—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 74 CONSIGN YOUR USED EQUIPMENT TO OUR LOT rtggh FINANCING AVAILABLE RUBBER TIRED LOADERS Trojan 4WD - GM Diesel - Rough [2] Case 1740 D Uniloaders Case 1816 Uniloader - excellent Owattona 1700 Uniloader Ford Uniloader Michigan 175 w/GM Diesel - clean Terex 72-10 w/GM Diesel-all new rubber-rebuilt torque Hough - 4WD - Gas - runs good Trojan 304 A w/GM Diesel JDIOIO w/ldr Hough 90E-articulating Lorain - 4 WD w/cab CAT 944-excellent-new-tires-rebuilt-cab MISC. CONSTRUCTION Chicago Pneumatic 125 Compressor Lincoln Portable Welder Bay City 65 Dragline-50' Boom [3] CAT 641 Scrapers-64F series [2] CAT 631 A Scrapers 5 set Forklift Forks $l5O & up (40) Backhoe & Loader Buckets $75 & up Roll Bar $4OO [s] Sweepers-mounted and self contained $2OO & up [2] Rubber Tired Roller $l5OO 3 pt. stone rakes $5OO & up 3 pt. aerator $475 Schramm Air Compressor $ 1975 4 wheel industrial carts $75 each [4] 1 ton Rollers $5OO-$2lOO Gallon 3-5 ton Roller $3OOO Lorain T ruck Crane-Cummings Diesel-18 ton $5500 Gabon 10 ton roller - clean $4900 Leroi Air compressor-SOLD $lOOO Hobart Portable Welder - 6 cyl. gas engine CARS & TRUCKS 1977 Transtar Eagle, 5000 mi.-350 Cummins-AC-P. Window loaded NEW-1978 Chevy Pickup-PS-PB-Auto 1975 Ford Granada 1972 Mack DM4OO dump - full screw - clean $ 14,500 1976 Int. Transtar-318 loaded-COF 4070-30,000 mi. $32,500 1975 Chevy Monte Carlo-excellent $4600 1973 Chevy Malibu-Laguna-excellent-23,000 miles $2895 1975 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 1977 Chevy Cheyenne Pickup - loaded ■ air 1977 Chevy 4 WD Pickup-PS-PB-Auto Demo-1977 Cadillac Coupe Deville $9700 1977 Chevy C3O Rollback -15' bed - winch $9950 1967 Ford Shelby GTSOO-4 speed sharp-PS $7OOO 1968 Ford Shelby GT3SO-conv. 4 speed-sharp-PS $7500 1976 GMC Customized Van-Midas Touch-loaded $7500 1964 Chevy Impala Convertible-PS-PB-Auto $1275 Ford Cattle Truck 1972 Int. 4WD Pickup & snow plow 1964 Corvette - 2 tops - 4 speed 1930 Model A Ford - 2 dr. sedan 1976 Chevy Pickup - PS - clean-low miles [2] NEW 1978 Chevy 4WD Pickup-PS-PB-Auto CORNHEADS- |WE FIT ALMOST EVERYTHING Int. 229 Oliver 5.50V.0 [s] ACE 240 [2] JD434 [2] AC A 240 JD 643 MF QT grain head [2] AC E 111 240 [B] PfMc 227 MF 20 AC A 330 Me 733 [3JMF222 AC FL 330 Me 10' gram head MF 24 ACC4.SOLD [3] Me 327 [2] MF 422 [2] ACC 440 Me 13’gram head MF43 AC F 430 [6] JD 234 MF 621 AC GL 440 [2] JD3I3 Oliver 2x40 AC C 630 [2] JD 435 Int. 429 WN [2] JD 10 JD443 MF 421 [2] JD 205 Extra Gramheads MF 44 [3JJD2IO [4] MF 300 gram head MF322 1nt.228 MF 321 JD 244 AC F 440 MF 33 WANTED !| TRACTORS & COMBINES ’ FOR SALVAGE f JDISA $1575 Woods 4 row-stalk-chopper [3] JO 15 $750 to $650 very good $1350 Int $375 Brady $495 $2OOO $4OOO-56500 $3750 $3750 $3300 $B5OO $2OOO $l5OO $5500 $lB,OOO choice $16,000 choice $36,500 $5750 from $6975-67795 NH 3x30 Oliver 541 [2] MF 22 Case 4x40 [2] Oliver 522 WENGERS' INC. ® South Race St.,Myerstown,PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. PHONE: Days 717-866-2138, CAB OFF Int 966 w/radio CAB OFF AC 190XT CAB OFF CASE 930 CAB OFF MF 82 Combine CAB OFF INT 203 Combine CAB OFF AC 220 aaasoijß [4] Tank Spreaders $195 &up Nl # 18-clean $950 NHPTO $595 [3] Int. Cub $595 &up NH tandem axle $2500 Oliver PTO - $495 Nl #lO $650 Small Schultz-new $695 $14,500 $4750 $11,600 $3900 $28,000 $B5OO $14,500 Gehl $1695 Wetmore(new) $3250 [2JNH3SO $975 $ 1495 NH352 $2475 [3] HammermMls $195 each [2] CAT D9G $34,000-$55,000 lnt.TD24 $2500 Int T 6 $lBOO Casew-wmch $2OOO JD 450 6 way-clean $9OOO JD 3508 w-6 way & POPS CATD4 $2500 1970 $5750 UNI SYSTEM EQUIPMENT [2} Ml 729 A Sheller Nl 3x30 Harvester Head Ml 726 Husking Bed [2] Nl 2x40 Harvester Head [4] Nl 710 Combine Unit [3] Nl 2x40 Cornhead [3] Nl 713 & 711 Grain Head [2] Nl Uni Pickup Head f2l Nl 4x30 Cornhead Nl 702 Uni Tractor - gas - sharp [2] Nl 3x30 Cornhead Nl 702 Uni Tractor - diesel [2] Nl 3x40 Cornhead $895 [2] Nl 325 30” Picker -12 Roll & 8 Roll $3950 Nl 325 30” Sheller $2950 Nl #lOl x pull $1375 [3] Nl 8 roll mtd. $5OO l up Nl 3231 row pull $2500 [2] Nl #7l row pull $295 Nl 2x40" sheller $l9OO [2] Int. 234 2x mtd.-clean $2750 [2] Oliver «5 pickers 5875-$1275 Nl 3112x40 $2250 $3750 $6500 $6500 $6500 White - Pneumatic $3500 Clark 5000 lb. Pneumatic $2250 MF 204 workbull-side shift $5500 York-Baker - air tires - clean-6' forks-excel. $ 10,500 $l9OO $1750 $4900 $4500 $3795 Int. 3414 Diesel - poor condition $2900 Case 5808- clean -new paint -new tires $12,500 [2] Ford 4500 - POPS - loader only - Torque Conv. $6900 Case 33 Hoe Attachment-excellent $4250 JD2OIOD- cab -runs good -clean $5BOO Long 3-in-l - 500 hours $7250 [2] JDbackhoe attachment Sl5OO-52500 Sherman Backhoe Attachment $7OO Case 530 CK Diesel wrecked $2750 JD 500 B-1969 excellent - sharp $13,500 White-oliver-500 hours-like new-sharp POPS - $13,500 [2] Long 3 pt. Hoe Attach. $2750-$3450 Case 580 CK - clean $6750 [2] Case 5808 - Full Cab - 800 to 1200 hours $13,500 ARPS - 3 pt. - like new $2750 1978 Fontaine 42' drop deck $9850 New Horse Trailer for 2 horses $1875 1977 Delta Combine Trailer-44’ $ll,OOO Hay Trailer-40’ long-single axle $1250 cat 955 - Isold $4750 Int. 100 C $12,500 AC HD 6 w/npper $3250 CAT9SSKw/cab $19,500 JD 450 - clean -1970 $B5OO Case 450 Loader & Backhoe-1971-super clean $13,750 Case 1150 - w/npper - fair $5850 CAT 983-1971-75% UC-clean-cab-ripper-Rented $58,000 Case 350 w/4-m-l bucket-ciean-1973 $7500 Int 1508 powershift-clean $8250 JD 1010-clean $4BOO Int TD9 $2OOO MSED CABS CRAWLER DOZERS CRAWLER LOADERS Nights 717-866-7147 OR 717-273-9089 "FARM TRACTORS" $1350 $875 $675 $675 $895 $1350 ' JDA $875 JDG $875 jp B-New T ires $875 JD 720 Diesel $2850 [3] JD 830 2 cyl. Diesels $3500-$4OOO [2] JD 730 direct electric-one with WF $3OOO-$3250 JD 420 w/power steering $1450 JD 820 2 cyl. Diesel $2500 [2] JD 4020 Diesel WF - powershift $7500 [2] JD 3020 Diesel- 3 pt. $5750 & up JDD-2cyl $l5OO JD62O $1975 [2] FARMALL 560 D FH $2BOO-53000 FARMALL C w-ldr. $1750 [2] FARMALL Cub - plow-cult-clean $2275 FARMALL 130 - clean $2250 FARMALL Cub w-Woods rotary mower-hydraulic $2OOO FARMALL M w-loader $1375 FARMALL 350 Diesel $1275 FARMALL 140 w-sickle mower $1650 FARMALL Cub - brand new F.H.-Woods mower $3950 FARMALL 200-FH - plow - cqrnplanter - platform cutl. - mower FARMALL 1456 - clean 20.8x38 FARMALL 966 w/cab - 2000 hours FARMALL 12Qn ?ood condition-2900 hours-frt. & rear sBsoo FARMALL 1066 w/Cab, 1400 hours, excel. $13,750 FARMALL M w/New Idea 12 roll mtd. picker-clean $3500 [2] Ford 4500 w/loader-roll bars-counter weights $6900 [2] AC D2l w-duals $4900-57000 AC C w-cultivator $975 [2] AC G w-attachments $1250-$l5OO AC Dl5 w-loader & tamper $2600 AC 220 w-cab - clean $9OOO AC 190XT series 3 w-cab - sharp - WF $B5OO [2] AC Dl7 - gas - power steering $2250-$2750 AC WO w/3 bottom plow $1250 [2] Oliver 1655 G&D-WF-over under shift- clean OLIVER 16500 DEUTZ 9006 -WF- clean FORD 5000 4 WD - Diesel - new tires FORD 4000 - Diesel - try - clean FORD 8N • WF - 3 pt. FORD 5000 WF - gas original FORD 2110 w-loader-900 hrs.-like new-3 pt.-power steering $5900 [4] FORD 5000 - WF-PS-Diesels-1 w-loader $3500-$4850 FORD 9000-CAB-Dual power-WTS-needs engiir^Qip $8250 as Repaired MM GlOOO Diesel -WF $3500 MM G'9oo Diesel-WF $4500 [2] CASE 970-burned $lOOO-$l9OO [l2] [9] CASE 930 Diesels $1950-$4500 [2JJ3] CASE 1030 CK - clean-Sold One $3900-$6750 CASE 2470-CAB-air-3 pt.-2200 hrs.-23.1x30 tires-clean $19,500 $B5OO Straight Sale $5248 „ $5664 ' $6445 $6645 $4900 $6586 $7997 $8176 $10,566 MF 1130w/Duats LONG 360 -List $6592 LONG 460-List $7053 LONG 460 4WD - List $B3lB LONG 460 4WD - List $8570 LONG 560 DEMO - List $8594 LONG 560-Ust $8594 LONG 560 4WD - Ust $10,047 LONG 560 4WD - List $10,299 LONG 1100-List $12.569 Me 80 pull type-excellent MF 510 - quick tach-gas-priced to sell MF 300-No Cab int. 203 w/cab [2] MF 82 Nl 702 Diesel w-cab-combine & grain Nl 702 Uni Outfit-gas w-cab-sharp-combine & grain MF4lOw-cab MF 300 w-cab MF 300 cab-fire damage JD 30 pull type combine - auger feed AC Gleaner F-gas-cab-clean-4x30” corn or 4x40" AC Gleaner E 111-gas-cab-clean-2x40" corn [3] AC Gleaner E-cab JO 3300 Diesel-cab-350 hours-like new Int. 205 • cab AC Gleaner C 11-cab-4 row com JD 95 w-grain & 4-row corn - cab Extra Grain Heads available Int. 615-cab-brand new CORIMSHELLERS & GRINDERS [s] Int. 234 shelter units JD 227-237 sheller unite [3] MM E portable sheller [lo] Ml shelters & grinders for 2 row pull & mounted pickers Ottawa PTO portable sheller Sheller for Oliver 2X pull - like new [3] JD 43 Cornshellers - PTO OFFERS CONSIDERED COMBINES $3250 $lO,OOO $11,750 $5BOO-55750 $4500 $5900 $6900 $4700 $1475 $4900 $2OOO $B5OO $l5OO $1,500 $BOO each $lO,OOO $9OOO $6500 $5OOO $l5OO $775 $11,900 $6750 $3750-$5OOO $18,500 $2900 $7500 $3500 $15,000
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