all our friends and neighbors for your kind support. Cheers! $5500 $550 Call $2OOO $B5OO $4500 $6500 $1250 $7500 $6500 and $7500 $3500 $4500 $4500 $6OOO $10,500 $B5OO $5500 $6OOO $BOOO $7500 $15,500 $9750 $B5OO $6500 Call $5500 $3500 $6500 $B5OO $l5OO $1550 $3250 $2200 Call Call fWWSAIWWVWVWWWWVWS < We Stock Lancaster Batteries S $l5OO $2750 FARM EQUIPMENT' * NEW EQUIPMENT White 2-105 Gehl 3000 Skid Loader Gehl 4400 Skid Loader Gehl 120 Grinder Mixer Gehl 72FC Flail Chopper NI Forage Blower Brilhon 12’ Field Cult- vator Brilhon 12’ 8” Cultimul cher USED EQUIPMENT Farmall 1026 Hydrosta- tic Farmall 340 w/live PTO 2 Bottom Plow Farmall H Massey Ferguson 165 Massey Ferguson 65 702 Um-Combine with Cab, Grain & Corn Head NI 218 Manure Spreader NI 213 Manure Spreader EQUIPMENT CO. RDI Bechtelsville, PA HOURS Mon thruFn 7 30 to 5 30 P M Sat 7 30 to 12 00 Noon Evenings by appointment only ARPS *** Equipment Dealer All types Farm Equipment Attachments SPECIAL 6 ft wide - 3 pt SCRAPER BLADE *165.00 Coming . Scraper Boxes, Stone Rakes, snow plows, loaders, post hole diggers, etc. 1974 Snow Jet SST 440 1971 Chapparel, ex cond 25 ton 73 Rogers 15 ton sth wheel, good 6tonTag-Along Cat D 4. good cond Cat D 7, as is Cat D 7 Cat D 2, clean Cat 08 2U cable, super clean Cat 08 2U Series, hyd , very good 1964 Dodge 10 ton dump 1960 CMC Cattle Truck 1955 Ford 8 ton dump, very good cond Various Cabs Maudlin 250 Steam Cleaner 1967 Chevelle Chevy El Camino rebuilt $1295 1967 Ford Mustang Conv , restored $2500 1966 Cadillac Limousine Best Offer JD 1010 Crawler w/log forks & winch $6500 JD 440 Series A very good IHC TD9 w/wmch and log sulky Ml: Port A Air #B5 Ingersol Rand 150 mxsm Hobart postable 4 cyl gas engine Hobert portable 4 cyl gas engine on trener << einii-jely rebiv : LET OUR 30 YEARS S : EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU : MILLER 215-845-2911 >T: $895 $750 $7500 $2500 $l5OO $3500 $5OOO $7500 $3500 $B5OO $9500 $3500 $lOOO $2250 Call $6OO •nra: $B5OO $2OOO •IT $lBOO $2250 $9OO $l5OO FARM EQUIPMENT ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlmville, PA 1 Mile N of Boyerlown Phone (215) 367-2169 _■ FARM ill EQUIPMENT •PARTS* SERVICE •DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP •JAMESWAY •FLICKES SILO *FMC -___SPRAY •BEAN EQUIP COMBINES - (5) (Used 1 owner) local owned 1976 J.D. 6600 Hydra, w/both heads, 1975 J.D. 4400 diesel used 600 hrs., 1974 J.D. 4400 diesel. 1973 J.D. 4400 diesel w/443 com head, M.F. 300 w/cab quik tach 3 row 30” com head. J.D. (New) 4400 D fully equipped. (Used) 6600 D cab, (Used) 7700 D Hydrostat, 7700 D gear w-2 heads, 105 corn Special D w-cab & 2 heads, 95, 45, 40 Square backs. White 8800 D w/gram & 4-row corn. Gleaner L diesel w-2 heads. G w-2 heads, CII, F w-2 heads, E w-10 ft. grain. Int. 915 D fully equip., w/gram & com head. Massey Ferguson 510 D Hydrostatic w/- quick tach heads, 510 D gear quick tach both heads. Older 300,410,82 w-cab. N.I. 701 Uni tractors w/com bines & shelters, 729 A and 729 Uni shellers w-3 & 4 row 30” and 40” heads. Case 1660 w/cab, gram & 4 row com head $7200.00 N.I. 702 Um w/cab, 729 A shelter & 4 row 30” com head, N.I. 702 Uni w/cafa, chopper 3 row 30” com head. N.I. Uni #726 husk ing bed. FARMALLS (Brand New) 1586 cab & air $25,400., (New) 1566 w/cab air & factory duals $23,500. (New) 966 w/cab. (Used) 1066 gear, 1066 Hydro, 966 w/cab, 766,1456,1206,856, 806, 706, 560, 1206 w/four whl. drive. Super M, 656 hydrostatic diesel, 656 hydrostatic gas, 1206 no 3 pt., Int. TD 6 w/blade. MTA, 350 w/new tires. JOHN DEERE (New) 4440, power shift $24,600., (New) 4430 cab air $22,800. (New) 4640, 2840, (New) 4230 cab air Quad Range, 4230 Quad Range w/rollguard, (Used) 4430 cab air power shift used 900 hrs., (Used) 4630 cab air power shift used 300 hrs., 4630 Smgro Range (SOLD), 4630 power shift 190 hrs., 4030 cab & air (SOLD), 4620 w/roll guard, (1967 ) 4020 power shift, 730 D, 720 D, (New) J.D. 4030 Quad Range w/rollguard. (Used) 4230’5, 4620 w/cab, 5020, (2) 1967 & 1968 - 4020’s 3020, 4010, 2510, 5020 tractor puller. CASE 1370 cab, Power Shift (SOLD), Case (New) 1070 cab airpower shift priced for $17,500., (Used) 970 power shift w/roll guard, Case 970 w/8 speed, Case 1030 w/cab. 1200 4 whl. drive w/front blade Case 930 (SOLD), M M.G. 900, White (New) 2-85, 2-105 STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. PARTS DEPARTMENT 12,000 J.D. Line Items 2,300 N H. Line Items 1,400 N I. Line Items 485 DeLaval Line Items 375 Jamesway Line Items 360 Lawn Boy Line Items 300 Homehte Line Items 160 Ontario Line Items Plus Anens, Autolite, Briggs & Stratton, Brilhon, Clinton Coby, Dion, Hesston, Kohler, Lauson, Letz, McCurdy, Nelson and Wisconsin Bernville, Pa. 19506 215-488-1510 Oliver 1855, 2150, 2050, 1850, 1800, 1750, 1650. Oliver 1650 D w/4 whl. drive. Oliver 770. MASSEY FERGUSON 1155 w/cab used 300 hrs. (SOLD), MF. 1130, 1080, 180 diesel, A.C. 7050 cab & duals, XTI9O, 180, Dl9 diesel, Dl7 senes IV w/3 point, F ord 6000 Com mander w/18 x 34 tires, Ford 8000 no cab. CORN HEADS - John Deere 443, 843, 643, 444, 343, 244, 435, 434, 335, 235, 234, Massey Ferguson 44, 43, 24, 222, for 300 & 82, Gleaner F 335, A 330, Int. 763 six row, 227, 3 row J.D. model 313 for 55 com bine (like new). Case 402. (40) com heads to pick from on our lot. BALERS - N.H (Used) 278 fully equipped, Int. 440 w/thrower $2OOO. CORN PICKERS - (l)(New) N.I. 2 row 38” pull picker w/12 roll bed list price $7,750. our price $6,650. (2) (Used) narrow row w/8 & 12 roll beds, 2 mce (Used) 2 row wide w-12 roll beds, shelters and Super shelters, 3 row 30” pull picker with Super shelter, 319, 305 mounted w-12 roll bed & shelters. Super shelters for pull pickers, shelters for mounted pickers. J.D. 237 also shelter. (New) N.H. 256 rakes for $1275. HARVESTERS - N.H. 718 w/2-row 30” com head, like new; Fox 3 row 30” com heads, J.D. 38 w/2 row head, 34 N.H. Super 717. HAYBINES - (New) N.H. 479, 477, (New) N.I. 272 Cut-Ditioner $2900. GRAIN DRILLS - (New) J.D. 8350, 8300, (Used) FBB, (New) M.F. model 33 seventeen disk $1975. CORN PLANTERS - (Specials) (New) J.D. 700 four row. (New) White 5400 four row w/monitor. J.D. 6 row model 1260 plateless w/msecticide & monitor. (Used) Int. 4 row 400 Cyclo (mce) $2600., (Used) 400 Cyclo 6 row w/no till & monitor, A.C. 6 row air w/no till w/msecticide & monitor. PLOWS - New White 508 - 5-18 automatic reset. J.D. and Int. 4,5,6,7 trip and resets. Oliver 5,6,7 trip and Hydraulic reset, chisel plows 3 point 10-13 ft., Int. 12 ft. cultimulcher (demonstrator also J.D. 10 ft.) (3)(l)(New) Int. 350-11 ft. disk. Tractors and equipment just purchased, traded, & received - Farmall 1066 w/20:8x38 tires, 1972 J.D. 4020 w/cab, JD. (1970) 4020 w/cab & air, 2 (Us ed) J D 4430’s w/cab, J.D. 4010 D $5,000. needs motor work, J.D 2510 D For your needs call: PAUL STITZEL 734 Windsor St., Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Phone; 215-562-8377 Bus. or 215-562-7451 Home STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. Sales and Service Farm Equipment John Deere • New Holland New Idea • Bnllion DeLaval • Jamesway Lawn - Garden Equipment John Deere • Anens Lawn Boy Cham Saws John Deere • Homelite Bicycles John Deere Available On Waiver (1) JD443OS G PS (DJD443OSG PS Bernville, Pa. 19506 215-488-1510 $4,000., J.D. 2510 gas $3,500,, J.D. 3020 gas $3,500., Farmall 806 D $5,600., Super M $1,400, N.H. 903 Wmdrower used 60 acres, (Used) J.D. 7000 six row & 4 row planter. Plows - Case 8X On Land Hitch, Int. 7X& Oliver 7X On Land Hitch. Trucks - 1976 Chev. Roll back, 1971 Int. Roll back, 1967 Int diesel Roll back $4,000. W 1977 Delta 44 ft. Combine trailer $lO,OOO. Farmall 1066 w/cab & air like new, Farmall 656 Hydra gas w/550 hrs. Also 2000 loader. (New) White 2-155 w/cab & air. Farmall 966 w/cab (like new), Far mall 806 w/loader, (New) J.D. 8430 four whl. drive w/duals. Int. 4 row stalk shredder, Farmall 826, Ford 5000 diesel, J.D. 170 Skid Loader, (Used) Hutch Master 10 ft. plow ing disc, (Used) Glenco soil saver, (Used) N.H. model #36 flailchopper, N.I. 3 row 30” & 40” com heads. Blade for Int. TD6 crawler. Case 830 diesel, GMC diesel truck tractor (needs work) $1450. Far mall 1568 cab, air & duals used 350 hrs,, (New) 11%/^j l ft. J.D. 1630 plowing disc, $4500.00. (New) 10 & 12 ft. Hutch Master plowing disks. M.F. 1130 real clean, M.F. 135 w/loader, J.D. 105 diesel combine w/grain & 4 row head 57,500. One row pickers $275 to $575. White 704 com head. J.D. 243 Snapper com head for J.D. 3800 chopper. M.F. 1100 diesel. Ford 9600 w/ cab air used 800 hrs., Oliver 1855 w/1100 hrs., J.D. 4320 w/cab, Int. 6X auto, reset plow. Farmall 766. J.D. 4630 real clean (SOLD), D 8 Cat w/blade, Brillion seeder, (New) Int. 1150 grinder-mixer $3400.00, N.I. 324 two row picker w/12 roll bed, used only 40 acres. 1970 J.D.T4 4020 w/cab, J.D. 3020DV 4010 D, Farmall 544, Int 234 picker w/bed & sheller attach. (New) Lamco 18 ft. metal bale rack wagons special pric ed -1 only $790. M.F. 410 combine w/422 com head (SOLD). Int. 82 pull type, (2) N.I. 3 row pickers w/shellers, Bnllion 15 ft field Cultivator. OLIVER 1850 w/over & under shift and duals, J.D 3 pt. field cultivator. Disk harrows - J.D. 10 ft. offset. Bnllion 13 ft & 15 ft cultimulchers, (New) Bnllion wing harrows. (New) Kill Bros, gravity bins New Holland 717 pick up heads, pick up heads for Int. 55, 550, 555, 650, also Int. 16, 350, J.D 38,34 pick ups (New) Kill Bros 8 ton running gears
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