Hog Markets Lancaster Market December 26,1977 Lancaster, Pa. Holiday - no market report. Vintage Hog Saturday, Dec. 24 Reported 433 head. No. 1,200 to 250 lbs. 47.50- 48.75; No. 2-3, 205 to 250 lbs. 46.0047.50, 23 head at 49.60- 50.10; sows 32.50-36.00; boars 33.00; heavystraights 270 to 350 lbs. 37.5041.00; light weights, 125 to 180 lbs. 30.00- 39.50. Wednesday, Dec. 28 Reported 1109 head. No. 1, 200 to 250 lbs. 47.10- 48.10; No. 2-3 200 to 250 lbs. 46.00-47.00, with late sales from 45.50-46.00; sows 34.25- 36.75; boars 26.50-29.50; heavystraigbts, 260 to 265 lbs. 44.25-47.00; lightweights, 145 to 165 lbs. 34.50-37.75. Indianpolis Hog Thors., Dec. 29,1977 HOGS: 1700 - Borrows & gilts moderately active, 1.00- 1.50 lower. US 1-2 200-230 lb. 46.25- 46.50; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 45.50- 46.25. Sows:.Uneven, under 450 lb., 1.00 lower, over 450 lb. 1.00 higher. US 1-3 300400 lb. 36.00- .86.50. ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Do you want to make buying your stockers and feeders easy. It can be very simple. Just call and give us your order. All orders filled to your exact specifications. Call us anytime. We can be very helpful. £ WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense Lancaster Auction Lancaster, Pa. Wednesday, Dec. 28,1977 HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts steady to 25 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 47.2548.00; US 1 200-240 lb. 48.7549.00; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 46.7547.50. New Holland Feeder Pig New Holland, Pa. Wednesday, Dec. 28,1977 Feeder Pigs 591 949 Today Last Wednesday TREND: Small supply feeder pigs 10.00-12.00 higher. All prices on a per hundred weight basis. US 1-2 40-55 lb. 71.00-83.00; 15 head 29-32 lb. 96.00-98.00; 55-65 lb. 61.00-72.00. US 2-3 30-40 lb. 77.00-87.00; 40-55 lb. 58.00-77.00. St. Louis Hog Market Thursday, Dec. 29,1977 6000- Barrows & gilts moderate early, later slow, mostly 1.50 lower. US 1-2 200-240 lb. 45.25- 45.50, about 150 head; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 45.0045.50,45.75. Sows: Unevenly 50-1.50 lower. US 1-3 300450 lb. 36.00-36.50. NEXT FEEDER PIG TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 - Consign all your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff, Feeder pigs received from 6 A.M. to 11 A.M NOTICE ► OPEN MON. JAN. 2 LANCASTER STOCK YARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 New Holland Hog New Holland, Pa Monday, Dec. 26,1977 Hog Auction 1597 1067 Today Last Monday Retail 48.25-50.00; heavyweights 47.50-48.25; lightweights 47.00-48.25; wholesale 47.25-48.25; sows 32.00- boars 30.00-34.00; Shoats, No. 1-2,1 lot at 32 lbs. 96.00; 43 to 55 lbs. 71.00-83.00; 56 to 62 lbs. 61.50-72.00; No. 2- 3,1 lot at 29 lbs. 98.00; 29 to 37 lbs. 77.00-87.00; 41 to 55 lbs. 69.50-82.00; No. 3,30 to 40 lbs. 71.00- 41 to 51 lbs. 58.00- utility, 21-36 lbs. 58.0065.00. Peoria Hog Auction Thursday, Dec. 29,1977 HOGS: 4500 - Barrows & gilts slow, opening mostly 2.00 lower than the bulk of Wednesday’s sales. US 1-2 200-230 lb. 45.00- 45.50; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 44.50- 45.00. Sows: 50-1.50 lower. US 1-3 350500 lb. 35.00-38.50. New Holland Dairy Wednesday, Dec. 28 Reported receipts of 156 cows and 98 heifers. Market steady with last week’s market. Load of Pa. fresh 440800; load of Pa. fresh 575-785; load of Pa. fresh 525-1025, springers 675-725; herd dispersal of 29 head in all stages of lactation 325-700; herd dispersal of 28 head in all stages of lactation 340- 775; local cows 450-700; springing heifers 475-685; bred heifers 400-525; open heifersl3o-350. CONTACT: JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen, PA (215) 593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717)349-2340 DAN HERR Conowmgo, MD (301) 378-3280 Lancaster Grain Friday, Dec. 30,1977 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating area feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear com and soybean meal which are per ton. The average prices quoted Friday, Dec. 30 are as follows: Bid+ Offered+ Ear Cora 51.00 56.30 Shelled Cora 2.32 2.49 Barley Oats Local 1.28 1.54 Western 1.86 2.01 Wheat Soybeans 5.63 Soybean Meal Valley Livestock Valley Stockyards Athens, Pa. Monday, December 26 Reported receipts of 434 calves, 138 cows, 78 hogs, 31 heifers, 25 lambs, 4 sheep, 17 bulls, and 12 steers. Cattle market higher and calf market steady. Veals 55.00-64.00; bobs, 90 to 110 lbs., 34.00-38.00; bobs, 80 lbs. and down 28.00-33.00; grassers and feeders 25.00- 33.00; lambs 35.00-56.50; sheep 12.00-20.00; hogs, 200 to 250 lbs. 28.00-40.50; sows 28.00- boars 20.00-25.00; pigs 10.00-30.00; heifers 26.00- steers, good 30.00- steers, common 26.00- bulls 29.00-33.75; cows, good 29.00-30.00, top 31.50; cows, medium 26.50- 27.00; cows, poor or small 18.00- small horses 30.00- ponies 8.00-10.00; goats 10.00-25.00. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Lancaster Pa. Friday, Dec. 23,1977 Feeder Cattle Today Last Friday No Auction. SAL 1 P.M. Jan. Feb. March April 41.77 38.75 4.35 41.55 May June 2.10 2.29 July Nov. 2.54 2.70 Trend - Cattle are higher, Hogs are stronger, Potatoes are stronger, and eggs are weaker. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. 221.50 Jan. March 2.24% 2.80% 6.04 164.20 May 2.27% 2.85% 6.10% 166.30 July 2.28% 2.90 6.14 168.20 Sept. Trend - Com is weaker, Wheat is weaker. Soybeans are weaker, and Soybean Meal is unchanged to stronger. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Estimated Dally livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE CALVES HOGS Week to Date 450,000 Same Period Last Week 577,000 Same Period Last Year LANCASTER STOCK YARDS Let us put your corn to work. At this time it makes good sense to turn corn into beef and pork. We at J.M. Hoober Inc. stand ready to assist you in the buying and marketing of all your livestock needs. OUR BUSINESS IS MORE THAN LIVESTOCK OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO YOU HEX! FEEDtR PNS SALE - JANUARY 3. 1978 J.M. Hoober Steer Division Ph: (717) 397-6191, 569-2084 Please Call Us Soon J.M. Hoober Hog, Calf & Sheep Division Ph: (717) 397-6191,626-5659 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, December 29,1977) Chicago Chicago New York Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes 43.17 42.30 42.80 42.97 40.65 Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday, December 29,1977) Soybean Com Wheat Soybeans Meal 2,27 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter 534,000 3.94 43.25 4.97 41.60 40.80 5.17 5.95 2.94% 5.97% 165.00 876,000 53,000 71,000 1,111,000 1,076,000 64,000 3 46.05 43.00 162.00 58,000 80,000 97,000
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