Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 76
76—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 MISCELLANEOUS PEANUT HULLS Bulk or Bags Call Us Today While Supplies Are Available HUFFMAN LITTER SERVICE Harrisonburg, Va. 703-434-7920 B«C' BUTCHERING r xl EQUIPMENT FOR SALE * Meat Saws, Grinders, f'. Stutters, Sheers, *' Splitting Saws, Tables, Knives, Etc New & Reconditioned MARTIN BAMBERGER CO. ' 4110 Pinkney Rd Baltimore, MD 21215 (301)358-9700 'v' - '' M DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Also Crippled & Down Cattle. MARLIN S. IRWIN WOOD SHAVINGS Kiln Dried A good quality bedding material at an economical price Liberal quantity discounts Packed in large heavy duty waterproof plastic bags - the most practical way to handle shavings Phone 717-354-4174 Denver Wood Products 403 S Custer Ave., New Holland, Pa 17557 REAL ESTATE For Sale -16 acres of moun tain land, South side in deer country, $5OO per acre. North of Rehrersburg, Pa. near airport. 717-299-5541, ask for Mr. Hess. LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE Various plans a' ailaole. Cal’ or Write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. 35403 612-377-1489 For Sale - $80,000.3 bedroom house, 1% baths, full kitchen with washer/dryer, small dining room and office, both carpeted and paneled, 1 large unfinished room, suitable for studio, balcony and side porch, attached handyman shop with 3 phase wiring, oil, hot water heat. 20x30 horse barn with elec tric and running water and attached corral. 3Vfe room guest cottage, needs work, 20x40 2 story commercial budding just remodeled and carpeted, set up on four nice ly shaded acres with running stream and pond. Call Ray Scott 914-733-1748 I MISCELLANEOUS Regular Price $29.99 SALE PRICE *25.99 Send check and shoe size to: SMOKER’S SHOE REPAIR RDM-80x92 Christiana, Pa. 17509 Quarryville, PA PH: 717-786-3016 DELHART, TEXAS - A GREAT PLACE TO GROW CROPS AND KIDS. Buy ir rigated farmland starting in the $750 per acre price range and grow 150-200 bushel com. Pay 50 cents-$l.OO pro perty tax per acre. NO STATE INCOME TAX. Mild winters, 178 day growing season, and excellent local gram market. Friendly com munity and good school system. Free brochures available: Call collect day or night 806-249-5613, 806-2494000. Mike Justice & Associates, Box 501, Dalhart, Texas 79022. FOR SALE - 81 acre steer feeding farm, Brecknock Township, Berks County. Large 10-room stone home with 2 full baths plus 2 powder rooms. Wall to wall carpeting throughout house. Newly remodeled. 3 room guest house w-fireplace. Large bank barn 40’xl00’, feed lot macadamed and fenced. A-frame office building 24’x30’. 72 acres of cropland, 9 acres of pasture with stream and pond. For more information call 717-393-3921 - Lancaster Pro duction Credit Association, 411 West Roseville Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 REAL ESTATE Farm for Sale - Near Newville, 110 acres, more or less, with bam, outbuildings, level land, road frontage on three sides. Phone 717-776-3645. Wanted - A large farm stock ed & equipped on the option to buy the stock & equipment and to buy farm in the future. Wanted by April 1, 1978. Ph: 717-665-5793. Want to Buy - Small poultry farm in Central Pa. Must be one man operation. Farm must consist of not less than 25 acres and not more than 50. House should be in good condition. Send reply c/o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, P.O. Box 266 L-15, lititz, Pa. 17543. FARM LANDS WANTED - Chester, Berks or Lancaster Co. - New Jersey. Give par ticulars and price. P.O. Box 162 Bala Cynwyn, Pa. 19004 or call 215-667-5329 evenings between 6 p.m. & 10 p.m. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE Outstanding Value Productive 170 ac. NY dairy farm. 3 mi. outside town. Stream, 2 wells, fencing. 80 acres pasture, 75 tillable. Good 5 bedim, home, oil heat, bath, basement, all utilities. Excellent 42 stan chion barn, bulk tank, cleaner. Property fronts paved town road for 3000 ft. A rare find at just $45,000. Hurry! STROUT REALTY, Inc., Rt. #l, Potsdam, NY 13676. (315)265-7070 or 366-2222. Free Local Lists. For Sale - Gas Station and Garage, bear equipped, AAA and state inspection. Owner wishes to retire. Rt. 590, Hollisterville, 717-689-2621 Farm for Rent - 215 acres tillable, new 60 cow stan chion bam, bunk feeder with loose housing for 60 cows, 800 gal. milk tank, 20x80 harvester, 20x50 harvester, 20x60 concrete silo, 20x16 concrete silo, small jug milk business on farm that would pay for rent, 90 Holstein cows, full line of late model farm equipment, 1 year sup ply feed on hand, cattle feed can be purchased separate ly. Located in Clinton Co., Pa. 717-745-3233. Wanted - To buy dairy farm in Md. or Pa. with 100 to 150 acres tillable, include description, county, asking price and phone. Write Box 266 M-34, c/o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. For Sale -155 acre farm in Tioga Co., large 9 room house, 2 bams, private set ting, low taxes, immediate possession, by owner. 717-549-5882 after 4 p.m. YORK COUNTY - about 6 miles from N.W. Bridge, 54 acres w/4 bedroom home, barn, tobacco shed, small stream and pond. $92,5000. BAUGHMAN-LEADER, INC 741-380 or 862-3869. (783) “HUNTINGDON COUNTY - 68 acre dairy farm fronting over 2,000 feet on U.S Highway Route 26 near Marklesburg, en route to the Raystown Dam. 63 acres tillable limestone soil, dairy barn with 28 stanchions and milk parlor. Available with or without new ranch-style, 3 bedroom home. Commer cial possibilities. Telephone (814)643-5010 or write Hun tingdon County Real Estate, 305 Penn State, Huntingdon, PA 16652.” YORK COUNTY - RD 1 Fawn Grove, 25 acres m/1 with stream and beautiful building site. $39,500. BAUGHMAN-LEADER, INC. 741-3805 or 862-3869 (887) For Sale- 23 acre farm with gracious brick country home. Terrific location with scenic view, old shade, remodeled interior with quality cherry kitchen, built in microwave, coming cook top, much more. Family room, large fireplace, carpet throughout, brick patio, old fashion furnace fireplace, barn for your horses or cat tle. Asking $125,000. Ph. 717-786-7958. For Sale - 71 Valiant 12’x70’ 3 B.R. Mobile Home - awning, skirting, utility - shed, washer-dryer incl. Call 215-932-9373 after 6 PM. Wanted - Hog farm with retiring owner, wanting to keep farm in operation. Young ambitious man with experience and reference willing to lease with option to buy, or to work on existing operation. Call collect: 717-864-3969 or write Box J-20, c/o Lancaster Farm ing, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Wanted to Buy - Dairy farm in Franklin or Cumberland Co. by owner, in team Men nonite section. Call collect 215-445-6833. FARM-SPRING-POND Close to Mansfield, Pa. 84- acre livestock farm on paved road; 10-room & bath home; cemented basement; enclos ed porch; bam 46x90; 60 acres tillable; spring watered and fenced pasture; private pond. No. 7761. WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., RD 3, Wellsboro, Pa. 16901. Phone: 717-724-5561. Wanted - Working farm, Eastern Pa. or NJ, minimum acreage total 300, tillable 100, woods 50, Re quire large pond or pond site or large stream. Write Box 266 M-35, c/o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Pa JUNIATA CO., VA Ac., stream, good hunting area, near trout stream, owner says rrake an offer, ASKING $2,250. REDUCED TO $69,500, 52 Ac. Farm, 7 rm. 2Vz sty. stone home, 4 BR, bam, chicken house, other bldgs., 42 Ac. tillable, Mifflintown, Juniata Co. JUNIATA CO., 20.6 Ac. Mtn. Land bordering State Land, ASKING $11,400. PERRY CO., New Ger mantown, 100x150 lot on Shermans Creek, 2 cottages (19x19 & 10x16), ASKING $9,000. JUNIATA CO., 15 Ac. Horse Farm, 4 BR 2% sty. stone home, oil heat, bath, bam with 10 box stalls, ASKING $76,500. Additional 90 Ac. available. POTTS REAL ESTATE 2010 Market St. Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 Ph: 717-761-4185 Farm For Sale - 72 acres with bam for 31 cows, milk house, machine shed, 14x60 silo, 7 room farm house, make your offer now. Owners are definitely going to sell, new home under con struction. 1. Donald Hostetter Realtor 717-4424114 215-593-5113 Secluded Juniata home, 13 acres, 9 wooded, 4 bedroom house, 19’x28’ bam built since 1971, hunting, riding, fishing! Ca 11717-694-3726. FOR SALE 240 Acre Dairy Farm - Tioga Co. 1 new bam with 54 stalls and 2 pens, 2 new 16x50 concrete silos, 2 older barns plus 2 older silos, machine shed, seven room house, located on black top. 717-6735798 Approximately 75 acres slightly rolling in Columbia Co. Small three bedroom home with 23 acres. Contact Bill McDaniel 717-784-0498 J.L. VANDERMARK REAL ESTATE Bloomsburg, PA 17815 717-784-2430 For Sale 39 acre farm, 13 miles West of Lewistown, Mifflin Co, Rt. 103, 7 room house, V/2 bath, 4 car garage, sound barn, farm equipment, storage building connected to barn, silo, 3 corn cribs, never failing stream thru pasture, good productive soil, property must be seen to be appreciated 717-899-6402. FRANKLIN COUNTY 190 acre farm, road frontage, spring, good bank bam, implement shed, 3 bedroom home, land lays nice. FULTON COUNTY 173 acre farm. Approximately 65 to 70 acre tillable, rest woods. Frontage, several springs. Scenic view. House, barn, and out buildings. Owner will sub-divide. KOONS REAL ESTATE 717-597-8300 Box 153 Shady Grove, PA. 17256 Sales Associate - Galen Winegardner 717-349-7502 lECA COUNTY. N.Y. AREA (1) 245 Acre Stock/cash crop farm - good buildings, gram dryer, productive soil, nice home - will sell equipped-29% down. Adjoins (1) 200 acre dairy - 30 stanchions, silo, good bams, excellent soil, nice home -29% down. 150 acre - 45 stanchion Dairy - nice home - crops in cluded - $85,000.00. 200 a/farm - new silo and unloader - good land - bams need repair - 50 tie stalls - $85,000.00. 475 acre - 375/T - new Pole bam - grain bins, dairy (2) homes reduced in price. 200 acre Dairy - excellent condition/soil - complete cattle & equipment $260,000.00. 225 acre Dairy/General Farm, 39 tie stalls - excellent alfalfa farm - bare or equipped - 29% down. 180 acre crop farm - financing - $69,000.00. 119 acre - barns, good home - $47,500,00. Farm and Home Agency WJW REAL ESTATE Alfred J. Famey, Salesman Lifetime Farming Prime Movers of Rural Property located in Seneca Falls, N.Y. 1-315-568-5910 568-5502 SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS & LAND CUMBERLAND COUNTY DAIRY (Carlisle) 103 acre limestone, 38 stanchions, stable cleaner, 2 silos, 400 gal. tank, beautiful modem 7 room brick house, open stairway, secluded. BEEF (Carlisle) 60 acre limestone, 14x60 silo, bunk feeder, good solid modem frame 7 room house. DAIRY (Carlisle Springs) 40 acres, shale, gently rolling, large bank bam with 32 stanchions, 2 silos, charming modem frame house, has never failing stream. FARMETTE (Boiling Springs) 33 acres, some wooded, beautiful modem 2 story frame house, 38x40 bam and other out buildings. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Roxbury) 34 acres, 14 wooded, ideal hunting and/or building site. Ideal for commercial camp ground, hunting or residential site. Other Real Estate-Land, Commercial, Industrial, Residential. If you are thinking about selling your farm, give us a call for a “No Obligation Appraisal”. John B. Niesley, Farm Representative Home Phone 717-243-7575 GEORGE LEBENER 139 W. High St. Carlisle, PA Phone 717-243-6195 FREE CATALOG! Describing numerous Penn sylvania camps, farms, acreage tracts, cottages, homes and businesses. Write Dept. LF-11, WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., 2728 Murry Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217. Large beef farm..,170 acres, 145 tillable, approximately 25 acres woodland. Bank bam, wagon shed, brick and log home. Large walk-in fireplace in home, several other fireplaces. Has well and septic, bath. Price: $204,000.00. Owner will help finance. Several other small farms available. JOSEPH A. MYERS REAL ESTATE 121 York St. Hanover, Pa. Ph: (717) 632-7676