r BRADFORD CO. *"1 CENTURY WORKING FARM - 250 unbroken acres, " A 200 tillable, 50 acres new alfalfa on contoured fields. 2 J Pipeline milking equipment, 67 cow milking bam. 3 I c concrete silos, unloaders, bam cleaners, 675 gal. bulk * A tank. Two good houses. Under soil conservation i I program, 2 ponds. Ideal for family operation or two f v man partnership. $250,000.00. c | UNITED FARM AGENCY OF PA. INC. | : R.D. 1, Towanda, Pa. j | Tel. 717-265-5924 I LEBANON COUNTY . . . An excellent location for hogs, poultry or beef. Excellent set of buildings in good con dition. Large barn; 30x130 3-story poultry house. Old stone house with center hall. Oil, hot water heat, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, very nice kitchen. 149 acres, 2 acres wooded. Balance pasture with stream and pond. ... Privacy and tranquility can be yours on this 95 acre farm. Enjoy living in this lovely remodeled old log home with 5 bedrooms, 2V.'? baths, oil hot water heat. Quaint old spring house near the house, enhanced by a beautiful lawn and lots of trees. Barn for steers and hogs (adaptable for horses). Two Harvestores and a bunk feeder 12 miles east of Penn National Race Track, 20 miles to Hershey. HEGINS VALLEY... . . . Productive 150 acre farm, 120 tillable, 3 acres orchard, balance wooded. Southern slope, excellent for cantaloupes, tomatoes, squash. Large home, barn, large grain storage building, corn barn, other buildings. Stream and pond. Call Either: JESSE D. ZIEGLER (717) 838-1257 or: JUDY ROGOZINSKI (717) 859-1384 Hr ih Hr HI JL 4 BULLETIN! ► | TO A NEW LOCATION ' tAII - KI. \ JL IT m HI JL nr H JL 1H1066 w/cab, 20.8x38 tires MF Plow3-l4" IH 700 Plow 4-16" IH 470 Disc 12 ft. Bearcat Grinder Mixer IH 160 Bu. Spreader NH 327 Spreader -135 bu NH 273 Baler w/thrower II JL JL IT ih . MESSICK m 2750 N. MARKET STREET PHONE 717-367-1319 ® JOHN KREIOER-HOME 367-6039 .1* -JL mij JL- A =JL ISI JL u JL JL ■£■ JL . .JL ■ JL -f. JLiii Mir HI Hr HI HI ir HI Hr M ir II Hr M ir Mir H Hr M Hr Hi Call on us. We'll make your buying or selling venture a rewarding success. (717)397-4756 JL M *v JL nr Vi m NH 469 Haybme Gehl Haybme IH 990 Haybme JO 480 Haybine NH 1469 Haybine, ford engine IH 650 Harvester - 2-row narrow Fox high capacity Blower NH 26 Blower 4 n 4 m 4 ill 4hi H JL_ HERE’S YOUR RIGHT CONNECTION IH MODEL 91 COMBINE, 8 FT. HEAD, GREAT FOR SOYI SHOW PLACE DAIRY FARM 660 acre dairy farm,'4Bo acres tillable, located near Winona, Minnesota in West Central Wisconsin. Land is level to gently rolling. Farm consists of two distinct milking operations: §1 - is a new 40 x 156 stanchion bam, DeLaval milking system with two inch pipeline & 8 units & a new DeLaval rotary milker pump. #2 - Free stall barn with 89 stalls, a Sta-Rite milking system with a double five parlor, Sunset bulk tank and a Sta-Rite milker pump. FIVE SILOS 1- x7O harvestore 3-20 xBO stave silo 2- x 26 harvestore 4 & 5-Two 24x70 stave silos This farm can be purchased for $B2O an acre on an extremely attractive land contract or cash basis. The farm would make an outstanding two man or father son operation and is in an area where there are many other families settled from Pennsylvania. ERICKSON-PROCHASKA REALTY Preston, Minnesota Ph: 507-765-2577 507-346-7500 UPSTATE NEW YORK BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES AREA 112 acres, 34 ties, silo, bulk tank, 3 or 4 bedroom home with modem kitchen, furnace, and bath. Cattle available. Excellent location. 160 acres, 37 stanchions and ties, tank, cleaner, 2 silos, 6 room home with bath and furnace. 192 acres, 100 free stalls, parlor, gravelly soil, 8 room home. 433 acres, 63 free stalls, milking parlor, 3 barns, 3 harvesters, 2 homes. 255 acres, 3 harvesters, DeLaval double 6 herringbone parlor, 159 free stalls, shop, level land, 2 homes. Liberal financing to responsible party who owns cattle and equipment. 325 acres, part gravel 55 acres of alfalfa, 44 ties and stanchions, pipeline, tank, cleaner, 2 harvesters, 1 concrete silo, 4 tractors and other machinery, 60 head of real good Holsteins, averaging 16,000 of milk, 600 fat. 8 room home with bath and furnace. TERMS. 820 acres, 6 barns, 3 houses. Cattle, 'sheep and machinery available. Less than $500.00 per acre. 150 acres, early, gravelly soil, 40 stanchion and ties, cleaner, tank, 2 silos, machinery bam and shop, 55 acres of alfalfa, 4 bedroom home with bath and fur nace, excellent water supply, 60 cows, 4 tractors and other machinery. J.R. ALLEN Realtor Dundee, N.Y. 14837 SPECIAL PRICES NH 38 CROP CHOPPER Gehl Blower NH 23 Blower IHSI Forage Wagon AC WD-45 AC WC AC 32 Disc Transport AC 28 Disc Transport NH 33 Flail Chopper - Nice ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. WARREN SPICKLER-HOME 6534560 607-292-3180 Sp FREE Ns£| With Sale of Grinder Mixer 'S. L or Spreader (Limited Time Only) EANS-$1495 WAIVER OF FINANCE ON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT ★ FORAGE EQUIPMENT TILL SEPTEMBER 1,1978 ★ HAY EQUIPMENT TILL JUNE 1,1978 EQUIPMENT INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. November 19.1977 REAL ESTATE \ ONEIDA COUNTY. NEW YORK 235 acres of prime land with 170 tillable. 80 cow barn, 22 x 40 calf addition, pipeline milker, bulk tank, gram bin, barn cleaner, and 20 x 60 silo with unloader. Large 2 story farmhouse with new machinery bam. Stocked and equipped $240,000.00 FARM SPECIALIST REALTY 1116 Arsenal Street Watertown, New York 13601 315-782-2270 member broker Farmers - call us collect on these farm properties to set up an appointment at your convemence to inspect these and other farm and rural properties. SNYDER COUNTY’S LARGEST LAND & FARM BROKER Where the deer and the cantaloupe lav. Bag your deer and grow your own delicious can taloupes on this 83 acre farm nestled in the hills of Snyder County. Secluded at end of long lane. Own a big chunk of Juniata County with this 200+ acre farm. Long road frontage. Sound 2 story home. 75-80 acres open - $130,000. Apples by the bushel. Approx. 475 dwarf apple trees makes this a place a doctor wouldn’t touch. But you can enjoy the country life on this 38 acre spread. 2 story home. Large pole shed. Pond. And more. Snyder County. $59,500. Many more farms & rural properties available. THE BOWEN AGENCY “PHOTOS BY WIRE” 22 North Market St. Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870 717-374-2165 Evenings call Realtor Assoc., Phil Graybiii Paul Kuhn 717-374-8038 717-374-4144 JL. -JL -£■ -JL -JL ,jl. Tir Mr HMr HI Box Spreader Line 11l NH Jacket w/liner (21.95 value) nr m Hr H nr FARM THE RIGHT CONNECTION mmt m JL . ■. Hr 77 HI. JL nr Hi JL.
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