Aflatoxin warning NEWARK, Del. - The com harvest on the Delmarva peninsula is now over. Much to everyone’s relief, very little aflatoxin was found in measurable amounts in any of the grain brought to market. But this doesn’t mean that the alert is over, PUBLIC SALE Of FARM EQUIPMENT &TRUCKS Location - Going from Middletown, Del. to Warwick, Md. on 301. Take Ist road to left, Ist Farm on right. SAT., JAN. 14,1978 11A.M. 4020 John Deere diesel tractor, 560 Int. tractor, M Int. tractor, #145 J.D. 5x16” plow, 20’ Int. sprmgtooth, 21’ M.M. disc with wings, N.I. manure loader with fork lift prongs, 12’ J.D. packer, KBA 36 blade disc, 12’ J.D. roller harrow, 3 section drag, J.D. conveyor, flat bed wagon, #4O Int. 4 row stalk beater, 20 spout J.D. gram drill, Waldon front mounted dirt blade, N.H. PTO manure spreader, subsoiler, tool bar, 14’ meeker harrow, 400 gal. John Blue sprayer with 40’ booms (new), 1000 gal John Blue tank, two J.D. 4 section rotary hoe, dirt scoop, rubber tire road scraper, 3 metal grain bins (200 bushel each), 2 hole com sheller, milk cans, bags, walking plows, 200 bales straw, 1955 Chevy 10 wheeler with 19’ gram body, 1955 Ford with 12’ flat dump body, 1951 GMC 470 tractor, 30’ tandem gram trailer, rmsc. Terms: Cash or Approved check Day of Sale Owner SAMUEL H. BROOKS Sales Mgr. & Auctioneers C.T. Scuse & Sons 653-7530 LUNCH DISPERSAL SALE Selling two herds of Reg. & High Grade Holstein dairy cows at Melvin Kolb Inc. Maryland Barn located Vz mile N.W. of Wood sboro on Rt. 550 in Frederick County, Maryland. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5,1978 at 12:00 Noon 115 REGISTERED HP GRADE DAIRY CATTLE 115 Consisting of 100 head of dairy cows & 15 head of open & bred heifers. This is a complete dispersal of two herds with registered daughters selling of Selling Rockman, Roybrook Starflite; A Dutch-Craft Fury Lad; Fayside Pabst Rockman; Wholesome Perseus Leader; Way Brook Sir Winston; Flemingdale Perseus Mark; Glenafton Man 0 War; Lime Hollow Burkgov Superb; Duncravin Boehms Countdown and others. Sensational cow family opportunities with one herd with Rolling Herd Av. 17.807 M 589 F. Other herd not on test but both are good young herds with nice utters & plenty of dairy type. All Bangs & T.B. tested within 30 days and free for interstate shipment. Special Mention: Very good A Dutch-Craft Fury Lad daughter 4 yrs. 262 d. 15091 M 449 F BCA I4I-114 bred 11- 26-77 to Harrisburg Gay Ideal; A good Weeping Willow President Eddie daughter 3 yr. 321 d. 18374 M 649 F BCA 184-176 bred 31 Aug. 77 Moersch Dale Dairy King; A good plus Selling Rockman daughter 3 yr. 359 d. 20140 M 807 F 4.0 BCA 174 186 bred 9-3-77 high Keyes Rocky A; A good plus Fayside Pabst Rockman daughter as a 3 yr. old 381 d. 21999 M 847 F 3.9 BCA 166-174 bred 8-11-77 to Wholesome Perseus Leader Approx. M> of one herd springing or fresh within past 60 days with balance in different stages of lactation. There will be cows to suit everyone. Terms: Cash. MELVIN KOLB Sale Manager Maryland Farm Home Farm - RDI Woodsboro, MD 621 Willow Road 21798 Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone 301-898-7720 Phone 717-393-7459 Robert C. Mullendore, Auctioneer Marvin Eshleman, Pedigrees Mehrle Wachter, Clerk cautions Edward H. Ralph, director of the University’s Georgetown Substantion. His big concern now is for the com that never made it to market but has been stored on individual farms - much of it earmarked for use as animal feed. Because of HOLSTEIN conditions last Summer, much of this com could be poor in quality, cracked and moldy. Chances are, very little of it was dried down to the 13 per cent moisture level necessary to prevent further mold growth. This means there’s a strong possibility molds will continue to grow in some of this stored gram, producing not only aflatoxm but other toxic by-products harmful to livestock. “If this should happen, it could really clobber individual farmers,” explains Ralph. The probelem with aflatoxin and other mold produced mycotoxms is the effect these poisons have on all kinds of hvestock. Even in relatively small amounts, aflatoxin can retard growth 1978’s FIRST BIG AUCTION!! SIEVE FARM DISPERSAL At Bradford, NY, off Rte. 226, between Savona and Dundee (take Exit 40 from new Rte. 17 Expressway), 15 mi. from Bath, 20 from Corning. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,1977 at 10:30 A.M. 71 good interstate-tested Holstems (44 cows - 23 Reg., many fresh or springing, 2 good bulls, balance young stock). 3 tractors (excellent JD 4430 D, very good IH 856 D w/h.d. loader & M), new White 598 adj. plows, AC Gleaner s.p. combine NH 357 grinder-mixer, 175 bu. spreader, 2-row 880 chopper, 273 baler, 479 haybine, IH 470 trans. disc., 16’ drag, excellent 4-row planter w/liquid and dry fert. attachments. MF showroom-new 17-disc 33 drill. NI picker, elevators, much more equipment!! 600 gal. Jamesway tank, Bou-matic glass milker line, Badger barn cleaner, 2,500 bales hay, 200 bales straw, 2,000 bu. oats, 55T. ear com, silage, etc. Owned by: MR. & MRS. JOSEPH SIEVE P.S. - Also coming up: Terry Brown Dispersal, lues., Jan. 10th at 11 A.M., off Rte. 41 at McGraw. NY, 7 mi. from Cortland. 108 Holsteins (96 cows, 55 handling, 15 just fresh), 2 tractors and all machinery. For info on either sale, or full list mailed to you, contact Rumsey Sales, 226 Liberty St., Bath, NY (607-776- 3478). SPECIAL DRAFT ft HORSE & MULE FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,1978 Sale held at New Holland Sales Stables. 200 head of horses and mules, mostly teams, well broke 3-6 years old Ward Wright Will have a load of horses from Tennessee Myron Christiansen will have a load of horses from lowa. Buck Leonard will have a load of horses from Illinois 1 load of horses and mules from Missouri Norman Kolb will have a load of horses and mules Special mention - a team of young mules 3-5 yrs. old well broke and well mated. Noah Martin will have a load of saddle bred driving horses Also, several local driving and work horses Driving horses will be hitched at 9 00 A M. Sale will start at 11:00 A.M. SHARP For more information on this sale or any of our sales, contact: ABE DIFFENBACH NORMAN HOLE 717-354-4341 717-397-5538 New Holland Sales Stables Office is still valid and feed efficiency in young animals such as broilers and swine. At high levels it can cause abortions in pregnant sows and result in die death of poultry, swme and cattle. One serious side effect of this particular toxin is a weakening of the animal's immune system, rendering it more susceptible to disease and less likely to be protected by vaccinations. According to Delaware Extension livestock specialist Dr. Richard E. Fowler, aflatoxm also has the effect of increasing the apparent protein needs of an animal - which means the producer must supplement its diet with high-protein feeds well fortified with vitamins and minerals. Aflatoxm is the by-product Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 of a very common mold (Aspergillus flavus). This mold grows mostly on organic debris, but it can also become established on com kernels prior to harvest or afterward m storage, if conditions are right for its development. Drought, high temperatures and insect damage all encourage its growth on com. Which means conditions were ideal for the problem to develop this Summer, points out Fowler. The animal scientist is one of several extension specialists on Delaware’s task force team. He has made a special effort to make sure swme producers m the state are aware of the hazards of feeding broken, moldy com to their stock, whether or not it tests positive for aflatoxm. It is sometimes falsely assumed that pigs can safely eat just about anything, and some growers are in the habit of feeding them grain they wouldn’t give to other Adult classes slated UTITZ - Warwick High School will be offering an adult education course on pesticide management and environmental quality during the month of February. Based on the Penn State correspondence course for the pesticide applicator’s license, the course will entail four classes of formal instruction on the University’s booklet after which the applicator’s test will be administered. Either a residential or commercial license can be available. Designed to simplify the University course for the layman, classes will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning February 7 and ending February 28. The time is from 7 to 9 p.m. Instructor will be Larry Moyer, vocational agriculture teacher at Warwick, and the cost is $ll. livestock. This is just asking for trouble, says Fowler. Integrated broiler com panies are already aware of the harmful effects of aflatoxin on poultry and for some tune now have been following a preventive program, drying their com down to 13 per cent moisture or less and routinely testing all deliveries for the presence of the toxin. Substation director Ralph predicts that these com panies are going to be very selective about the com they buy over the next six months. The point that he, Fowler and others are stressing right now is that farmers, make sure the com they have in storage is safe to feed. The Delaware State Department of Agriculture has the quipment and per sonnel at its Dover laboratory to run tests and is offering this service free to anyone who wishes to submit a gram sample. Farmers with specific questions about the feeding of stored com should contact their nearest county Ex tionsion office. That fee includes the $6 pesticide book. Deadline for registration is January 10, and those interested can sign up either by going to the Warwick High School on January 5 or 10 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.rm Registration can also be made through the mail. Send in name, address, phone, course name, and check to Warwick School District, Attention David E. Hilbert, Adult Education Director, Warwick High School, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Or, by phone, call 626-2061. In the case of phone registration, a check should also be sent through the mail. Ten individuals are needed to cover the cost of the in structor. In the case of a cancellation, Warwick High School will contact all registered individuals. IS MARRIED DAUGHTER STILL A DEPENDENT? Here’s dollar-saving ad vice on your tax return: For parents of daughters who married last year, she may still be your dependent if she doesn’t file a joint return with her husband and if you provided more than half of her support. And here’s good news. IRS has ruled that those wedding bills you incurred can be counted as part of her support. A public service of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Ac countants DEDUCTIBILITY OF TRAINING COURSES Here’s helpful tax advice on the deductibility of training courses: The cost of training courses you take to maintain skills used on your present job may be tax deductible, but what if your employer pays the training costs: is that taxable in come‘? IRS says no; if the cost of job-training is tax deductible, for you, it’s still tax-deductible for you, it’s still tax-free if the boss pays. A public service of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Ac countants. 23
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