—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 82 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale Duroc bred gilts & service age boars, Rick Pfautz RDI Stevens, Pa 717-733 6694 For Sale Two purebred spotted boar hogs, est weight 300 & 350, 6 yrs old standard bred carriage lorse, trotter, well broken, sound one mi N of Farmersville 717 859-2317 For Sale - 1937 Plymouth 4 door sedan, original condition 8 x 48 Mobile Home, 2 bedrooms 717-752-7721 For Sale Int 400 cyclone planter, 4 30” rows, in secticide attachment, $2500 Also 67 VW truck 215-383- 5494 For Sale - 21” barn fan, 2 sp , direct drive with shutters, like new 717-665-4245 For Sale - 4 feeder pigs, pasture raised $3O ea, 1964 Ford Vz ton pickup, V 8 $425 215-869-2992 For Sale - Agway pole barn, 180x80, disassembled, best offer, NH 357 grinder mixer and new Clay barn cleaner 717-546-3001 eves Wanted - Breeding age Clydesdale or Percheron stallion, good type, size and disposition 215-869-2992. For Sale - 479 NH Haybine, 9 ft cultivators, very good condition, $lBOO 717-359- 7479 For Sale - 400 gal Moionmer bulk milk tank, 24 stanchion & corn barn cleaner, coal fur nace, all items used 717-597- 7704 For Sale - 1973 Ford Maverick grabber, 302 V-8, auto trans , 6 Michelin X steel belted tires, good condition $1795 215- 926 2'”>B For Sa Single bladed rotary mower, 6' trailer type $3OO 717-786-2943 For Sale - 302 Ford Truck engine $225 Frame for 1970 Ford truck $lOO 25 Delaval stall cocks $2O 717-865-2529 For Sale - Large 7V4 hp repulsion induction electric motor on cart $l3O, Alvin Brubaker, RD 1, East Earl, PA 215-445-4420 Wanted - Good tobacco press, 2 door gas refrigerator, good condition ElamS Miller RD 1, Christiana, PA Barnyard Sale - Nov 18 & 19, Surplus farm equipment and farm related antiques Old wagon, butcher tools, etc 717- 469-2377 For Sale 14 ft Midwest comb gram 4 cattle body with gallion twin cyl hoist on 68 chevy, very good 201-828 2309 Wanted - Cultivator for Vac Case tractor For Sale-Dry fireplace wood in Lane area 717 397-9058 For Sale - 65 lb DeLaval milker, sterling pulsator, surge milker, 2 bred Holstein heifers, JD grown drive manure spreader, like new 717-487- 7914 For Sale Border Collie puppies excellent with children and as working dogs 215 593 6521 For Sale Roller bearing top buggy, with hyd brakes S5OO James Zimmerman Rt 1 East Earl, PA 215 445 4730 Wanted Old Ear Corn For Sale '/i inch heavy duty steel cable 215 445-6976 For Sale Parts for JD 45 combine snapper rollers tor Ni #7 corn picker MH 33 tractor with 3 bottom plow 215 794 8431 "ord tractor For Sale MAILBOX MARKET For Sale NH 200 bu tank spreader right hand discharge, hyd lid, 540 PTO used 6 mo $2200 814-448 2282 For Sale - NH #66 baler with Wis motor just overhauled Gideon Stoltzfus, RD #2 Box 463, Littlestown. PA For Sale 20 cows up to 22,000 M 717-454 2602 For Sale - 76 Dodge Charger 10,000 mi, p s pb , air cond A-l condition 717-872-2596 after 5 For Sale - 20 feeder calves, mostly Herefords, some Hereford Angus, some Hereford Charolais cross, weighing 350-500 lb 717-727- 2706 For Sale - 18 hp Case Farm tractor C A senes with snow plow and cultivators 215-822- 2288 For Sale - Picture window 54x52, 20 light 12x9'/2, ex cellent condition $5O 301-658- 6975 eves Wanted - Sears or comparable type 3 pt hitch sub soiler with earth worm attachment 717- 776-5207 eves Wanted - Tobacco Press 717- 367-1907 Wanted - 400 Heavy breed 20 week pullets, also, hot water front for copper clad cook stove Clemen Nissley RD #2, Watsontown, Pa For Sale -1-50 McCullock chain saw, good condition $6O 717- 687-6121 For Sale - M M. combine with 12 ft gram head & corn head model 3496, 810 select-o speed diesel 717-648-1069 4-5 p m For Sale - 435 gallon cherry burred bulk milk tank, Tecumseh compressor and condensing unit only 3 yrs old $6OO 717-966-1396 For Sale - Straw, app 5 tons $65 per ton at barn 814-349- 8007 after 4 30 For Sale - Wood burning stove, heavy duty hand made, ex cellent source of heat $75, Grade milking goat, excellent pet. $75 215-536-8714 For Sa'e - Hybrid Italian bees in hive and honey $47, 3 pt 3 bottom Oliver plow $172, kittensfree 717-272-1092 Wanted - snow blower, PTO, at least 7 ft wide 814-447-3383 For Sale - 2 smoker gravity wagons, $425 each, 29 feeder pigs, $25 each Call 215-598- 3226 Wanted - Young experienced, hard working couple seriously interested in getting started in dairy farming, desiring to work into ownership 814-839-4271 For Sale - 1974 Buick Riviera and 1975 Pontiac station wagon, both have full power and in good condition 215 267 6725 Wanted AC C hydraulic farm plow, low type 6xlo one to two ton trailer, tandem axle and electric brakes preferred 914- 357 7735 For Sale 1973 Dodge Van Tradesman 100 slant 6 stick, new paint 52400 1966 GTO ("parts) Windshield, both doors trunk lid 525 each 215 756 5055 For Sale Model FG 7 tube Shenandoah fire grate has optional speed control switch triples fireplace heat output 215 562 7457 after 4 For Sale 9 week old Collie pups wormed no 987 5106 & 6 manure spreader rubber Used year round 4 ply tires make offer Like MAILBOX MARKET For Sale NH 1010 automatic balewagon excellent con dition, does everything $3900 or trade on other farm equipment 201-948-4551 For Sale - 3 reg Guernsey heifers due to freshen in Dec 717 456-5106 For Sale Surge pipeline for 46 stall barn 5 mini cups, IVi inch vacuum line, I 1,? stainless steel milk line complete receiver and washer group 717-488-6421 For Sale - 30 ft Case elevator, #5 IHC flail chopper and JD 3 wheel rake, 717-532-8236 For Sale - 3 yr old standard bred carriage horse, di iven in carriage few times, safe, sound and willing $550 7686 For Sale - Australian cattle dog pups mixed with terrier, 7 weeks old Andrew Beiler, 231 B Lynwood Rd , Ronks, PA For Sale - Super 77 Oliver -tractor, good condition, 7 ft cultipacker, manure pan for 5676 NH manure spreader 717-354-0338 For Sale - Warner Swasey Skid Loader 5 ft. bucket and fork good shape $l5OO Deep well head with cylinder and 40 ft of rod $35 717-523-0413 For Sale - Doberman Pinscher, male. 4 mo old, champion bloodlines Shots Docked and cropped Farm raised with children Will make fine watchdog $165 301-398- 2263 or 215 869-2808 For Sale Yorkshire boars, all ages, very aggressive, top quality Delivery available Red Run Farm, RD2, East Berlin, Pa 717-292-4634 For Sale - Nl 310 corn picker, goodcond 717-733-0058 For Sale - Old ice box, two door, 52 in high, original hardware, excell cond, $275 717-284- 2484 For Sale - Used 550 gal. un derground fuel storage tank, good condition, $95 717-569- 1580 For Sale - Rare 1951 Chev Station Wagon All wood inside 6 cyl 2 owners, $4OO 215- 933-2469 Wanted - Cab for Massey Ferguson 165 717-374-6587 Wanted - Bins to put pipe fittings in variable sizes Amos F Beiler, Rl, Box 445, Paradise, Pa, 17562 For Sale - Yearling Hereford Bulls (6), either singly or by lot 301-398-3782 For Sale - 150 bu Baboa rye, $4 bu George Wickersham, Kennett Square, R D 1, Pa 19348 215-347-2395 For Sale - Perfection Coal oil space heater. $35 Also free hot water heater 215-678- 7962 For Sale - Farmall Super M TA overhauled, 77, steel or rubber. Organic fed roasting chickens, Muscovy ducks & turkeys, A K Beiler, R D 3, Quarryville, Pa. May Post Office Rd For Sale - 10 bred Angus beef cows, your pick from 30 head 717-866-2585 For Sale One Elkhound female dog Beniamin K King, Box 674 Hartman Station Rd, Lane Pa 17601 For Sale Hay Also will feed heifers over winter preferably 6 mo old or older 717 682- 9391 For Sale 14 Pride of the Farm farrowing crates A 1 co edition 717 524 0686 For Sale one set wheels for 2 n t BUT HUNTING FAIR PRICES AND FRIENDLY SERVICE IS RIGHT ON TARGET AT HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL! CALL (717) 733-2283 NOW NEW 915 Diesel hydro com- | 715 Diesel hydro com- j bine, 15 ft platform &'6 bine, 13 ft. platform & 4 | VAJfVIISINcS* row corn head $44,900 rowcornhead $33,900 , Waiver of Finance till Sept. 1,1978 401 SprmgTooth Harrow, 12 ft 350 Disk Harrow, 10'3" 475 Disk Harrow, 17’8" 500 Disk Harrow, 12’5” HD blades 3932 770 Offset, 10'4”, 26” knotch blades 3890 315 Packer Mulcher, 13’8” 3450 t TRACTOR PRICES INCREASED 6% SEPT. 1 - THESE I S NEW TRACTORS CAN BE PURCHASED AT OLD PRICES: J • (I) 686 D, (1) 1860, (1) 886 D, (2) 986 D. (1) 1086 D * •• MFI7B Diesel, w/heavy duty loader Case 1370 diesel w-cab & air, dual valves, 20.8 x 38 tires, weights, 315 hours. Ford 5000 D, New Tires, cab TD9w/Loader, Excellent MF 135 Diesel Oliver 1950 Diesel w/Duals & Cab Oliver 1850 Diesel INTERNATIONAL 350 DISK HARROW 11 Ft. 6 In. Excellent *1,295 HUNTING GAME IS HIT OR MISS IH 9A Disk Harrow, 28 Disk IH 37 Disk Harrow, 10’ Pittsburgh Disk Harrow, 12’ (disked 30 acres) AC 16' Wing Type Disk Harrow w/Duals, used 1 year 3095 IH 550 Plow, new bottoms, 5-F, 16” 1695 JD Disk Harrow Call . $639 2048 4795 -24" USED TRACTORS Far. 460w/loader Far. M Diesel Far. 400 (2) Far. M Far. 350 Far. H Far. A w/cult. blade and plow USED EQUIPMENT JO 494 A Planter, 4-row IH 455 Planter, 4-row 1H 400 Air Planter w/lnsecticide JDI7 x 7 Grain Drill $395 525 1695
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