HELP WANTED Wanted - Experienced herd sman for 175-200 cow modem dairy. References required, south central PA, housing available, salary according to qualifications. Write Box 266 J-19 c/0 Lancaster Farm ing, Lititz, Pa. 17543. SPECIALS YEARAROUND CABS-YOUR CHOICE TO FIT; Oliver 1550-1555-1650-1655-1755-1855-1955-1750-1850 1950-2-105-2-70-2-85 Int. 544-656-706-756-806-856-826-1026-1206-1256-1456 666-766-966-1066-1466-1468-574-674 J.D. 2510-2520-3010-3020-4010-4020-4320-4000-4030 4230-4430-2840-2640-2440 AC 190-190XT-200-210-220-7030-7050-170-175-180-185 Ford 5000-7000-8000-8600-9000-9600-6600-7600 Cabs include: 1. Two Toned Matched Paint 2. Tinted Safety Glass 3.2 Removable Doors 4. Windshield and Windows Which Open or Remove 5. Mounting Brackets 6. Reinforced Roof 7. Sky Hooks 8. Pre-Assembled All Welded Construction 9. Deluxe Interior, Completely Upholstered [lncluding Roof] With 1" Thick Foam Rubber Covered With Per forated Vinyl 10. [2] Front Light Brackets 11. [2] Rear Light Brackets 12. Extra Heavy Duty Window and Door Hinges 13. (2] Extra Large Steps 14. All New Rubber Mounting 15. Special Sound Resistor Pad Covering Entire Tractor Platform, Plus Quality Long Lasting Heavy Floor Mat 16. 2” x 4" Steel Tubing Frame 17. Cab Completely Rewired With Quick Clips Front and Rear and With Fuse Block 18. All Wires Are Concealed Within Frame of Cab 19. Fender Area Recessed For 30” Rows 20. Rolf Protected And Crush Proof 21. Twin Fresh Air Fan 22. Heater 23. Defroster 24. Donaldson Air Filter 25. Windshield Wiper PRICED AT OUR LOT only * 1695 00 Fenders traded in if you wish LOG SKIPPERS 'Pcttiben*' ' Franklin 160w/grapple s c. TRAILER SPECIALS New Hudson 3x-36,000 lb. New Hudson lx-6,000 lb. (2) Hudson 2x tag-a-long-12,000 lb. [2] Hudson 3x tag-a-long-12,000 lb. New Snowmobile Trailer NEW fr USED DUALS CUSTOM HAULING DONE We Use: 42’ Drop Deck 44’ Combine Trailer Detachable Lowboy ' random Axle Tractor NEXT CONSIGNMENT SALE MONDAY, DECEMBER 19 9:30 A.M. WENGER'S INC. MYERSTOWN, PA. •c DAYS 717-866-2138 NIGHTS 717-866-7147 OR 717-273-9089 Reliable couple to live ui new 2 room apartment in York County (Stewartstown area). Rent free in return for part time work. Must give references. Write to Box 176, Fawn Grove, Pa. 17321 or phone 717-382-4379. $5500' $B5OO Special $4680 Special $1397 Special $1982 Special $1530 Special $379 HELP WANTED" Experienced equipment operator, year round work, modem Lancaster County orchard. House available. References required, wages based on qualifications. 717-872-5370. Experienced dairyman needed on modern dairy/cropping Southern Chester County farm. Ex cellent Christian working conditions. Top wage, with large country home on main highway near town, school, and churches. Only ex fierienced sincere need app y. Call 215-932-2284 or 215-932-8605 afters:OOPM. Wanted - Salesperson knowledgeable in agriculture for sales work. Send resume to Box J-21, c/o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Dairyman to help on 60 cow dairy farm. Good housing, wages, & other benefits. Ver non Foster, Parkton, Md. 21120. Ph: 301-357-5239. EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Full and Parttime straight truck and tractor-trailer. Constant Expansion continues to increase our need for qualified drivers. GOODPAYAND EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS Requirements - at least 25 yrs. old with minimum 3 years experience in heavy truck driving with clean driving record for the past 3 years. Apply in person at: PLAIN & FANCY EGG RANCH (located between Manheim & Elizabethtown) or call Mr. Dennis Shutt at 717-665-3511 For Sale - AKC Golden Retrievers. Pedigree, shots, wormed. Dam & Sire may be seen, easily trained, ex cellent with children. Will deliver. Kathi Wodehouse, RD 1, Orangeville, Pa. 717-458-5908. For Sale - Male Boston Ter rier, a proven stud, beautifully marked, black & white. 717-354-5984. For Sale - Reg. Redbone pups $5O. Will be 8 weeks Dec. 17, Dam is Bench Show Champion, sire has the following: 3 generation pedigree; sire Nite Cham pion Tar Heel Rebel; Nite Champion Bruce’s Pokey Bill, Nite Champion Masser Red Flash. $25 deposit will hold until Christmas. 717-529-2212. CASH FOR PUPS I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo The Dogman” at Root’s Fanners Market, RDI Manheim, PA Every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. No Phone Calls. WANTED TO BUY Puppies,•? to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Wed nesday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.xn. Mon., Tues., & Thurs. only. 215.229- 0449. Give breed-age color when writing Also some kind of direction. Thank you Herdsman for reg. Holstein herd. Gaywind Farm, Keymar, Md. 301-663-3537. Models FOR Television • Fashion" • Commercials • Shows • Advertising • apply this week—l-5 P M Beginners & Professionals over 18 The Twelfth Circle 225 West 57th St NYC 4th FLOOR WANTED Manager for broiler farm. House and utilities furnished. Good Salary. Phone 717-354-9468 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WOOD/COAL BURNING STOVES High Efficient Baffle, Air Tight, Lot Burning Stoves. Send 25c for Catalog. ★44 Models In Stocks WOOD HEAT Rt. 212 Pleasant Valley Quakertown, Pa. 18951 (215) 346-7894 STOLTZFUS HARNESS SHOP Honey Brook RDI Ist farm out of town along Broad St. Shipment of Rife way Heaters Model 37 - Wood & Coal Combination Fire Brick and Cast Iron shaking Grates and Model 2000 Wood only Both heaters are thermo static controlled Cabinets available fu* - Model 37 and 2000 Furnaces and Boilers Available Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 HELP WANTED Help Wanted - Married man needed on modem 100 cow dairy farm - good wages, house and benefits - El-Vi Farms, Inc. Newark, New York - 315-331-4093 - call bet ween 2:00 PM and 9:00 PM. HELP WANTED Experienced employees or Sub-contractors for the following jobs, must travel. • Forming & pouring concrete • Install grain bins & access. • Install grain drying systems • Install bucket elevator systems • Install feed milling systems • Tractor trailer driver • Boom track operator Write or Call MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Lebanon, Pa. 717-866-4906 MISCELLANEOUS | For Sale - Pheasant hunting September to April 30. Pheasants for stocking, all ages. Reading Hunting Area, Birds Boro, RDI, Pa. 19508, 215-856-7670. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $25.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $200.00. Less ex- Eensive than straw or tan ark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co., Inc. Ph: 717-656-6811. For Sale - Wood burning cook stoves. Choose many colors. Also, FISHER HEATING STOVES. Earl Cole, RD 2 Oxford, Pa. 19363. 717-529-2740. For Sale - Approximately 120 x 48” x 48” heavy con structed wooden pallets. Phone 717-626-8538. Nelson Weaver and Son Whse. For Sale - Used Norge, Servel and Whirlpool gas refrigerators - recondition ed cooling units available for most gas refrigerators. MYER’S GAS REFRIGERATION RD 1, Leola, Pa. Ph: 717-656-7169 Custom made storm win dows and doors, aluminum windows and doors for milk house and dairy barns. Ceramic tile (seconds) for cow stable troughs. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS mile N. of Bird-in-Hand onßeechdaleßoad For Sale - 600 gal. tank, suitable for gas, oil, etc. 4, 5, 6 bolt wheel hogs and spindels, custom plate, sheer sheering, and fabricating. Pequea Machine, E. Gordon Rd., Box 185, RD 2, Gordonville, Pa. Steel and cast iron plow shares and parts, steel 1 to 8 horse trees, yokes and wagon tongues, mower knives, Starline water bowls, anti-freeze and grease, hydraulic systems made to order, welding done. Daniel S. Click, Box 297, Rt. 1, Bird in-Hand, Pa. 17505, NE of Bards Crossing, Rt. 23 along Wmdy-tore Rd. For Sale - Fiberglass litter carrier tubs. Chris B. Lapp, Inshtown Rd., Rt. 1, Ronks, Pa., between Ronks and Goi - donville. For Sale - Artificial fireplace, brick face, can be converted to gas or electric logs, $l5O Ph. 215-689-9339. MISCELLANE US For Sale - Fresh and cured sawdust. 12-14 ton loads minimum. Ph: 717-444-3682. Rawlinsville Fire Company Cookbook, from local recipes. 717-284-2159 or 284-2206, Mrs. Janet Walter, RD 2, Holtwood, Pa. Wanted - Price on used 5 or 6 foot bending roller, also shear, brake, and punch 16g sheet. S.S. Kenton, Del. 19955. For Sale - Walnut, Cherry and Birch boards. Joseph S. King, Sawmill, Radcliff Rd., Willow Street, PA. Exclusive, giant 9%” round outdoor or indoor ther mometer, large lettering shows Fahrenheit and celcius. Great as Christmas gift. Send $6.98, if New York State resident add sales tax to: Don-Nor Enterprises Steuben Road Herkimer, NY 13350 For Sale - Blackstrap molasses, $5O ton, supply your own containers, pick up at my mill. 201-334-4892. For Sale - Black-strap molasses, $5O ton, supply your containers, pick up at my mill. 201-334-4892. For Sale - One pair flotation tires, 49x17x20 on 20” rims. One pair Terra tires 44x41x20 with 20” rims. One GT grain cleaner, slightly used. Pondview Farms, Chestertown, Md. Ph; 301-7784921. For Sale - Cypress boards, all sizes & lengths. Good for paneling, fencing & siding. Ph: 215-268-3263. Wanted - 5 ft. metal scaf folding. Ph: 717-386-0723 after 5 PM. For Sale - (2) complete wooden silos, one 12x30, one 14x35 to be taken down and removed for best offer. 215-562-7776. For Sale - 30-40 Krag rifle (Army) 1898 model sporterized $150.00. Phone Huntingdon, Pa. 814-643-5149. SAVE EVERGY Install a “BAKER” windmill. New mills, towers, and pumps in stock. Installation available, REED, RD 3, Box 176, Elkton, Md. 21921. 302-398-7340. Wanted - Firewood, wholesale, any amount, will pick up or you deliver, split or whole, green or seasoned. For details 201-938-5776. SHAVINGS Clean dry pine. Bags or bulk, (bulk 800 cubic ft. loads only) For in formation call 717-299-3541 “WILL FORMS" Make your own Will Easily' Ready to fill ir Mail $2 00 (2 for S 3 50) FORMS P O 8e;3609 New Haven Conn 06525 FOR SALE (8) 500 gallo i Glass Lin- ed tanks (4) 8 in. x 8 m. x 40 ft Steel Beams (2) 15,000 gal. good heavy tanks in good condition DAVID S. KING Box 2758 Route 2 Myerstown, Pa. 17067 75 a
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