Sulfonamide residues in swine is topic of USDA conference WASHINGTON, D.C. - Ways to eliminate sulfonamide residues in WATER WATCHER PUT A RITCHIE FOUNTAIN IN CHARGE OF YOUR HERD'S WATER. Ritchie fountains keep plenty of water in front of your cows, day in, day out...automatically. Big-throat, rust-free valves dish it out fast, and Ritchie’s reliable heating system keeps water ice-free on the coldest winter days. With the CO-50 epoxy finish over heavy-gauge galvanized steel, Ritchie premium fountains are standing up to many more years of abuse from livestock and weather. Why take chances on an old watering system? There’s a Ritchie fountain ' • m m R.D. 8, P.O. Box 219 Bam Otld "'nUfNCB Cl Feed Lot 1% ■mJC Im J or wl !■ ■ V* • 717/263-9111 Equipment swine will be discussed at a meeting at the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Jan. 16, it was announced last week by Carol Tucker Foreman, assistant Sk: secretary of agriculture for food and consumer services. Officials of USDA’s Food Safety and Quality Service (FSQS) said that the meeting, which will be open to the public, will start at 10 a.m. in the conference room B, departmental auditorium, Constitution Avenue, bet ween 12th and 14th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. The national residue monitoring program con ducted under FSQS meat and poultry inspection procedures have found that (agway) Q J JLM* ¥ &&S BULK METERED SERVICE -AGWAY PETROLEUM GORP. Box 1197\ Dillerville Road, Lancaster, Pa. : T , * Ph. 717-397-4954 WEIGHS FAST Just run'em onto the platform Then pull down the activating handle, read the "Instant-Way" dial, return the handle to the ”up" position and that's all! S 4 The "Magnet Feeder" That Selectively Feeds Concentrate or High MoisWre Corn I -L* WATER BOWLS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 24,1977 residue violations from the use of sulfonamide in swine production have been oc curring on a regular basis. Because of this, FSQS of ficials have determined that a more effective and ef ficient means of eliminating the violations must be developed and the meeting is being held to solicit views and discussion on this subject. Opening comments will be made by FSQS officials and representatives of the Food and Drug Administration, FOR OUR farm show ADS IN THE JANUARY 7th ISSUE OF LANCASTER FARMING U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Further information on the meeting is available from Kerri Ridenour, special assistant to the ad ministrator, Food Safety and Quality Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 341 - South, Washington, DC, 20250, Area Code 202,447-5593. Grange meets QUARRYVILLE Edward L. Zug, master, presided at the December meeting of the Fulton Grange 66. The grange’s Miss Solanco contestant, Tammy Herr, sang a medley of songs, being accompanied by Lavonne Feister. Mark Hopkins, director of energy for the Community Action Program in Lancaster County, was speaker for the evenmg. He illustrated solar energy projects to conserve energy and gave energy saving suggestions. There will be no grange meeting December 26. NORTHCO Serv-O-Matic Dairy Feeder 87
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