Hog Markets ' Lancaster SK?^ higher; sows Market BARROWS AND GILTS; November 21 1977 V ~ S l ' 2 lbs - 42 - 50 ’ November 21, 1977 43.25 ; Few US 1 200-230 lbs. HOGS: Barrows and gilts 44.00-44.25; US 1-3 200-240 - EARLY MATURING - In Pennsylvania Jersey heifers freshening as senior yearlings are making records over 13,000 lbs. milk on their first lactations. A Pennsylvania heifer fresh at 2-1 recently finished a record of 18,467 lbs. milk and 911 fat in 305 days. LONG LASTING - The Jersey’s size and agility keeps her in the herd longer. A Pennsylvania Jersey is finishing a lactation started at 13 years, 4 months which will give her a lifetime production to date over 155,000 lbs. milk, 8000 lbs. fat - due to calve shortly. PROFITABI-F.- Jersey dairymen make more money with less investment than most dairymen. Jersey herds have less capital investment, less acreage, less expensive labor. Top herds in Pennsylvania average over 12,000 lbs. milk, 600 lbs. fat, $BOO to $llOO over feed costs. Jersey cows efficiently produce higb<solids milk, worth up to $2.00 per cwt. more than standard milk. PROLIFIC - Jersey cows settle easily, calve regular ly. Jersey bulls are popular for breeding first-calf heifers of larger dairy and beef breeds due to ease of calving. enjoyable - Lovely to look at, easy to handle, Jerseys are popular in the show ring and as 4-H pro jects as well as in the commercial dairy herd. To locate Jersey breeders in your area, write for a Directory to: Dreisbacbs’ Long Meadows Farm, RD #l, Hamburg, Pa. 19526.' PENNSYLVANIA JERSEY CATTLE CLUB HJMaI nutr^^S National Reputation Local Service ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Do you want to make buying your stackers and feeders easy. It can be very simple. Just call and give us your order. Ail orders filled to your exact specifications. Call us anytime. We can be very helpful. Consign all your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense NK EY!! NEXT FEEDER PIG SAL 5 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 • 1 P.M. Feeder pigs received from 6 A.M. to 11 A.M LANCASTER STOCK YARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 lbs, 41.2542.25; Few US 2-3 255-270 lbs. 38.5040.50. SOWS: US 1-3 350-550 lbs. 31.00-34.50. Lancaster Auction HOGS: Barrows and gilts mostly .75-1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: U.S.- 1-2 200-230 lbs. 43.2544.34, few U.S. 1200-230 lbs, 45.0045.50; U.S. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.0043.10, few U.S. 2-4 260-280 lbs. 37.00-38.10. Indianapolis Wednesday, November 23, 1977 HOGS; 1000 - Barrows & gilts active, mostly steady. US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 42.5042.65, 50 head 42.65. US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.0042.50. Few US 2-3 250-270 lbs. 39.50-41.50. Scattered lots 270-290 lbs. 38.00-39.00. SOWS: Active, steady to 25 lower. US 1-3 350-600 lbs. 33.00-34.50. Lancaster Feeder Pig Lancaster, Pa. Tuesday, November 22,1977 Feeder Pigs Today 1613 Two Weeks Ago 1705 TREND: Compared to two weeks ago feeder pigs mostly uneven, US 1-2 steady to firm, US 2-3 weak to 5.00 lower. All prices on a per hundred weight basis. US 1-2 20-40 lbs. 85.00- 91.00; 40-50 lbs. 75.00-88.00; 50-60 lbs. 70.00-80.00. -US 2-3 lbs. 66.00-80.00 Couple lots 60.00-61.00. 40-50 lbs. 63.5060.50; 52 head 58.00- 61.50; 50-73 lbs. 57.00-73.00; 70-100 lbs. 44.00-53.00. CONTACT: JOHN CAMPBELL Atgien, PA (215) 593*5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA ' (717)349-2340 DAN DERR Conowingo, MD (301)378-3280 Vintage Hog Saturday, November 19 Reported 807 head. No. 1, 210-240 lbs. 42.00- 42,85; No. 2-3, 210-240 lbs. 40.8542.00; 21 head 42.85- 44.25; sows 31.50-32.00; boars 28.50- heavystraights, 300-310 lbs. 39.00-39.50; lightweights, -160-170 lbs. 35.50- - Wednesday, November 23, 1977 Reported 420 bead. No. 1, 210-245 lbs. 44.25- 45.00; No. 2-3, 210-240 lbs. 43.0044.25, few up to 46.00; sows 32.75-35.50; boars 27.00- 28,50; heavystraights, 280 lbs. 37.00; lightweights, 135- 155 lbs. 35.25-35.75. New Holland Hog New Holland, Pa. Monday, November 21,1977 Hog Auction 1566 1750 Today Last Monday TREND: Compared to last Monday, barrows and gilts mostly 2.25-2.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 202-237 lbs. 42.50- 43.60; 13 head 211-220 lbs. 43.7544.00. US 1-3 194-244 lbs. 41,7542.75; US 2-3 233-282 lbs. 39.5042.00.18 head US 2- 4 275 lbs. 37.85. Peoria Hog Auction Wednesday, November 23, 1977 HOGS 3000: - Barrows & gilts active, fully 50-75 higher, instances 1.00 higher. US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 42.2542.50, 50 head 42.75, 34 head 43.25. US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.0042.25. SOWS; Steady to 50 lower. US 1-3 350-500 lbs. 33.50-34.50. St. Louis Hog Market Wednesday. November 23, 1977 HOGS: 5500 - Barrows & gilts active, 50-1.00 higher, most advance on weights over 250 lbs. US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 42.00. US 1-3 200-250 lbs. 41.50- US 2-3 240-270 lbs. 40.50- SOWS:-Steady. US 1-3300- 500 lbs. 33.50-33.75. Uncaster Farming, Saturday, November 26,1977 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, November 24) Chicago Chicago New York Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes Dec. 42.40 42.95 Jan, Feb. 40.02 38.80 March April 39.97 34.60 4.05 May June 41.65 36.47 Trend - Cattle are higher, Hogs are higher, Potatoes are lower, and eggs are higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES (Closing Bids as of Thursday, November 24) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal 2.21% 2.71% Dec. Jan. March 2.82 2.28% 6.02% 164.70 / May 2.85 2.32% 6.10 167.10 July 2.87% 2.33% Trend - Com is higher, Wheat is mixed, Soybeans are lower, and Soybean Meal is higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Dally Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE Week to Date 438,000 54,000 Same Period Last Week 435.000 55,000 934,000 74,000 Same Period Last Year 442.000 58,000 1,006,000 J.M. HOOBER INC. Serving You Since 1895 LANCASTER STOCK YARDS Let us put your corn to work. At this time it makes good sense to turn corn into beef and pork. We at J.M. Hoober Inc. stand ready to assist you in the buying and marketing of all your livestock needs. OUR BUSINESS IS MORE THAN LIVESTOCK OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO YOU NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE - DECEMBER 6,1977 J.M. HooberSteerOivision Ph: (717) 397-6191,569-2084 Please Call Us Soon J.M. Hoober Hog, Calf & Sheep Division Ph: f 717) 397-6191.626-5659 3.77 44.90 4.67 5.94% 161.40 6.14% 169.80 CALVES HOGS SHEEP 981,000 76,000 3 46.10 45.70 160.90 73,000
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