84—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 24,1977 Chester County DHIA (Continued from Page 82) OmerS. Smoker B 3 David Windle B 3 Vernon Guest & Son B 3 David Walton B 3 H.&R. Mason B 3 105.6 Gottlieb Strohmaier Richard Hos tetter B 3 Jacob K.Stoltzfns Cora Fairy OWNER NAME OR ASE NUMBER fI MO Ardrossan Farms SBElrng 1 CBun 1 GLR Rose 1 CROSLIn 1 George P. Lambom Arlady 3 Samuel B. Acker #370 3 813 3 #379 3 #338 3 #389 3 Robert E.Pepple #55 3 #6l 3 #47 3 #46 3 Jefferson D. Yoder #34 3 James V. Yale #25 ? #45 #32 #lO Herman Stoltzfus Petunia Carlene Penny Ken E. Weber #49 #22 #36 J Elmer Lapp Sally Rath Audrey Leon D. Kurtz Eldoris Cindy Edwin C. Todd Markas Julie Maaie*lfay FLAMELESS CATALYTIC HEATERS AN L.P. GAS BROODER THAT DOES A BETTER JOB ON BABY PIGS & CHICKS AARON S. GROFF & SON FARM & DAIRY STORE RO3 Ephrata PA 17522 (Hmkletown) Phone (717) 354 4631 Store Hours 7AM to 9 P M Closed Tues Wed & Sat at 5 30 P M 4L5 77.7 84.7 42.7 80.5 45.0 38.6 77.4 60.5 38.8 86.1 53.3 4LI 85.4 37.3 80.5 91.7 41.5 91.3 77.6 24,228 21,139 19,223 305 305 305 5-0 3-1 10-2 OATS US. IN MILK MIX 25,705 21,157 20,287 17,925 3-5 3-11 10-5 3-9 305 305 305 300 16,440 305 20,134 22,161 18,579 19,000 18,976 305 305 305 305 305 19,699 19,273 21,200 21,167 302 305 305 305 3- 4- 3- 4- 18,807 277 18,742 19,356 19,913 18,047 305 305 305 305 8-1 8-4 4-4 7-2 20,331 19,659 23,014 305 305 305 3- 6-5 4- 23,293 21,660 19,849 305 305 273 7- 10-9 8- 20,427 20,859 18,640 287 305 305 7-4 5-4 4-5 22,112 17,200 305 305 21,545 21.707 305 305 9-11 5-4 ‘Your Pigs Will Love David E. Weaver Maude Blacky Ben S. Seller Flo T oomt Walmoore #436 #622 1.52 Richard A. Hood #lOl 3 #75 3 #llO 3 #ll3 3 Walmoore #3 #315 3 #165 3 #432 3 J. Kenneth Landis Brenda 3 Linda 3 #143 3 J. Raymond Harnish Linda 3 Loraine 3 Ellen 3 Susan 3 W. B. Dixon Strovrd #lB 3 #424 3 Willowland Farm Chris 3 Rose 3 Joyce 3 Kulpßros. Andrea 3 Judy 3 JohnM.Umble Myrtle 3 Delight 3 Sid 3 1.52 1.52 1.51 1.50 1.50 1.50 1228 916 806 5.1 4.3 4.2 % FAT LBS. FAT 4.1 4.3 4.2 4.0 1044 911 857 711 902 899 794 788 723 709 899 885 873 793 4.6 4.6 4.1 3.7 892 881 801 796 733 4.7 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 3.5 855 828 794 850 824 719 3.6 3.8 3.6 The beauty of Nature and the glory of the Yuletide bring a / fulfilling sense of / wonder, peace and hope to all . ft is our / pleasure, as we share / the majesty of the / season, to extend every good wish for your happiness . 847 780 749 4.1 3.7 4.0 845 702 839 800 ‘ir ■- ' Mg#* 5-0 MO 3- 5-6 4- 3-6 5- 6- 3-3 4- 5- 3-7 4-5 4-4 4-3 4-1 7-0 3-2 5-1 5-3 8-10 BHH IM ~j * i- V * * iitaJ , i'/j r- 20,016 21,252 284 280 19,552 19,961 299 269 22,335 21,518 305 305 5.1 4.1 4.0 4.4 16,316 18,569 18,146 16,131 305 305 305 305 3.8 4.1 3.9 21,662 19,381 18,083 305 305 287 4.1 4.4 3.5 19,919 17,621 21,281 301 305 305 4.0 4.2 4.4 3.8 19,943 19,321 17,423 19,027 305 305 305 293 17,042 17,806 305 305 3.9 3.9 3.9 10,553 19,719 18,685 305 305 287 18,217 19,935 296 305 3.6 4.3 4.1 22,413 17,759 17.976 305 305 299 / [t v ' •-> - * * t f tt , ' j V'/t f •* CATTLE - HOG - POULTRY EQUIPMENT R.D. 4, EPHRATA, PA. 717-354-4271 George Steele & Sons #29 * #49 3 #2O 3 Newton Evans, Jr. #142 3 837 SIS 837 r - William E. Parry #539 3 #55 3 #422 3 Donald Ho* tetter, Jr. Pearl 3 Astronaut 3 Milunar 3 David Bertram #1 3 828 728 828 763 718 717 824 789 712 #63 3 #79 3 G 77 3 Lenape Dairy Farm #694 3 #852 3 Harvey C. Waltz #lO2 3 822 784 738 8T 804 763 758 SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 104 YEARS jpSi£i'2 HAMBtffifi SAVMGS FDIC am TRUST COMPAKY Hamburg, PA Phone 215-562-3811 A FULL SERVICE BANK 803 723 802 775 729 801 783 796 761 739 o y 4-4 305 7-9 294 7-3 305 5-2 305 7-3 275 7- 305 8- 305 6-2 305 8-2 305 8-1 305 5-3 305 5-1 305 305 4-4 305 4-5 305 5-9 305 4-9 305 5-2 305 (Turn to Page 86) s , .. . t,/ 3.8 3.8 3.6 796 20,881 19,872 20,865 7! 71 rss rs; 26,845 4.2 3.5 3.8 18,812 20,725 18,503 rss r 23 m 3.6 3.1 3.2 'B7 roo roi 21,757 23,033 21,797 4.3 3.9 4.4 3.7 3.5 18,137 19,906 17,275 19,584 20,352 21,454 19,283 21,704 y'V AO <•».» *