Special care needed for poinsettias MEDIA - Poinsettias, ommonly thought of as the ;hristmas plants, have iccome popular plants in nany American homes, liey were introduced to the jnited States in 1825 by Joel lobert Poinsett, first U.S. jnbassador to Mexico. The ommon name for the exotic lant, poinsettias, came •om his last name. If one gets a poinsettia for his home, he should place it near a sunny window, where it will get the most available sunlight. A window which faces south, east “or west is better than one facing north. No part of the plant should touch the cold window pane because this may injure it. To keep the plant in bloom, a person should maintain a temperature of 65 to 70° F. during the daylight hours and move it.to a cooler place at night. Since root rot damage is more prevalent in temperatures below 60°F., the poinsettia should never DISTRICT MANAGER GEORGE HEATH 2618 Arcona Road Mechanicsburg, PA.-17055 697-5466 ALEXANDRIA MAXiSENBERG 669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845-2261 ILEFONTE LUCAS BARN EQUIPMENT 814-383-2806 BELLEVILLE maclay&sQn 717-935-2101 CAMP HILL ' LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 EASTEARL ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445-6409 be put in a room cooler than this. One should avoid ex posing the plant to hot or cold drafts, which may cause premature leaf drop. The sod should bejexamined daily, and when the surface is diy to the touch, one can water the plant until the water-runs freely out the drainage hole in the con tainer. If using a flower pot container, a person should discard the water which accumlates in it. The plant shouldn’t be left standing in water or the soil will lack ' sufficient air, or will be too wet - conditions which injure the roots. A wilted plant may drop leaves prematurely, so one should try to keep it well watered. If wilting does occur, one can water the plant thoroughly once to moisten the entire soil mass, and then again affp” f :vc minutes. Poinsettias can be reflowere’d the second Christmas, but unless a Contact your nearest Rate dealer HAMBURG SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE 215-488-1025 KIRKWOOD LANDIS t ESBENSHADE 786-4158 LEBANON MARVIN HORST 272-0871 (VILI SANER FARM SYSTEMS 463-2606 MILLERSBURG LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 year-long schedule of care is observed, the results usually aren’t good. For such a schedule, one should con tinue normal watering of the plant until the first of March, when the soil is allowed to dry gradually. The soil shouldn’t get so dry that the stems shrivel, because this is a sign of dying. Following the drying period, the plant should be stored in a cool (60*F) airy location. In the middle of April, the stems should be cut back to about six inches above the soil level and replanted in a pot one to two inches in diameter larger than the original pot. A good potting soil mixture, such as two parts soil, one part sphagnum or peat moss and one part medium to coarse perlite is essential. One should water thoroughly; wait 5 minutes and water again. The plant should be put near a window facing south. A person should keep MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 NEWVILLE FRED. B. McGILLRAY 776-7312 iVILLE MOYER FARM SERVICE 766-8675 iMSBURG LONGENECKER 814-793-3731 I. INC. MARYLAND DEALERS EASTON Ml WALTER J.HARMSEN 301-822-3035 the plant at a temperature of 70 to 75° F. and water it when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. After new growth appears, it can be fertilized every two weeks with a complete-analysis, water soluble fertilizer at the rate recommended on the label. In early June, the plant can be moved outdoors and placed in a lightly shaded location. ' Watering and fertilizing should continue while the plartt is outdoors. Between August 15 and September 1, the stems should be cut back, leaving three or four leaves on each shoot; then one Should bring the plant indoors again and place it in a window facing south. If the plant is not cut back, it will grow too tall and be unsightly. The plant should Jbe kept at a tem perature of 65 to 70°F. ancf fertilizing and watering should continue as before. Poinsettias are short-day HAGI TRI-STATE FARM AUTOMATION 301-790-3698 KENNEDYVILLE. MD FINDER SERVICE CO. 301-348-5263 LINEBORO MD WERTZ GARAGE INC 301-374-2672 NEW WINDSOR. Ml TRI-COUNTY FARM AUTOMATION 301-775-7356 TREET MD WALTER WEBSTER 452-8521 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. December 24.1977-27 plants, meaning they flower about 10 weeks after the length of daylight shortens to 11 hours or less. Therefore, to have a plant in full flower by Christmas, keep it in complete darkness between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. A closet. WHATS NEW TOWMOBILE Unverferth McCurdy announces a practical and economical equipment transporter which enables one man with a pickup truck or car to transport a tractor or combine. The new Un verferth McCurdy towmobile can move a 2WD tractor with up to two at tached implements cross country safely and easily. Ideal for combines, too, the Towmobile elimates the need for flatbed trailers or trucks to get equipment to remote fields, or from farm tofarm. A tractor or combine’s front wheels are driven up onto the Towmobile where they drop into slots. The front axle is then chained to the Towmobile, the equip ment’s engine let idle, and the driver is ready to tow. The Towmobile has a five ton capacity, center point steering, skid plates, and a 5% inch ground clearance. These features allow safe towing up to 25 m.p.h. even on severe roads. A stabilizer bar locks the steering for towing the unit empty. The Towmobile is available in 86 inch cradle width for 30 inch opaque box, or cloth will keep the plant in darkness during these hours. One should always remember to put the plant near a sunny window in the daytime and continue fertilizing the plant until mid-December. row front end setups, and in a 100 inch cradle width for 40 inch row front end setups. For more information, contact Bill Ferris, Ship pensburg, Pa. at 717-532- 9226. CHILDCARE TAX BREAK NOW A CREDIT Here’s tax-saving advice about child care costs: The tax break given to working parents who hire someone to care for their children during working hours has been changed from a deduction to a credit. This means that up to four hun dred dollars per year for one child - eight hundred for two or more - can be subtracted from taxes owed. A public service of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Ac countants.