—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 80 REAL ESTATE Franklin County Farms: 300 acre modern dairy, excellent land. 675 acre grain and livestock farm, owner will divide. Also 160 acres, 135 tillable, with frame house & barn. Van Cleve Real Estate, New Oxford, Pa. Ph: 717-624-6201. FOR SALE 16 room brick house, 130 years old plus 4 room semi-detached summer house on 1 acre of ground suitable for large family or apart ment. Located on Rt. 24, 2 miles south of Red Lion, York Co., Pa. 717- 2444168. BAUGHMAN LEADER, INC. 16 Leader Heights Road . MULTILIST 741-3805 REALTOR FARMS AND FARMETTES WINDY IRIS HILLS -22% acre horse farm with large Victorian four bedroom home. 2 baths, center hall and nicely decorated in terior. Fish stocked pond, fruit trees, and six steel enforced stalls. $125,000. (880) GENTLEMAN’S 30 ACRE ESTATE—Rela tively new Cape Cod house with 5 bedrooms, 1% baths, new basement rec. room with fireplace. Four springs, bank bam, com bam. $120,000 (886) HORSE LOVERS DREAM—S acres (fenced), seven ex cellent box stalls, four bedroom home, 2-zone Base Board Hot Water Heat. Huge fireplace. Convenient to York $74,900 (850) STONE FARM HOUSE BUILT 1848—Secluded with 5 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, on 30 acres, 2 small ponds. $150,000. (881) 10 ACRE HORSE FARM—B acres (fen ced), bank barn, garage 3 bedroom 2 story house, baseboard- hot water heat, minutes to York. $56,500 (819) 41 ACRES ready for development, 1277 ft. road frontage, Red Lion Kendale Area. (729) 206 ACRES THOMP SON, PA.-Susquehanna County, 1% miles road frontage. Elk Mountain Ski Resort area. Very attractive 6 bedroom home with con veniences. $139,000. (720) 49 ACRE CHAN CEFORD TWP. FARM—Very nice Colonial 2 story, 3 bedroom house with new Country Craft oak kitchen, all con veniences. Very nice barn equipped for steers. Large block garage. (827) SECLUDED 36 ACRE FARM ten minutes from East York, 3 BR frame home with BB HW oil fired heat, 30’ x 60’ Bank Bam, large work shop and other outbuildings. 24 Acres are tillable, and there are 8 fenced acres. $95,000. (721) MONTGOMERY COUNTY 75 acres $3 500 00 per acre large amount of road fron tage #139 40 acre 8 room house and barn ready for renovation . Located along Rte 663 Tremendous possibilities $125,000 #lll FULTON COUNTY 181 acres, 123 T , large three story four bedroom frame house, modern kitchen and 1% baths, large bank barn, 15 stalls, attached shed and other outbuildings $165,000 #137. 232 acre dairy farm, new 73 cow freestall barn with automatic bunk feeders Bank barn with 33 extensions, bulk tank, new machine shed, 2 concrete and 2 trench silos, large new brick home, 1 fireplace and barbecue pit, modern kitchen, dining room, 3 bedrooms, large semi finished basement Absolutely beautiful Second house with 3 bedrooms and-bath $260,000 #163 FRANKLIN COUNTY NEW - 147 acre dairy farm, very nice 8 room house with full base ment, bank barn, holding pen and 60 cow free stall Also corn crib & outbuildings Good location $295,000. #lBO. DAUPHIN COUNTY 120 acre jug milk operation, beautiful free stall setup, 98 Stalls &Jot area w/100 ft auto feeder, double 6 harr mgbone'w/feeders 1500 gal bulk tank, modern processing equipment Large walk in cooler w/mce sales store (2) 20x65 cone silos w/loaders A mod 3 bdr ranch house, 2 new Ig metal multi purpose bldgs , bank barn & other out buildings Also 85 very good Holstems, 50 heifers, and a full line of machinery A real nice operation of a good business, $600,000. Good terms available Also 500 acres available for rent #l7B BERKS COUNTY 120 acre dairy farm, beautiful 2'A story, 9 room stone house, modern kitchen, fireplace, 3 car garage, 62 stan chion barn with 2Vz” pipeline milker, 1000 gal bulk tank, 40 ft bunk feeder, silo, and other outbuildings A very nice farm $267,500 #167 95 acre horse farm with the most outstanding restored historical brown stone eight room house, bath, fireplace, guest house, smoke house and spring house Very large and outstanding 16 stall barn with large addition for steers, very good limestone soil with enough level land for a race track For the race horse lover Registered with Pa historical society $375,000 #ll7 161 acre dairy farm, 43 stalls, pipeline milker, bulk tank and fixed equipment, 2 concrete silos with unloaders, reconditioned farmhouse with eight rooms, 3 bay sh ed/garage and full line of machinery and cattle A ready to go operation all for only $335,000 #ll4. 208 acre dairy farm Large 9 room stone house with fireplace, & attached frame addition, beautiful setting Large barn with slate roof, 62 stanchions, 20x60 & 12x50 silos, pipeline milker, bulk tank & outbuildings IV2 mile of macadam road frontage running through farm intersecting long fields making hauling easy 160 acres tillable Must be seen to be appreciated $416,000 #lOl. BUCKS COUNTY All stone circa 1776 completely renovated situated on 10 acres, large barn & other outbuildings $125,000 #153. BRADFORD COUNTY 185 acre dairy farm, large 2 story frame house, 2 baths, 42 stall barn, 2 silos, heifer barn and machine shed 27 cows, 13 heifers and full line of machinery $169,000 104 acre farm, 2 story 6 room frame home, bank barn & outbuildings $75,000 #177 250 acre, 190 tillable dairy farm, 2 story, 8 rm frame house, modern kitchen, 2 baths, and large in ground pool Beautiful 1 60 cow tie stall barn, 18 cow free stall pole shed with large machinery shed 750 gal bulk tank new 6 unit, pipeline, 20x40 Harvestore 20x56 and 12x35 silos, full line of machinery and 90 head of Reg Holstems $315,000. 2nd house available #l5B 155 acre dairy farm 64 stanchions, 2 silos bulk tank & barn cleaner Modern frame house Machinery & cattle available $141,000 #l4B. 230 acre dairy farm 155 tillable good alfalfa ground, house and one mobile home w/additions House is modern nice kitchen fireplace 7 rooms and 2 baths Large barn, 120 stalls 6 unit milking parlor 2 bulk tanks 600 and 700 4 silos includes two Harvestores New machine shed and shop All for $215,000 Also 130 acres available for rent #135 2nd house available 77 acre dairy farm 29 stanchion 8 rm hse w/bath new milk hse w/400 gal tank (2) 14x30 silos w/unloaders Lg pole shed shop, machine shed & outbldgs $89,000 Machinery available #179 WOODED ACREAGE 49 acres w'creek 767 ft frontage $21,900 47 acres w/455 frontage w'creek $l9 100 43 acres $27,900 - 56 acres $24,900 33 acres 50 ft row $7 500 For Rent - Just remodeled 2 Wanted to Rent - Dairy farm For Sale - Farm located in bedroom stone springhouse, for Spring of 1978, Berks, Columbia Co., Roaring West Hempfield Township, Lebanon or Chester Co. Creek Twp., Catawissa, Pa. Lancaster County. Call preferred. 215-987-6943. Apply Box 144 Catawissa, 717-684-7624. Pa. 17820. REAL ESTATE 248 ace dairy farm 160 T , new dairy barn, 72 free stalls, 8 stall herringbone parlor, 800 gal tank, 80 cow bunk feeder 20x60 cone silo w/unloader, liquid manure, heifer barn and dry cow barn also storage barn, 2 story frame house 7 rooms and'bath w/upstairs apartment All for $200,000 #ll5 215 acres dairy farm, 100 T new 82 stall dairy barn, bulk tank barn cleaner and heifer barn 22x65 silo w/unloader, 10 room frame house w/bath Reduced for quick sale $160,000. $150,000 #ll6 128 acre dairy farm, 96 tillable, bulk tank, barn cleaner, 50 stall barn and silo, 43 milk cows, 12 heifers, full line of machinery 6 room house and bath New 20x65 Harvestore, $170,000 #127. 110 acre dairy farm, 50 stanchion barn, 2 story shed, silos, machinery included Colonial type house, 9 rooms, V/i baths $98,000 #125. LUZERNE COUNTY 120 acre dairy farm, 2 story frame hse, 8 rms and~bath, large bank barn & new dairy barn, 56 comfort stalls, 20x60 concrete silo with unloader, 10x50 silo, bulk tank and 3 acre farm pond 2 mobile homes 10x50 All for $155,000 #159 82 acre X-mas tree farm in excellent condition, beautiful old frame 10 rm home, 5 bedrooms, 2'A baths, fireplace, kitchen, etc Barn, gramery, silo, and garage 25,000 Xmas trees A nice home and a good business opportunity $250,000 #172. 10 acres wooded for $ 15,000 #176. JUNIATA COUNTY 147 acre beef farm, good land, very nice two story 9 room frame house, large finishing barn for 140 steers, new calf barn and machine shed, 20x70 Colman silo, very nice place slB2,ooo#l64.l2sacresava,l torrent 160 acre beef and swine farm, set up for 100 steers and 300 hogs w/20,000 cap poultry broiler house, new woven wire fence around 30 acres of pasture, 20x50 heated far rowing house w/pens and crates Gram dryer for 300 bushel and Butler storage bins for 5000 bushel, also other outbuildings Beautiful 8 rm , 2 story frame hse in ex cellent cond , 100 KW power plant with farm $230,000 #l6O 400 plus acres avail torrent TIOGA COUNTY 70 Acres, opportunityrsrSjj!* ground, frontage on Rt 287, 20 acres open, 15 woo**ussoo per acre #l6B. CENTRE COUNTY 70 acres, 60 T of excellent Hagerstown limestone ground Hoghut for 400 hogs - 90x40 w/heated floors and gas fur nace (2) 7 ton galvanized feed bins w/automatic feeding and watering systems Liquid manure pit Also 2 st bank barn 66x45 w/ 1 /? bottom set-up for hogs and '/z for storage, (cone) 60x22 cone block building and two car garage Well and hook up for trailer All for $97,500 #ll3. SOMERSET COUNTY 245 acre dairy farm, 215 tillable, ail in two large fields Good ground, a picture place with very nice laying ground. New 100 stall dairy barn with automatic feeding system, tile troughs, air flow system & built in mats Two Harvestores, 20x50 S 25x80 New pipeline milker system, dry cow & heifer barn & 40x90 machinery shed A real buy at 335,000. Ultra-Modern dairy farm #lBl. YORK COUNTY 203 acre dairy farm, beautiful 150 comfort stall barn, pipeline milker, two 1000 gal bulk tanks, extremely large milk house with offices, dry cow barn with large hay storage above Very large concrete lots, two Harvestore silos 20x50 Large trench silo 10,000 bu gram bin Two very beautiful homes Avery beautiful farm $475,000. 160 acre, 130 T beef farm, remodeled 8 room house, large bank barn, corn crib, and other outbuildings, nice laying land $225,000, 8 acres 8 room frame house, oil hot water heat, double corn crib, beautiful setting back off road with farm pond $58,000 #144. LEHIGH COUNTY 102 acre steer farm barn feed lot and silo Large stone house, center entrance, ready to be renovated Raised price $175,000 #145 ADAMS COUNTY 12 acre chicken farm 50,000 bird cap 4 times per yr on contract insulated controlled environment bldg 2V? story, 7 rm frame hse, 2 baths 43x140 two story and two 42x288 one story chicken houses Also 8 crate farrowing hse $166,000 #157. COLUMBIA COUNTY 147 acre grain farm 130 tillable, very nice large field, gent ly rolling Large frame 7 room house, modern kitchen, new oil HOW heating system, barn & outbuildings $150,000 #lO6 POTTER COUNTY 89 acre new 84 free stall barn new milking parlor, silo, 10 room frame house 2 car garage gram bin & outbuildings $85,000 #lO2 40 acres of mountain land 10 acres open Remainder woodland borders on hard road one side $20,000 #lO9 OTHER FARMS AVAILABLE Please Call and Tell Us Your Preference PAUL M. LONGACRE Rt 100 Hereford, PA 18056 PHONE 215-679-5919 REAL ESTATE NEW YORK STATE -110 acres good spring fed water supply, good 4 bedroom house, large basement barn, $49,000. CHARLES LISENO Broker 315-587-2741 days or 315-923-6221 evenings. FARM FOR SALE In Rock, Washington Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. 50 acres, 36 under cultivation, (leased to neighbor), wood lot, free-standing barn and small house, excellent driven well. Mobile home with septic tank and John Deere tractor with Mott mower also available. WILLIAM MEDLICOTT P.0.80x 159, Bridgeport, Pa. 19405 Call collect: 215-279-9711 HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Main Street Morgantown, Pa. 215-286-5183 Northumberland & Dauphin Co. 136 acres, large dwellings, bank barn for beef and hogs with Automatic Bunk Feeder, 2 concrete silos, large warehouse for bulk and bag fertilizer storage, truck scale under roof, 6 concrete grain silos, 2 grain bins, 3 story block chicken house with workshop, other outbuildings, creek frontage, well and spring water. Nittany Valley: 142 acres, 80 tillable, 41 woodland, balance pasture, mountain spring, 7 room dwelling, 37.5 x 60 steel im plement shed, no barn, 29% down, 7% interest 10years to? 165 acres, 125 tillable, large meadow with stream, 7 room brick dwelling, bank barn with 34 stanchions, 2 silos, 16 x 55 and 12 x 55, 2 large steel sheds, mountain spring sup plies dwelling and barn. 29% down, 7% interest, 15 year terms. Roy E. Haller, Agent 215-484-4844 For Sale - Guernsey heifer to freshen in March, $3OO 215- 445-6026 For Sale - 200 red pullets, take one or all 215-445-4090 For Sale - Sex-lmk pullets, 20 wks old 717-665-5739 For Sale - 30” Franklin stove with brass balls, heat exchanger grate & blower, $2OO 717-359-5834 FREE - large quantity of horse manure with sawdust Lit tlestown 717-359-7878 For Sale - 100 Acclamated feeder cattle, 30 Charolais, 50 Angus. 20 Hereford, weighing 5-600 lbs , wormed & deloused 717-966-0003 or 717-956-2491 For Sale - Oliver 1250, power steering, power shift wheels, live PTO, 1700 hrs, original paint, real nice, tires like new, $3,200, 717-626-7192 For Sale - Tame 8 yr old standard bred horse, as is, $375 Daniel Z Zimmerman, RDI, Leola, near Center Square Cross Rd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers