—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, December 3,1977 42 is a Brenneman family affair Staff correspondent MOUNT JOY - Marian Brenneman’s house is beginning to look a lot like Christinas - there are small piles of cording and ribbon which are being used to make tree decorations, and there’s several braided calico wreathes in various stages of completion. Marian, who lives on Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy, with her husband Elvin and their three children, prepares for the holidays just as she does for all her many activities -completely. Marian enjoys being busy but makes it clear that her family is most important to her. “Without your family what do you have?” she asks. Because she enjoys her family, she says, “I like going into details with things. I get self-satisfaction from that.” That attitude explains all the creative ideas she’s making for her tree and for gifts for friends - lucky friends. Decorations for the tree are a family affair with the Brennemans’ three children - LuAnn, 16, JoAnn, 14, and Roger, 8 - all contributing to the work. This year there will be clusters of “lollipops” which the family is creating from yards of rope cording and velvet ribbon. They wind the two together, pasting as they go, then stitch on a part of a drinking straw as a stick. A tiny velvet bow adds a finishing touch. For gifts this year, Marian is making braided wreaths from calico strips to be placed around a hurricane globe and candle. She has many wreaths begun and purchased the hurricane lamps on a recent trip to Williamsburg pottery. This writer was fortunate enough to be at Marian’s home the day before Thanksgiving, and touches of Marian’s creativity were in evidence for the big day. The most eye-catching - and palate pleasing - was a huge roast turkey which was to be used as an edible centerpiece. The Christmas gift creating By SALLY BAIR '* /> < Vw > ' < , V . ■