i 14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 10,1977 Delaware girl DOVER, Del. - She’s not vhat you’d call an average consumer, being only 1$ rears old and a high school wphomore, and living in Seaford with her parents and sisters, Karen Taylor is not responsible for any major family purchasing decisions. But ask her anything about making major, or, for that matter, minor, purchases and she’ll tell more than most adult consumers will ever know about getting the most for their money. This underage, above average consumer has been ousy comparing prices on groceries, fabrics, canning As part of her 4-H consumer education project, Karen Taylor checked quality as well as prices on grocery items from different stores in her town. tk-T7 DISTRIBUTORS FOR '\\S SCHLESSMAN'S V SEED CORN (80,000 Kernel Units) PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES NEW TOP Y?ELDER Compare with your top yielder. Order Your Spring Seeds NOW ALFALFAS - CLOVERS - OATS TIMOTHY-GRASSES H fIWJTTr.TiITi /SfTW KWTJSTa AGRI SOIL CONDITIONER CHEMICALS ORDER NOW FOR BEST PRICES • WEX • LASSO • DYFONATE • FURADAN • ATRAZINE • OTHERS BALER TWINE WHOLESALE & RETAIL ‘ BOYD’S SEED CENTER 306 lona Rd., Lebanon, P*47042 _V Phone 717-272-8343 . - supplies and crafts, to name a few items, for the past two years in the interest of her Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club. Her diligence won her the State 4-H award in consumer education this year. A 4-H member for more than six years, Karen recently was further recognized for her project work in the area of consumer education at the 56th National 4-H Congress held the week of November 28 in Chicago. She was named one of the six national winners in the 4-H Consumer Education Program and awarded a $lOOO college scholarship In consumer education wins national 4-H scholarship from the program sponsor Montgomery Ward & Co. “I started out last year by comparing prices on the same items in different grocery stores in town once a month,” says Karen. “Then the next year, I compared national brands with store brands on common food items such as coffee, sugar, ' flour and meat I found that a family of five can save up to $3O a month by buying store brands.” By combining several of her 4-H projects with con sumerism, Karen was able to compile quite an im pressive list of consumer related information. Last year, she conducted a food preservation project by canning her own vegetables. While she was at it, however, she comparison shopped for the items necessary for her project-jars, lids, vinegar, spices and fresh vegetables (which she didn’t buy because she used her family’s garden produce). As a further price com parison, Karen, determined the amount of money she saved by preserving her own produce instead of buying canned vegetables. This year Karen made a four-piece suit as a 4-H clothing project. But rather than turning in just the one project, she itemized the fabrics and sewing notions such as zippers, thread and buttons-comparison shopp ed for them and recorded her findings. When she was finished she located a similarly made outfit in a local clothing store and determined that she had saved at least $25 by making it herself. “My mother is really the one who got me interested in ► ►YEAR END SPECIAL**◄ HAWK BILT 207 6 TON - LIST *3350 *2975 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E. LINDEN ST., RICHLAND, PA. PHONE: (717) 866-7518 saving money,” says Karen, “A few years ago, my father was sick and couldn’t work for a whole year.My mother taught me how to stretch our money then.” In addition to learning how to “shop the sales,” for groceries and clothing, Karen learned from her mother that prices on baking items such as sugar go up during the holiday season and that it’s best to buy them ahead of time. Her mother also showed her how to alter sewing patterns, so that the same one could be used for several different styles, and \LIQUID MANURE SPECIALISTS PEARSON takes the work and waste out of manure . . . with Better-Bilt Liquid Manure Systems for hogs, dairy, beef and poultry. • Two types of manure spreaders han dle liquid, semi-liquid and heavy slurry fast and easy • Eight models, capaci ties up to 31 SO gallons • Truck mount ing optional for all models • Manure Is spread over 35’-40' swath or injected into soil (up to 12") • Three PTO pow ered,-heavy-duty pumps agitate and. break up solid manure into massive slurry, pumps are reversed for filling spreader • Powerful mono pump is used in irrigation systems • Heavy dutv electric pump available OiSTRIBUTOR WILLARD HAAS &SON IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY that even the smallest bit of leftover material could serve a useful purpose. For another of her com bination projects, Karen made soft pretzels at a state food . demonstration and compared costs between malting and " buying this popular snack. She showed consumers that they could make 18 pretzels for 73 cents, a savings of $4.67 compared to prices at a food booth. Karen had heard so much about the Great Depression that she decided it would make a good consumer project to compare the 1930’s Klingerstown, Pa. 17941 717-425-3698 MANURE SPREADERS 187 STON-LIST*3I7S *2775 with the 1970’5. The Sussex county 4-lfer interviewed two persons who were young married women then-one from an urban and one from a rural area-and two women in the same living situations today. She wrote a speech about her findings and gave it to several county and community organizations. “I found that in the 1930’5,' the country people bad most of their own resources and were not hit as hard by the Depression as the city people,” she says. “But in the 1970’5, the country people (Continued on Page 107) Vacuum tpraadar •all FHlfeif—Raar Daar Opdanal r_ Auf.r-M.tlc SfruMr 157 4 TON-LIST *2775 ’2400